Her Parents

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"We can go back. It's not too late." I gulp, turning to face Sakusa.

"Misaki...we're literally in front of your parent's house and it took a while to get here. It is too late." He chuckles.

I have a bad feeling. A really bad feeling- and I know this won't go well at all. I'll probably end up in tears by the end of this dinner.

I met with Sakusa's parents a week ago, and since then it's been hard to get my family together. They finally agreed on a date, and it just so happens to be just barely before Sakusa leaves for Italy.

"Please don't mind what they say, okay? I don't even want to stay for dinner. We can just introduce you, ask for their blessings and leave." I say quickly, the nervousness I should have felt a long time ago, now creeping up on me. "Sakusa, they're horrible people."

"Oh, I'm sure they're fine." He chuckles, knocking on the door.

Well, he'll be very much proven wrong within the next few minutes.

"This...isn't Takuya-Kun." My mother laughs awkwardly when she opens the door.

Seriously? That's the first thing she says?

"I am Sakusa Kiyoomi, it's a pleasure to meet you." Sakusa smiles, bowing. "I've brought you this." He holds out gift bag.

My mother stares at it for a moment before gingerly taking it from his hands.

"Thank you very much...uh, Sakusa-Kun." She bows her head.

I close my eyes for a moment before taking a deep breath. Can't she be more respectful? What the hell is wrong with old people these days?

We walk in, slipping off our shoes and walking to the dining room. Before Sakusa sits down I quickly grab both of our chairs and wipe them down with Clorox wipes I bought before we came here. I also wipe the table just in case.

"What? Not clean enough for you?" My father comes into the room. "And who's this?" His eyes glue to Sakusa.

"Sakusa Kiyoomi. It's a pleasure to meet you." Sakusa bows.

I almost giggle because how cute he is. Almost. Last night he stayed up and practiced saying variants of 'Hi, I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi. It's a pleasure to meet you.' And it was adorable.

"Geez, Misaki, you couldn't wait for Takuya so you got a filler?" My father grumbles, sitting down.

This comment doesn't seem to phase Sakusa, but it lights a fire in me. I sit down silently, my mother beginning to put food on the table. Sakusa sits by me, taking my hand in his.

"The party is here!" A voice booms through the house. My sister comes barging into the room and flashes a big smile when she sees us.


"Mei-Chan!" I chuckle, and she comes over to hug me from behind my chair.

"Sakusa-Chan!" Mei turns to him, bowing. He gives a small smile, bowing his head to her

"Where is Itsuki-Kun?" I ask as she sits down.

She looks at me like I'm crazy.

"With my husband, of course. You think I'd bring him here? My poor baby? Hell no." She scoffs and I huff out a breath. "And judging by your face, it's already started."

"I would like to see my grandson sometimes." My father raises his eyebrows.

We all go quiet. Mei probably doesn't want him to ever come here, and I don't blame her.

My mother finishes putting all the food on the table and we say our thanks before beginning to eat. Sakusa grabs my plate, putting food on it for me before getting some for himself.

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