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"Do you want to borrow at least a shirt of mine?" Sakusa asks as I walk back into the room freshly showered.

That's right, I literally came here with nothing.

"Uh, no. It's fine. I'm going home anyways so..." I trail off, beginning to put my previous clothes back on. The migraine I woke up with is killing me. And I feel so dizzy too.

He looks away from me as I dress, clearing his throat.

"Back home to...?" He questions, sitting down on the small couch chair.

"Korea." I answer. "Someone has already put an offer on my house. I'll go visit for a little bit just to sign the paperwork."

It's quiet again, and I turn around to face him.

"First you don't want to sleep in the same bed as me, then you don't want to wear my clothes, or even stay here." He chuckles a bit. "Why did you even come?" He asks quietly.

"Are...are you leaving me? Is this it?" He finally lifts his head to look at me. When I don't respond he gives me a small smile. "It's okay, I won't beg you to stay. If you're unhappy then you should go."

I can't do anything but stare at him. I'm trying so hard but I just can't.

"Come on, say something please."

The room is spinning. Gosh, I thought this had went away already.

"Misaki?" He stands up. "Hey, are you okay? You don't look we-"

"Ki-" I manage to get out. "yoomi."

Ah, I can feel my legs giving out on me.

"Misaki! Hey, baby wake up. Misaki wake up...."

My eyes roll to the back of my head as Sakusa's voice gets more distant and everything goes black.


Sakusa Kiyoomi

I stare at Misaki as I sit in the hospital chair beside her bed. My arms are crossed and I know my eyes are narrowed at her.

She woke up a few minutes ago, but we've been silent the entire time aside from the small 'Hi' she mumbled once she woke up.

I fucking noticed that she was thinner than the last time I had seen her, but I was taught never to point out someone's weight.

I should have fucking done it. I should have made her eat something when I first seen her too.

"Good afternoon!" A worker comes in, placing the small table thing connected to the bed in front of Misaki, putting various small bows of food on it.

"Afternoon." Misaki mumbles, sitting up.

"Make sure to eat it all, okay? You can't leave if you don't. If you can't stomach the heavier options that's fine. But at least the soup and other liquids." The lady smiles before walking out.

Misaki glances at the food before throwing me a worried look. She opens her mouth to say something but must have thought better of it as she closes it again.

"Hurry and eat." I demand, and she quickly takes one of the spoons into her hands and begins to eat the soup, blowing lightly on it before putting it into her mouth.

"Don't you have practice right now?" She mumbles without looking at me. "You should go. I can take care of myse-"

"Obviously you can't, Misaki. That's why you're fucking in here." I huff out a breath. She winces at my words, her shoulders slumping.

"Don't scold me. I'm already losing my appetite."

My eyes soften as I look at her. She passed out due to not eating enough. They also said she showed signs of being in a highly stressful environment.

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