Hunter Exam

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^ Up top is what they be wearing. They are
|| not that tall they are killuas and gons and. A little shorter than both. But his appearance is what he looks like

Azrail POV:

After a green jelly been thing gave me my number thing I just looked around. I guess I was in the exam area and there weren't that many people so I just sat in the corner were there weren't people. I was bored so I took out my switch and played some games I had on there for a while. Later a guy with the number 16 badge came over to me "Hey what's your name kid, my name is Tonpa." "It's none of your concern" "Why not? We can be friends I even brought juice for the occasion." He reached into his bag and grabbed two juice cans, holding one out to me. "Sure why not, but I'm not your friend." I said grabbing the juice and gulped it down in one go and going back to my switch. While the the Tonpa guy just looked at me surprised and slowly started to drink his.

"You can go now and I'm still not your friend" "O-Ok" He turned away and started to walk off "Hey also..." "Yes" he said turning back around. "Thanks for the laxative by the way. I guess this is not your first time taking the exam." "H-H-How do y-" he started saying. "As I said before none of your concern. Now leave me alone." He didn't say another word and just walked off looking scared.

(Ahhahahahhahahhahhhahahahahhahahaha. I just failed my test. It was my history test I got a 26 out of 42. NOW BACK TO THE STORY)

It looked like more people arrived so I just put my switch away and looked at the people around. My once none people space now has people in it. So I decided to get up from my corner and look around. After looking around and walking around for a few minutes. I spotted a clown looking person turn someone's arm into butterfly's. "DO IT AGAIN." I yelled laughing a little causing some heads to turn to me. I just shrugged and walked away pretending like nothing happened. Some guys walked over to me. I was just going to ask if they wanted something. Then a guy came over probably someone from the exam "Alright we are starting the exams if you want to leave before we start you can go." He paused.

No one left as expected because everyone wants to become a hunter. To be honest I'm doing it for the games. At home there is nothing fun to do so I went to do the hunter exams for fun. I don't see what the big deal is. "Well then all you have to do is follow me to the second part of the exam." "Really that is all we have to do that's easy." The guy started to walk everyone began following him then he bag an speeding up than he began running.

~After a little bit of running~

A lot of people were lagging behind and a few were stopping. We were about 20k in and some guy who I saw earlier with a golden hair and green hair kid started yelling at someone. It was a white hair kid riding on a skateboard I think. Hmmmmm not that interesting but I'm bored and want to do something. So I slowed down and ran up behind the guy yelling and jumped over the guys head making him fall. "WHAT THE HELL" I slowed down and laughed out loud almost falling. "What it's just a game and plus the yelling was annoying" The other looked confused when I said game. "What do you mean game" asked the boy with the green hair. I turned around running backwards. "It's what I said a game you all can play if you want to. It's simple the rules are the first person to fall or die loses. It's simple you can make your opponents fall or help someone kill them. The one thing you can't do is kill your opponent and those are the rules." All looked at me weird except that white haired kid. I ran over to the white hair kid. "Hey you look like a snowball so I'll call you snowball." I said to the white hair kid while the guy with the glasses started yelling at me because of the rules of the game.

"My name is not snowball my name is Killua" "ok ok snowball" Before he could say anything else I ran behind the glasses man. "So what's your name all of you since we are playing a game together" "Why d-" "Well my names Gon and that's Kurapika" he said pointing at the golden hair boy. "And that's Leorer" Pointing at glasses guy. "What the hell Gon who said we were playing the game." "Well it sounds fun" said killua. "Well he said it was fun so you guys are playing. Last one to fall or die wins. Remember once someone is out they lose and last person standing wins. Have fun and the games begin now" "Hey wait what's your name? If we are going to play with you at least let us know your name." Kurapika said. "Ya he's right you know" "Well I guess he is right. My name is Azrail." I started running up front. Not waiting to hear a response.

Killua's POV:
Wait why does that name seem so familiar?

~ Just to let you know killua got off his skateboard~

Azrail POV:
I started to run up to the front fast with out breaking a sweat or getting tired. I'm guessing we ran a mile or two. I started running right behind the leader. I guess having an assassin family has its perks. I started to get bored so I took out my switch and saw that my favorite game had an update so I updated it and played something else while it updated.

~hour later~

We got to a stair way so I guess the first part is close to being done. The person leading us went straight up the stairs so I followed behind him. The stairs were long but I stayed behind the instructor. It was a little fun but that's only because my game finished downloading and I started to play it while I went up the stairs. After we got to the end I found a place to sit and play my switch. A few moments later Gon and Killua came running out saying one finished before the other.

~Well that's all I'm going to write now but I'll try and write more today or tomorrow and it was all 1000 words any way backstory will be with next chapter. See you later people~

Killua x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now