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Sorry for such the long wait I was writing this for a while but I got writers block and when I was getting back on track writing the story I had to go on a trip and then I lost my ideas. Now after a couple of months I'm now at home doing a covid stay at home thing for school because I got sick and now I'm at home until I get my covid test results back. Don't worry I don't have covid I just have a reaction from medication that I'm on.

This is going to be a short on. Sorry that it won't be as long as the others. On to the story.

                                                                             Azrail POV:

I open my eyes slowly, looking up and around the room, seeing that I was in a different room than the training room. It looked like I was in a sound proof room but why. My head was pounding. I tried to pull my hands up to my head but I couldn't move them. I looked down and I was tied to a chair. I try to get my arms free but I couldn't get them free.

"I see your awake... You know you gave mom and dad quite the trouble getting you back here. You know that right?" ??? said.

I heard a door open form behind me. "Oh sweet little Azrail, how could you do this to me and the family." "What are you talking about Ciel. I didn't leave you guys I just simply walked out and never came back." I argued back.

"Oh your so funny." Ciel laughs while walking out of a dark corner. I looked over to where he was at but didn't look up. "Why don't you look at me Azrail. Didn't you miss your big brother Azrail."

"To be honest I really didn't miss you. You were the person that I missed the least." I said finally while looking into his eyes with a smirk.

"You know you really get on my nerves. I don't get why your the favorite child of the family." Ciel said while walking behind me.

"It's because I'm the successor you know. I'm just more important." I said trying to find out where I am. I guess I don't really look where I am sometimes. I don't hear a response from Ciel but I hear a door open from behind me.

After a minute or two I hear Ciel start to talk again but he wasn't in the room. He was in another room but what was he trying to do. Then I remember what happened earlier. My eyes widened while I looked at the ground.

I was in deep trouble.......

"Did you just realize what was happening. This is why you don't deserve to be the successor." Ciel said then I could hear that he pressed a button then everything went quiet and dark.

"hello......hello........ HELLO"

Killua pov:
We were getting close to the Ozark house but there was a huge problem. There was people everywhere and I don't just mean a few security guards I mean guards everywhere. With all the people it might be difficult but it will probably be difficult with the others following me. I could probably get away from the others but not Gon and I know he'll want to help get Azrail.

This was going to be a nightmare with all of them tagging along.

This is all right now I'll post something tomorrow I promise because will have to do pe stuff and I'll do it while exercising so ya. Sorry about everything but I promise to do another chapter tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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