Hunter Exam part 2

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I don't know why I added a song but ya you can listen to it if you want. I just put it there because I like the song. Like I said Azrail's backstory will be in this chapter. I honestly pronounce his name as Az-re-el. I don't know if this is important so anyway on to the story. And sorry for making the last one short. I had to do stuff and I wanted something for you guys to read. Sorry this is long now to the story we go.
Azrail POV:

I just ignored them going back to playing my game. After a while the instructor said it was time to move on. The door started to close and there was a guy coming up the stairs close to the door telling the instructor to wait. The door closed before the guy got to it. I just giggled a little cause a few heads to turn to me. A few gave me a mean look. I don't see what's the problem the guy was slow.

"Ok then, this forest is home to monsters that lure unfortunate people that trust them. Then they eat them. All you have to do is stick with me and make it to the second point." "Wait we aren't to the second part still!?!" Shouted some random guy. I honestly don't see the problem with running I had to run a lot when I was a kid.

Just then a guy came out of the woods. "Wait that guy is an imposter. He's not the instructor, I am he is just trying to lead you to your death." Really who is this guy. Even if he is right he would have been at the start and would not have been here. "Well let's test that theory" the clown guy said. He threw card at the person, then he went poof and turned into a monkey. I think I honestly don't know.

"Hisoka that was not exceptional. If you do that again I will have to eliminate you from competing in this Hunter exam." The instructor warned. Hisoka that's the clown guys name. I got up from my spot and put my switch away.

"Now will everyone follow me now and keep up or you will be eaten. If you get lost the hunter comity will not come and find you so keep up." A few people looked worried. Well some people might get lost and probably the dumb ones might get killed. Not my problem, I just came here for the fun that this exam could bring.

The instructor started running so we followed him. After a while we got to the second stage. It looks none foggy I guess you would say that. "All right this is the second part of the exam now I'll pass you on to your next exam instructors"

(It's raining right now and I'm so happy. I love the rain it's so nice and it's even better to sleep while it's raining. For some reason I go right to sleep when it rains at night) Back to the story

"Hello we are your instructors. I'm Menchi" The women said. "And I'm Buhara." The man said. "We are gorma hunters." "Hahahaha that's so funny gorma pro hunters that's the funniest thing I have ever heard." A random guy said laughing. Suddenly Menchi walked over to the guy and punched him sending him flying. "That shits funny" I laughing out loud. I could feel the instructors looking at me and the contestants too. I just smirked, looked down then blushed in embarrassment. 'Seem like a person that wouldn't get embarrassed easily but I'm an assassin and I was raised to not get attention."

Flashback of 6 year old Azrail:
3rd POV:

"Hey Mother can I go out to the town near and make some friends." "WHAT NO! YOU ARE NOT STEPPING ONE FOOT OUT OF THIS ESTATE!" "Why mother I finished my training for a few hours and I want someone to play with-" SLAP Silence was all that was heard after the slap. "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANOTHER WORD FROM YOU. NOW GO SEE YOUR FATHER HE'LL DEAL WITH YOU. NEVER TALK BACK TO ME. LISTEN TO ME NO ONE I MEAN WILL WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU EVER." "Yes mother, I understand. I'll go see father now."

~Time skip to his fathers room~

Knock knock
"Yes come in."  "Hello father mo-" he said while opening the door. "Yes I know you were coming your mother told me you were coming and what you did. She is right about that you know no one will want to be near you let alone talk to you. You were brought into this world to carry out the family business of being an assassin and taking over this establishment after I pass. You shouldn't even be out of training right now." "I understand father and the only reason I'm out of training is because I'm finished with it" "Is that so" Azrail's father said looking up from his paperwork to look at Azrail. "If that is you need more training" "yes father" "Now leave I no longer need you in here"

End of flashback
Azrail POV:
I guess the time I was spaced out they gave the instructions on what to do. I think I heard a little bit of instructions like the important parts. All I heard was pig and cook it right to pass. Then my body went to auto pilot and went to go find a pig. I get to the forest and see everyone looking around then there was screaming from someone. I thinks it's leorio because I did hear him scream before and it sounds familiar. Jumping up to the trees and going the way I heard the screams seeing Gon, the snowball, Leorio, and Kurapika run from a pig that looked huge. Well I need a pig so let's kill it then. Waiting till the pig got under the branch I was on I waited. When it finally came underneath the branch I rode it like a bull.

3rd POV:

"What the hell where did you come from!?" Yelled Leorio. "THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!" Yelled Azrail. Just then the pig bucked Azrail off it's back throwing him to a tree. "Azrail!" Gon yelled running over to him. "Are you ok!?" Asked Kurapika going to crouch down and see if Azrail was injured from the incident. Then Azrail held up his hand to stop him from going down. "I'm fine, I'm just getting started" Azrail said while getting up and walking to find the pig who bucked him off. "What the hell? He should at least not be able to get up that fast." Killua said curious. They started to follow Azrail then he just stopped. They were going to say something but then Azrail suddenly shouted "Damn it. I lost the game." "What do you mean that you lost the game? What game are you talking about?" Asked Leorio. "Really you forgot the game I said we were playing. You seriously forgot. Well if you remember I said first person to fall down or die loses. Well I guess I lost and you guys win." Azrail started to run going off to find the pig that bucked him off. He started to run faster than everyone and got split off. After running for a few minutes he finally found the pig and gave it and old chop on the head killing it. He then picked it up and carried it back to the area and began cooking it.

~Time skip where they all fail and are on the mountain and after Menchi's demonstration of how to get an egg~

And this is a cliffhanger because I'm on a walk and I'm marking another chapter and I don't want each chapter to it be too long and I'm trying to get three chapters out in one day

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