Hunter Exam part 3

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Recap in my words:
Everyone failed the second test. The chairman for the Hunter exam came down and ask why they were failed. Stuff went on about how they failed. Then the chairman was like show them the excitement and dangers of being a gorma hunter. Then they went to an airship to go to a mountain too thing with a area with eggs.

~After Menchi's demonstration of how to get an egg~

Azrail POV:

Yes finally something fun. I started jumping up and down clapping. People started looking at me. Causing me to stop and blush in embarrassment. After that incident a few people jumped off and they well they died. I looked over and saw what I guess you could call maybe friends. I don't know what to call them. Anyway Gon looked like he had a plan and he whispered something to the others. I honestly didn't care what they are talking about. When Menchi went down I noticed that area had an up drift. It went every minute or so now I just have to wait at least 40 seconds. When I looked over at to my right to see if the others figured it out.

I didn't see them until I looked down. Well one of them figured it out. I don't care who but it's 10 seconds and it would take me 8 to get down. So not a second to late or earlier. So I stood at the edge and fell backwards. The faces of the people that watched me fall was priceless. I saw Killua's face and he looked... cute. I- I- I shouldn't say that, as my father said no one would want to be my friend. When I was at the eggs level I grabbed one and fell more.

Then the draft came in time as expected. I had fun with that more fun that the pig incident.

~Time skip to when they are on the airship~

3rd POV:

The airship will be arriving at 8 a.m. at are destination
I was dark outside and Azrail didn't feel like sleeping so he decided to walk around the ship. He spotted some place that looked like a good spot to look around at the ground. So he stayed there for a while looking at the ground in amazement.

After a while he heard Killua and Gon coming towards him. When Gon saw Azrail he ran up to him "Hey Azrail what are you doing?" "I'm just sitting here watching the view." Gon walked over to the window and looked out. "Wow it looks like a city covered in jewels" Killua walked over and looked out the window. "Ya is does Gon."

"So what is your family like Gon?" Asked Killua. "Well I live with my aunt Mito and my grandma. They are pretty nice. What about you guys?" "Well we are all assassins so I guess my home life is ok." Killua said looking at the other two. "WAIT REALLY, that's so cool that your family are assassins." Azrail said. "Ya I agree that's so cool." Gon agreed.

"Well you guys take it more seriously than others. They usually laugh because they can't tell if I'm lying or yelling the truth." Killua said while looking out the window. "Well what's your family life like Azrail." "Well mine is ok I guess." He said without looking at the other two. "Well that's not what I was expecting." Said Gon. Before anyone else could say anything something happened.

They heard something to the right and saw there was nothing there then they looked to the left and there was the head chairman. "Weren't you over there just a second ago?" asked Killua. "I have no idea what you mean." Said the chairman.

"I thought you were over there." Gon said pointing to the right. "No I think you are mistaken. "No he's rights you were just over there." Killua said. "Well instead of arguing let's play a game." Said the chairman

Sorry guys this one is really short. I will try and post another chapter tomorrow. Sorry bits been slow I got long nails and they suck at typing. I'm also getting them off toady so ya. Sorry about the updating being slow. Thanks for everyone who reads my story.

Killua x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now