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Ummmmm.... It's been a while. Sorry about the long wait. I have lost my password for my account and I was trying to get it back for a while. 😀 I could not get it for my life and now on to the chapter. I also had 3 root beers so I have a problem. But does that matter nooooooooooooooooo... Oh ya and I'm not dead so that's a thing. Anyway thanks for so many reads. I really appreciate it😁

Also the heir to the Ozark family is the strongest in the family except for the head of the family. Also also for the person that asked who was top and bottom in this for Azrail and Killua I honestly don't know but you guys chose what you want to see.

Valentine's POV: (ha bet you would never see that)
"Why does Azrail have to go and do such a thing like this. Mother and father were worried about him." I said speaking to the butler driving the car. "Yes Miss." The butler replied back. I just started to play with Azrails hair.

We have been in the car for hours and it was getting quite boring in the car. We can't go by airship because are estate is only accessible by car. "Why couldn't daddy make the estate accessible by airship" I asked the butler. "Well Miss it's because your father has many enemies so he doesn't allow airship over the entire estate or near it in case of an attack to keep the village and the families entire area safe." "Well I don't care daddy should make it accessible by airship be-" Before I could finish what I was going to say Azrail work up.

Azrail Pov:
I woke up with my head in someone's lap and they were stroking my hair. I get up to a sitting position and rub my eyes trying to remember where I am.

I blink a few times the look around. I look around and spot Valentine. I move far away from her. Well as far as I could. "What the hell am I doing here?!"

"Oh isn't if clear? Father and mother wants you home. Plus they are mad you let Chim-Chi out of the estate area." Valentine said rather sweetly.

I rolled my eyes at her and noticed we were pulling up to the estate. My eyes widened and I went to grab the handle for the car door. I tried to open the door but it would not budge.

"That is not going to work. I had the doors locked when we started driving." Said Valentine with a smirk on her face.

I looked outside seeing that we are pulling up to the main house of the state. I look back at her with fear in my eyes and all I can see was her smirk at me.

The car stops and the butler gets out and goes to Valentines side, let's her out and walks over to my side and let's me out. (Also the Ozark estate is like Killuas estate but much bigger.)

3rd POV:

All the Ozark kids are outside and their mother. Valentine walked towards her mother then whispered something to her as Azrail got out. "Yamato grab you brother your father wants him." Their mother said then turned around and walked inside.

Azrail eyes widened in fear remembering the last time he got in a lot of trouble. The punishment that was given to him. He froze the whole time even Yamato grabbed him by his arm and dragged him to his fathers office.

(If y'all want to know the backstory of what Azrail did and his punishment for that time just ask I'll do a backstory of it)

Yamato threw Azrail to the ground in their fathers office. Azrail didn't make a move to get up. "It seems you came back." Azrails father said. Azrail looked up and saw his father in front of his desk staring at him.

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