Hunter exam part 5

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I- I just looked at how many reads I have and voted and I want to say thank you all so much I'm so happy

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I- I just looked at how many reads I have and voted and I want to say thank you all so much I'm so happy. I started this at least a month at most ago and I was here thinking I would not even get a read. I can't tank all of you enough. Thank you all and sorry for not posting for a little school has been a bitch to me and ya but here's a long chapter. I am having coffee at like 6 at night and I feel like I can go on for hours. Tbh when I get a notification on someone voting on my story I get all squealing. Sorry I haven't been posting homework has been a bitch. Also outfit change the hair color is still brown but that's what azrail is wearing with pants. Then let's say he has a little backpack too like Gons but smaller and black.

Azrail POV:

We stood on top of a tall platform or something and when I say it's tall it's tall. The  chairman walked back on to the air ship and took off not explaining the third exam. Then someone over a speaker was talking about how he was the third examiner for the third part of the exam. He said we have 72 hours to get down the tower.

"Well this is easy for me." A man said with his fist raised. "What do you mean?" Gon asked curiously. "Well it's easy for me because I'm an expert climber. So I'll get down in no time." The man replied back starting to climb down. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I said before anyone could reply a huge bird looking thing came and ate the man.

"What the hell was that?!" Asked Leorio panicked. "I don't know but it looks like we can't get down climbing." Killua said while looking at Leorio. "Well let's find a way to get down then." Gon said to everyone. Then they all split up and walked off in different ways.

'Wow, I forgot that this place had those bird things.' Yes even though my parents never let me go out somewhere they dragged me along to business meetings everywhere. I don't see why they never let me go anywhere that's not with them or for a business meeting. I did go here once and let's say the warden is weird.

"Well let's find some way down." I said to myself quietly. I started walking around then I fell through something. 'Wtf happened and where am I?' I thought looking around confused. "This is a one person test to get to the bottom." Someone said through the speaker. I think it's the warden.

Then the door opened and a door opened in the room. 'I guess I have to walk through.' I walked through and then the guy on the speaker started to explain my test. I toned out his voice while I continued to walked down a hallway. Then he said something about this being a maze.

'Oh interesting a maze I love mazes.' I saw something down the hall which I guess it was the start of the maze. I stared to run down the hallway. When I got to the end their was a watch or something. 'I guess it's for how mush time I have left. Well then let's get started then.' I thought to myself, putting the watch on.

Killua x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now