Hunter Exam part 4

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Outfit change. They are wearing what's up top. I will change the outfit when ever I want. The song is just something I put. Ngl it's 6:50 am for me and I'm just listening to music and having my lights go rainbow really fast and I'm just chilling.

(This is a short POV) 3rd POV:

"What kind of game?" Asked Gon. They were walking following the chairman to a different part of the ship. "Well it's a game where you have to take the ball away from me and I have to keep it away from you. It's easy and if you do it before we reach the third part of the exam I will make all three of you full fledge hunters. How does that sound?" He finished saying as he came to a stop. The three looked around seeing that they were in a gym. The chairman took off his coat and started stretching. Gon and Killua followed his lead, taking off their jackets and stretching, while Azrail sat on the side.

He pulled out some headphones, connected them to his phone, and put music on. (It can be what ever type of music you like. I have a play list on Spotify called ✨The weeee Hour✨. If you want to listen to songs I listen to) "Well you have until we land at are destination." The chairman said.

Azrail POV:

I was watching Killua go first he started to walk slow and in the same rhythm. Then there was multiple of him walking around. I have to admit that was cool. I think I have seen my father do it a few times but I have never seen anyone else do it. Honestly I have not seen anyone else for most of my life I have only seen my family.

I was looking closely at the killuas and there was one different one moving a little different. Then the different one attacked the chairman. I guess that's the real Killua, the chairman dodged the attack but it did look like he was distracted. "Killua tag me in, tag me in." Gon said shouting. Then like Gon said Killua raged him in. I just started to lost interest. I guess I'm not that interested in Gon just more of Killua.

I just turned my music up and put my head back against the wall and closed my eyes. After a while I heard someone say "Owwwww" I opened my eyes and looked up seeing Gon on the floor while Killua was yelling at him.

'Why not try to get the ball myself' as I thought that to myself i saw Killua walk off. I looked away and walked to the chairman. "Hey Azrail didn't you hear what I just said. You can't get the ball." "Sorry I didn't hear a word you said plus this looks fun and I want to try. Gin if you would please tag me in." "Ok sure why not. I want to see if you can try to get him to use his-" he said while tagging me in.

""Oh I know I can get him to use at least one of them." I said cutting him off. I glanced back at Killua he stood at the door way looking interested. I turned my music up full volume to not hear anyone. Then I threw my phone to the side.

I saw people talk probably how loud my music was but I don't care. I just need to keep focus on the target and the ball. I walked over to the chairman but still keeping my distance. I took a deep breath and started walking in a rhythmic pattern like Killua did to make the copies.

I tried copying Killua and it seemed to be working. There were many copies of myself going in the same now to see if I can move while keeping the same rhythm. I started walking forward looking around to see if the copies did too. They started to walk forward as well. I giggled a little because this is my first try and I did it.

Now to get the ball. I ran the rest of the way forward. I jumped up while the chairman took that as a chance to go down. While in mid-air I went to the floor sweeping him off his feet to the right side. Causing him to switch the ball to his left hand and using his right hand to push off the floor and get back on his feet.

"Well got his right hand" I said not looking to the others keeping my eyes on the chairman. 'Now it's time to get him to use his left leg' I stood back up quickly wasting no time to make up a plan I headed straight for the chairman. 'All I have to do is get his right leg and I win'

I jumped up to the ceiling and to the floor over my no and over again going faster and faster each time. I bounced all over the place probably looking like a blur. After a few moments of bouncing I went for an attack at the chairman. I drew my arm back getting ready for a punch but the chairman moved out of the way just in time.

It caused me to punch the ground. I held my fist. Seeing Killua and Gon walk over to me. "OWW OWWW MOTHER FU-" Then I felt a slap on my head. I turned to look who it was and it was apparently Killua who slapped me. Then it looked like he was talking, I then pointed to my headphones. Then I pulled them out, "What's the problem?" I asked still holding my hand.

"Don't say that with him there." Killua said pointing at Gon. "But he's probably heard it before." I argued back. "I probably heard what?" Gon asked. "Never mind I'm going to sleep." I said getting up a, grabbing my phone off the floor, turning off my music, and walking off.

I don't know where I was heading but I went to the front of the airship. I honestly wasn't tired but I didn't want to get a lecture from Killua. I found a place near a big window with a big ledge for me to sit on.

~few minutes later~

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around seeing Killua so I take my earphones out I asked "what do you want?" "Thought you were going to bed." "No, I wasn't tired. What about you?" "No I'm not tired." "Well then instead of standing there want to sit with me and listen to music? If you're not tired." "Eh sure why not. I'm probably not going to sleep for a while." "Well ok then get over here and sit, then pig this in your ear." I said holding an earbud out to him.

He sat down next to me taking the earbud and put it in his ear. He leaned over to me and whispered to me "You aren't that mean looking you know. You actually look a softer than you act." That comment caused me to blush from embarrassment.

After that it was silent so I just closed my eyes and leaned on Killua. I probably fell asleep because a little after I closed my eyes all I saw was darkness cover my vision.

Finally a Killua POV:

I felt something on my shoulder causing me to look over seeing Azrail asleep. 'He said he was not sleepy but I guess he was. He looked kind of cute I guess. I honestly don't know why I think that. But I'm a little tired' I laid my head down in Azrails head. 'God I need to wake up early so this doesn't give people the wrong idea.'

Fourth chapter is finished it's around 900 or 1000 words with no extra stuff. This honestly took me all day through the entire chapter it started early in the morning and went to 8:00 at night. I'll try to make another chapter tomorrow and if it doesn't get out by tomorrow it will be out the next day.

Killua x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now