Hunter Exam part 6

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Oh my god... You guys are the best. I'm still astonished by how many reads and votes I got on this book. You guys are the best. Now let's get onto the story.

~Time skip to the day the exam is going to end~
Azrail POV:

I have been in the same tree for a few days now and only going down to do necessary things. I see people arrive and stay near the starting area. 'I guess they got their badges or they want to find the person who has the number they need. I haven't seen anyone come after me and I the people around me or below me don't know I'm above them.

It was dawn right now and I was getting bored from not doing anything. 'Well I guess I got to do something because I would lose my mind from boredom.' I got up from the branch on the top of the tree and started to climb down until I was about 2 branches from the bottom.

I looked around and spotted a familiar green haired boy. I started to jump over from branch to branch to the boy. The closer I came to the boy, I saw other people with him. I dropped down right beside Gon and asked him what he was doing.

"Oh hey, we are just waiting till the exam ends." Gon replied back. Then Leorio came up behind us. "Hey do you guys know where number 296 (I forgot the women's number) is?" "No" they all replied. "Is she the chemical women?" I asked. "Ya she is how did you know." Leorio asked back to me.

"I've saw the women while walking around on the first day here." I said back. "Do you know where she is?" Gon asked. "I believe she went east towards a cave I think." I said out loud thinking. "Ok then I'm going to go cause I only have till sunset to get her." Said Leorio starting to crouch walk away. "Wait we will go with you." Gon said getting up and going after him while grabbing me and Killua.

After being dragged for a little in silence Gon let me and Killua go then Killua spoke up. "Why do I  have to go along I never agreed to this." Gon faced him while waking backwards. "It's because we are Leorios friends and friends help each other." "Ok fine, but where are we going anyway." Killua said looking at me.

"Oh right we just walk at least a few more minutes in this direction and we are there." I said back. "Ok, but when we get there you guys stay outside until I come back out." Leorio said to the three of us. "No we are coming in with you." Gon said back at him.

"No because I don't know if it's dangerous and I don't want you guys to get hurt." Leorio said in a calm manner. "No, we will go with you." Gon argued back. "If you want just wait outside for thirty minutes and if I'm not back come in and get me." "Ok that sounds good" Gon said in victory. I just rolled my eyes at their stupidity.

During all that arguing we managed to reach the cave where I saw the women heading. "Ok you stay here and if I'm not back in thirty minutes come and get me." Leorio said to the three of us before going into the cave.

'It has been I think it's been two minutes now and no noise has come from the cave.' I thought to myself. Then there was yelling and Gons head perked up and he looked at the cave and ran. Then Killua ran after him while I just looked at them confused still sitting.

"What the hell is happening in there?" I asked myself out loud while looking confused at the cave. "Well even if he said thirty minutes to wait he didn't say we couldn't go in if he was in trouble." I got up from my spot and walked over to the cave and stopped in front of it. I looked at the tunnel and just stared at the blackness that was in there.

Killua x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now