Chapter 30: Love

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It's a little after midnight, and I was sitting in the Gryfinndoor common room, rummaging through the notes I've gotten, and I took out the new letter I got. I open it up, and scan over the one worded letter. 'Whore. Can't wait for the day Fred realizes it.'

I feel my throat close up, and I look at all the letters. There were about three different handwritings, two out of the three are neat so most likely two women and a guy. I just need to narrow it down to 3 people out of all of the students in Hogwarts.

I hear the entrance door open and my eyes widen. I missed astrology, and now all of the Gryfindoors six years are coming back. I heard the footsteps of my fellow students, and I rushed putting the notes and letters back into my bookbag. "Hey darling," Fred says, jumping over the couch, throwing his arm around me.

"Where were you?" Lee asks.

"We had to tell Professor Sinistra you were sick in the hospital wing," George adds.

"I wanted to take a nap before class, and slept in. Been here waiting for you guys," I lied.

"Then, what's the bag for?" Lee points out.

"Just catching up in Potions homework," I say. "You know how Snape is." All of them nod their heads in agreement. We ended up talking for a little bit, until we all got tired, and decided to go to bed.

Since I have been staying in the boy's dorm room for a week now, I've ended up just having a fraction of my clothes there. So we ended up going to sleep, and lucky me, I have a study period so I can sleep in. The boys aren't so lucky, since they have an early detention for breaking their telescopes trying to put a firework inside of it.

The next day, I woke up by myself in their room, since they were already at detention. I got up, and grabbed my robe I wanted to wear today. I went into the bathroom, and started to do my hair. I hear the dorm door open and Fred saying, "hey, darling? Where are you?"

"In the bathroom doing my hair, why?" I ask while brushing my hair.

"Is it alright if I copy your homework answers from Snape. I didn't have time to do it," he asks, and I shake my head holding back a laugh.

"I don't know. I kinda want to see you get yelled at by Snape," I say, jokingly. The letters are in my bookbag. "It's in my backpack. I'll get it." I walk out of the bathroom, about to go to my bag, but Fred gets their first.

"It's alright I got it," he says, and goes in my backpack. I wished that he just pulled out the textbook, yet he pulled out a handful of notes. "What are these? Love letters?" he asks, sarcastically.

"Something like that," I say, and I try to grab them, but he holds them out of my reach. Stupid tall person. He starts to pick one, opening them.

"Let's see what they say," he says, like they were going to be funny or some type of joke. He takes one, smiling, and says, "This one says 'bitch'." His smile fades, and I sit down back on my bed, knowing this isn't going to end the way I want. He continues opening some of them, reading them out loud, growing more upset and angry every note he reads.

Tears are pricking my eyes. Reality hit me. I guess someone else reading them made it real, and made it hurt more seeing how it's hurting Fred. "When did this start?" Fred asks, holding up the multiple notes in his hand. I don't answer, and he repeats himself more firmly, "When did this start?"

"Wednesday," I say, and it was now Tuesday of the next week.

"Who said this to you?" he asks.

"Don't you think if I knew I would have done something about it," I say, and tears start to stream down my face. Fred sees this, and softens up. He sighs, and sits down next to me on the bed.

"You know you could have told me," he says, grabbing my hand and interlacing it with his. I lean into his touch, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I didn't think it was going to get this bad. I thought it was going to be one and done," I say, voice cracking. "I didn't want you to worry about something that isn't something to worry about."

"If somethings going on with you, I want to know. It's scary how much I care about you darling," he says softly. "Plus whoever these people are, I'm going to kill them."

I chuckle slightly and say, "I'm sure you will. But can you please just let it go. Don't make it a bigger deal then it is."

"Don't you want to know who it is?" he asks, and I shake my head.

"I've been through worse than people calling me names," I say, wiping the tears off my cheeks. I stand up, going to my bookbag, and hand him the Potions of homework he needed. "Here."

Fred gets up, and says, "are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, I promise," I say. He cups my cheeks kissing me lightly, treating me like the most precious thing to him.

"I love you, y/n," he whispers and my eyes widen. Did he just... His eyes widen as well, like he didn't mean to say that. "Wow, I just said that... But I mean it, I love you. It's okay if you don't feel-"

"I love you too, Freddie," I say, and he smiles. He starts kissing me repeatedly, saying '' in between each kiss, making me giggle. "We better get to Potions if we don't want to be late."

He kisses me one last time before grabbing his stuff, and I grab mine, and we walk hand in hand to Potions. I could see Fred walking a little taller than usual as if he was trying to scare everyone away. God I love him.

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