Chapter 14: The First Task

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It was soon November 24, and I was worried for Harry and Cedric. Dragon's are not the friendliest beast, and this is the easiest task. I'm just glad Lee and the twins aren't in it. I was about to go to the great hall for lunch, when I was pulled by the arm by Cedric.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask, and he looks worried.

"You know how the first task is today?" Cedric says, and I chuckle slightly.

"No, only the whole school is talking about it," I say.

"Right, sorry," Cedric says. "Well, Harry told me that there were going to be dragon's in the task, and how they were going to guard a golden egg that holds a hint to the next task. I was going to use a transfiguration spell to distract the dragon, but I can't get it down, can you help me?"

Cedric's eyes were pleading, and even though I think I could hear my stomach growling, I agree. We went to the Hufflepuff common room, since everyone was in the great hall, and practiced until he could get it down.

Lunch was over, and now it was time for the first task. I walked Cedric to the waiting tent, and ironically found Hermione there to meet Harry. "Were you able to get Ron and Harry talking?" I asked her, knowing she was struggling with that.

"No, and it's exhausting," she says.

"Don't worry they will warm up to each other soon enough," Cedric says, and walks into the tent.

"I see you, getting with Cedric. But I'll admit, I thought you like Fred," Hermione says.

"One, I'm not getting it with Cedric, and two I don't like Fred," I say, and roll my eyes. "Tell Harry I said goodluck." She nods, and I hug her, then go into the stands. I soon got there, and met with Fred, George and Lee.

"Where were you?" Fred says, as I stand next to him, with George on his other side and Lee on my other side.

"I was helping Cedric with a spell," I say, and George and Lee go OOOO. "Oh shut it, nothing happened." We waited a couple of minutes, wasting time by chattering, until we were interrupted by a cannon going off.

"Our first champion is Cedric Diggory!" the Dumbledore announced. Everyone started chanting 'Diggory' and we watched him walk out and face the dragon. He then uses the transfiguration charm to change a rock into a dog, and I clapped for him, happy he did the spell correctly.

The dragon ran to the dog while Cedric ran to the golden egg. He was half way through when the dragon looked back to Cedric. "Cedric, look out!" I yell. He looked back at the dragon, and the dragon sent fire towards him, burning his face slightly.

Cedric yells out in pain, but continues to run, and he finally gets the egg, and I sigh in relief. Fluer went next, and then Krum after her, and they both successfully got the egg. It was now Harry's turn and we chanted his name as he walked out.

The dragon used it's spiky tail and tried to hit Harry multiple times. Everytime he swung his tail, it was closer to hitting Harry, and we all cringed watching it. Harry then uses the Firebolt spell to summon his broom.

He hopped on, just missing the dragon's fire blast, but the dragon broke loose. Harry flew out of our eyesight, along with the dragon. "Yes! Well done dragon!" Fred yelled, and I slapped his chest. "What?" he asks, acting all innocent.

The whole crowd was silent, waiting for Harry to hopefully come back and get the egg. And that's exactly what he did. He came back, flying on his broomstick and scooping up the golden egg. We all cheer for him, and I'm thanking everyone he isn't dead. Now I just need to check up on Cedric.

I ran out of the stands, and back to the waiting tent to find Cedric looking in the mirror at his raw and blistered face. "Oh my Merlin," I say, and runs to his side. I move his chin to the side, taking full view of his face. "We need to get you to the hospital wing before these scars," I say.

"Hey," Cedric says, taking my hand off his face. "Thank you so much for the help with the spell. Without you, this could have gone a lot worse." I smile, and embrace him in a hug, feeling guilty if he did die.

Then I hear a snap of a camera, and I get out of his arms. "The love is in the air today," Rita Skeeter says, as her pen writes behind her. "The chosen one and the Hogwarts champions both are lucky in love."

"What?" Cedric and I both say at the same time. "W-we are just friends," I say, knowing that this is going to be on the front cover of her idiotic magazine.

"That hug says otherwise," she says. I scoff, and walk out of the tent, and take Cedric to the hospital wing.

A/N: I know this kinda seems like a Cedric fan fiction or a love triangle, but it's not I promise, this will lead into something soon.

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