Chapter 12: The Champions

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The next week finally arrived and we were all in the Great Hall, including the other schools to announce the champions for the triwizard tournament. It was quite packed, since they had to make a lot of room for the goblet of fire.

"Sit down please! And now the moment you've been waiting for, the champions selection," Dumbledore announced, and we all sat down at the tables eager to hear the champions. I sat down next to Lee, while Fred and George were across from us, but facing the other direction.

Dumbledore approaches the goblet of fire, and the blue flame turns red, shooting out a piece of parchment with the first champion's name. "The Durmstrang champion is... Viktor Krum!" Dumbledore announces.

Everyone claps for him, especially Ron, and he goes up to Dumbledore and shakes his hand, and heads to a different room where all the champions will meet. The goblet of fire turns into the red flame again, shooting out the next name.

"The champion from Beauxbatons... Fleur Delacour," Dumbledore says, holding the fancy piece of parchment. Everyone cheers for her, and Fleur shakes Dumbledore's hand and joins Krum.

"The Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore says. I cheer loudly, seeing Cedric stand up with a huge smile on his face. I remember him being nervous about this when I helped him study the other day, so I'm glad he got what he wanted.

Cedric makes eye contact with me, and smiles, so I smile back. "Of course golden boy gets to be the champion," Fred says, rolling his eyes.

"Be glad it's not you," I say, slapping his shoulder, and he scoffs. I laugh at him, knowing he's just upset that he couldn't enter since he wasn't of age.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions, but in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory tri-wizard cup," Dumbledore says, pointing towards an object that was under a piece of fabric. The fabric vanishes in the air, showing the cup.

"Woah, why is the goblet of fire going crazy?" Lee asks, pointing towards the goblet. The goblet turns red once more, even though there shouldn't be any more champions, and flies out is another piece of parchment.

"Harry Potter," Dumbledore says, lightly, but everyone could hear it. "Harry Potter!" My eyes widened, and we all looked at Harry, who looked equally surprised. "Harry Potter!" Hermione pushes Harry up, and he slowly walks to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore hands him the paper, and Harry looks in shock, and frightened. He was walking through the rows of Hogwarts students, and they all looked in disgust. "He's a cheat! He's not even seventeen yet," a student says.

"Oh shove off. He's as shocked as everyone else," I say, standing up, only to be pulled right down by Lee, and the twins face me.

"What are you doing?" George asks me, looking like I'm crazy.

"He obviously doesn't know what's going on, no reason for him to get hate," I say.

"Well, all the other houses think Gryffindor gets too much attention, and with Harry as the boy who lived isn't helping. We don't need you getting hate for standing up for him," Fred says.

I roll my eyes, slumping in my seat. "Everyone is dismissed," Dumbledore says, obviously frustrated with the situation.

"Let's go to the library, I need to study, and you guys can do whatever you want," I say, and they smile. So we all walk to the library, and we sit at a table, while I get out my textbook for History of Magic, and they take out they're pranking notebook.

"Who do you guys think put Harry's name in the goblet?" Fred asks the boys while I start reading my textbook.

"Maybe an older student," George says.

"Who would do that for him?" Lee says, and then his eyes widen when he thinks of a new prank. "We should prank one of the champions, maybe even Harry."

"Brillant!" the twins say, and I scoff.

"Do it, I don't care, but don't do it to Harry," I say, not looking up from my textbook.

"Why? He did break the rules, he's only 14 and he's a champion. Totally not fair," Fred huffs.

I look up from my textbook, looking at them three. "Did you see Harry's face when Dumbledore said his name. He had no idea what was going on. Imagine how scared he is right now, I know I would be," I say.

"He obviously had something to do with it," Lee says.

"How else would his name get in there?" George asks.

"I don't know, maybe someone is making a cruel joke," I say. I continued to study, while they hatched pranks to do to the champions. I zoned out, not listening to them, since I was focusing.

"Y/n, y/n!" Lee says, waving his hand in my face. I came back to Earth, and give him a questioning look.

"Are you okay with that?" Fred asks, and not bothering to ask them to explain what they were just talking about, I nod. It soon became late, and we headed up to our dorms, getting ready for the next day of school.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, and the ending was kind of rushed, but the story will get better, plus more drama.

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