Chapter 16: Liar

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I was currently in the Great Hall with Lee, while we were doing our Transfiguration homework. I wasn't really focused on my homework though, I was more focused on what happened two days ago with Fred, the kiss.

I was smiling at the thought, until I was interrupted by Lee nudging me with his elbow. "What are you so smiley about? We are doing homework, there's nothing happy about that," Lee says.

"I'm just in a good mood, is that so bad?" I ask. Then I see Fred and George in the corner of my eye, walking into the Great Hall. Or more like Fred storming in, while George was trying to stop him. What got Fred in such a bad mood?

Fred walked up to us, and threw a newspaper in front of me. I see a moving picture of Cedric and I hugging, and Hermione and Harry next to us. "Hey, look, I'm on the front page," I say, showing Lee, then I get confused. "Why am I on the front page?" I ask, looking up to Fred, and he looks even more angry.

"Why don't you read it yourself?" he says, and I just read it, knowing not to mess with him angry.

"Y/n Malfoy, the notorious daughter of the infamous Lucius Malfoy, has been seen with Cedric Diggory, the Hogwarts champion, caring for him. Is this her trying to gain more respect for her family name, since she was disowned for being placed in the Gryffindor house," I read, and I took a deep breath, since the last sentence hurt. Rita Skeeter must have written this. "Why are you so angry about this, it's just trash talking me," I say, passing the newspaper to Lee.

"Why didn't you tell me your snogging Diggory?" Fred says.

"I'm not snogging Diggory," I say, chuckling.

"Y/n, stop lying," he says, and I look to George, and his face tells me Fred is being serious.

"I'm not, Fred! You know Skeeter, always mixing up false information just so she has something to write," I say, like it's no big deal, because it's not.

"Oh yea, because it's false that you and Cedric are being all cuddly in Potions," he scoffs.

"We're Potions partners, it's not like I can completely ignore him," I say, standing up. "He's a nice guy, but we're just friends."

"Guys and girls can't just be friends," he fires back, and that hurts me.

"Then what are we?" I ask, and he was taken aback on this.

"That's...we're different," Fred says.

"No, it's not different, it's the same thing, Weasley. If guys and girls can't be friends, then what are we?" I ask, softly.

"Everyone just needs to take a deep breath," George says.

"Yea, no reason to fight over this," Lee says, standing up next to me.

"No, no, no. I want to know. What are we Fred?" I ask. He just stood there, taken aback on this, not saying anything. "I guess, according to you, we aren't friends."

"I guess not," he says, and my heart breaks. He really wants to throw everything we had the past 6 years, all the laughs, all the jokes, all of the memories, the kiss, down the drain.

"Fine," I say. I grab my books, and homework and say, "we're nothing then." I walked away, down the aisle but was stopped by Ron, holding up ugly dress robes.

"Mum sent this to me, and it's not Ginny's so it must be for you," he says. It must be for the Yule ball that's happening during late December.

"There is no way any woman would wear that," I say. "It's for you Ron." I could tell there were tears in my eyes, because his eyes went from confused to concern.

"Are you alright, y/n?" he asks.

"I'm fine," I say, voice breaking.

Fred's POV

"What the hell was that?" Lee asks, obviously confused and angry.

"What do you mean?" I ask, still mad about the situation. I kissed her, and I liked it, more I loved it. She didn't even tell me she's with Cedric. I should have known, Cedric and her made me want to barf when we were in Potions.

"Do you think y/n would lie to us, especially you?" Lee says. "She cares about you so much, and you don't believe her?"

"They are always all over each other. Them helping each other in classes, laughing, joking, it's disgusting, and she didn't tell us?" I say.

"When has there been one time she has ever lied to us?" Lee asks. I stop for a second thinking of any scenario, but I can't think of one. "See, you're just too stubborn to realize it." Lee gets up and walks away, out of the Great Hall.

"I messed up, didn't I?" I say, running my hands through my hair.

"Yup, but you usually do," George says, and I glare at him.

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