Chapter 15: Quidditch Field

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After I got Cedric to the medical wing, and all of Hufflepuff raided it, and threw me out, I went to the Gryffindor common room. When I walked in, all of Gryffindor was partying. Fred and George were holding Harry on their shoulders, while everyone was screaming in excitement. I made eye contact with Fred, and he winked at me, and I walked over to Lee.

"Where were you?" Lee asks me, as we leaned against the backside of the couch.

"I was walking Cedric to the infirmary," I say, and Lee raises an eye at me.

"Were you congratulating him on not dying," he says, wiggling his eyebrows. I scoffed, and hit his chest, while we were both laughing.

I hear the twins yell, "never," and I payed attention to everything around me.

"Go on Harry, what's the clue?" Seamus says, handing Harry the golden egg he caught.

"Who wants me to open it?" Harry screams, making a show about it. Everyone yells in response, including me and Lee, going along with it. Harry opened the egg, and it made a loud screeching noise, making everyone hold their ears. It was so ear piercing, Fred and George dropped Harry.

Harry closes it, and everyone slowly takes their hand off their ears. "What the bloody hell was that?" Harry says, getting up from his spot on the ground, and Ron appears in the doorway.

"Alright everyone, go back to your knitting. This is gonna be uncomfortable enough without all you nosey sods listening in," Fred says, while he and George walk up to the dorms. Lee and I went up there, following them to their dorm room.

"That was epic," George says, flopping onto his bed. Fred went to the bathroom, and I sat on his bed.

"I wonder what the next task will be," I say, getting comfortable.

"Maybe a werewolf," Lee suggested.

"Oh, imagine they had to face their boggarts," George says. "That would be an interesting fight."

"Do you not remember we were all taught how to defeat those things," I say, and they nod at the memory. The rest of the night was all the same as it's always been with us. We laughed, we joked, we danced, we pranked, we talked, and we had fun.

It was currently 2 am, and George and Lee had been asleep since midnight while Fred and I were talking about whether we should start a prank war against the other two. "We should put the bed's in the middle of the quidditch field when they're sleeping," Fred whispers, so he won't wake up the others.

"Don't you think that will be a little difficult," I say, chuckling while imagining the look on George and Lee's faces when they would wake up.

"You're the smartest girl I know, we will figure it out somehow," he says, and I smile. "Plus it's an excuse if we can go on the quidditch field."

"So true. Ugh, I miss playing," I say, laying down on the bed, putting my head in Fred's lap.

"Well, why don't we go down to the field," Fred says, and starts to play with my hair, and I smile into the feeling.

"We'll get in trouble," I say.

"Since when do we care," he asks. I laugh, and he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the bed.

"We are actually doing this?" I ask, and he nods. We quietly made our way out of the dorms, and out of the Gryffindor common room. We were lucky that the fat singing lady was asleep.

We got out our wands, and said, "Lumos," which made a light come from our wands. We sneaked our way to the Gryffindor locker room. Once we open the door, I take the smell of sweat and quidditch jerseys, and I come at peace.

"Merlin, I've missed this place," I say, when Fred had the doors closed. "Let's get our brooms and go for a ride." Fred laughed at my excitement, and we ran to our individual quidditch lockers.

I approach locker number 4, aka my lucky number, aka my quidditch number. I grab my broomstick, while Fred grabs his. We walked towards the door to the quidditch field, and walked out to the field that I missed oh so dearly.

"How about we make this interesting?" Fred says, as we walked to the middle of the field. "Let's have a race, say, who can go all around the field, through the hoops and back here." He points around, saying the path that he wants to go.

"You're on Weasley. Prepare to lose," I say, my competitiveness showing.

"Oh really, Malfoy. Don't you think you'll be a little rusty, it's been awhile," Fred taunts.

"I may be rusty, but we all know who is going to end up on top," I smirk. I get on my broom, ready to take off, while Fred does the same. "On the count of 3. 1...2," I say, and take off early, knowing I don't follow the rules.

I hear Fred yell behind me, but I use that to just motivate me to beat him. I get to the seats, and start to wrap around the fields. I could feel Fred getting closer towards me, so I sped up wanting to beat him. Right now is probably the fastest I have flown, and I was definitely not balanced, but I don't slow down.

I reach the rings, and fly through the middle ring, and Fred is right on my tail. I then saw Fred right behind me, and I lost my balance. I hit Fred's broom, making him off balance, and we both fell off our brooms sticks.

I felt us flying down closer and closer to the ground, and I saw Fred take out his wand, grab onto me and yell, "Spongify." We stopped a foot off the ground, and I landed on my back, with Fred still holding onto me.

I groan when we hit the ground, mostly because Fred landed on top of me, and he's not the lightest thing in the world. Fred puts his weight on his forearms, which he put by my sides. "Guess I ended up on top," Fred smirks, and I just laugh at his stupidness.

"You got lucky," I say. We just stayed in silence, looking at each other. I just realized how close we were, if he moved an inch closer, our nose would be touching. His soft brown eyes looked at my lips briefly, and back up, and he bit his lip.

I start to smell cinnamon, and the firework powder, reminding me of the amortentia potion, and I decided this is my chance, take charge of something that I may want to happen. I look down to his lips, and cup his right cheek. I didn't even have to move in, because Fred smashes his lips into mine, and I immediately melt into it.

His soft lips move in sync with mine, and he holds my waist closer to him, while still holding his weight above me. I play with his hair in the back of his head, and I know feel how soft his hair is. I could feel fireworks exploding into my body, and I feel Fred smiling in the kiss, which makes me smile.

We broke apart for air, and I can see him smiling like a little kid. "That was umm..." I say, not knowing what to really say about it, not wanting to make this weird.

"Good," he says.

"Yea, good," I say, smiling big. We stayed there for a second, until I realized where we were. "We should probably get back to the dorms. We do have class tomorrow."

"Buzz-kill," he says, and I chuckle softly. He gets up, and keeps his hand out for me. I grab it, and he holds me up easily. We walk back to the locker room, and we sneak into Gryffindor common room, and this is where we would part ways.

"Good night Fred," I say, one step to the girl dormitory stairwell. Fred, who was still taller than me, takes my hand, and kisses my cheek.

"Goodnight y/n," he says softly. I then, with the biggest grin on my face, got up to my dorm room, without waking the girls, and slip into bed. I fall asleep with the biggest smile on my face.

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