Chapter 10: Aging Potion

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It was eventually dinner, and we were all in the Great Hall, trying to get a plan to sneak myself into Fred, George, and Lee's dormitory. I'm still wearing Cedric's robe, feeling too bad to ask anyone for an extra Gryffindor robe. I would feel bad using someone else's clothing again, I already hate wearing Cedric's.

"Maybe we can get a 7th year to use the apparition spell with her?" George suggests.

"What 7th year would we ask?" I say, and they all sigh.

"Wait, maybe we could ask Harry to use his invisibility cloak," Lee says.

"Brilliant!" the twins and I say at the exact same time. "I'll go ask him," Fred says. He walks away and sits down next to Harry and they start talking.

George and Lee immediately turn to me, giving me a crazy look. "Uh, what's up with you two?" I ask, feeling confused.

"You need to take off those robes," George says.

"George, I have to wear the robes or I'll get detention. Plus they are just robes, it's not a big deal," I say.

"It is to Fred," Lee says, and I give him a confused look. "Nevermind. Where are your back up robes?"

"I don't have a back up robe, I don't have the money for it. It's not like my father is giving me all the money in the world anymore," I say, in a hushed voice.

"Why don't you ask one of us or Mum?" George asks.

"Because you guys don't have that many robes either, and your mother has already done so much for me. Maybe I'll go to McGonagall or something," I say.

"We all know you won't ask for help, you're too stubborn," Lee says, and I roll my eyes, even though I know they are right.

"I'll see what I can do," I say. Fred comes back with a smile on his face.

"He will let us borrow it for the night. Y/n you have to meet him in the common room when we all get dismissed to our dorms," Fred says.

"I can't wait," I say, sort of sarcastically. We spent the rest of the day eating dinner, talking, discussing more pranks, and the plan for the potion. I even packed a bag with clothes for the night, and other supplies I would need. Soon enough it was the end of the day, and everyone was dismissed to our dorm rooms.

I stayed down, reading my new Potion's textbook, making sure we didn't forget anything. Soon enough Harry came down with his invisibility cloak. I stand up, putting my book back in my bag. "Thank you for this. It's important to the twins," I say.

"I'm surprised you even agreed to this," he says, handing me the cloak.

"Me too," I say, chuckling. I grab the cloak, and wrap it around my shoulders, still showing my head. "Thanks again. I'll give it to you tomorrow."

"No problem," he says. I smile at him, and put the cloak over my head, now fully invisible. I walked up the stairs towards the boys dormitory, and tried to be as quiet as I could. If I got caught walking into the boys dorm after dark, I could get kicked out of school.

I got to their door, and knocked on it lightly. Right when I knocked, the door flung open, and I was pulled into the door room by Fred. "Woah there, calm down," I say, as I pull the cloak off of me.

"I just can't wait to get started," he says. Lee and George start to laugh, but Fred stares them down and they immediately stop. "Let's get started, okay?"

That's what we did. I get out the cauldron while they gather the ingredients needed. "Ready?" I ask, and they all nod. "Red wine and prune juice." They hand me the liquids, and I pour them in the cauldron.

I smashed hairy fungused, used a powdered tortoise shell, sliced a caterpillar, and diced a bat tongue. Now all we need to do is stir, and that takes 4 hours. We all decided to take shifts for an hour. I go first, just wanting my work to be over, so I can go to bed.

It was pretty boring stirring counterclockwise for so long, but soon enough, it was Fred's turn. I pick up my foot, and start kicking Fred lightly. "Wake up, Freddie, it's your turn," I say lightly.

He groans, and gets out of bed slowly. He grabs the pestle and continues the stirring motion. "How was your sleep," I mumble, grabbing my clothes to change.

"Fine, I just wish it was longer," he says, and rubs his eyes trying to wake up fully. I laughed lightly, and realized I only packed a t-shirt and shorts. I curse under my breath, knowing how cold it is right now. "What's wrong?" Fred asks.

"I forgot to pack a jumper, and it's freezing in here," I say.

"I have one you can use," he says. "Go into my drawers and pick out the one you like." I smile at him, thanking him. I went to the drawer and found one that Charlie gave him when they visited him in Romania. I take it and go to the bathroom and change.

I come back, and lay on Fred's bed, getting under the covers. "Keep my bed warm, would you?" Fred says.

"Already on it," I say, and I can see him smile. I can already feel the sleep taking over and I close my eyes.

Fred's POV

My turn was finally over after what felt like a million years. I quickly wake up Lee, informing him that it's his turn. "Where are you going to sleep?" Lee says, pointing towards y/n who is peacefully sleeping on my bed.

"I'll sleep with her, it wouldn't be the first time," I say, and he gives me a look. "Ew you dirty mind, not like that." He laughs, and I slowly get into bed, not wanting to wake y/n up, but I failed.

She groans, shifting in bed, facing away from me. "Sorry," I whisper, and get into bed fully.

"Whatever," she says and I chuckle. What I didn't expect was her to cuddle up to my side, but I'm not really complaining. Plus, she is not one to mess with when she's tired or cranky. Her try Slytherin comes out and man is it scary.

I wrap my arm around her waist, and she grabs it closer, pulling me closer. We never really done this before, so I don't know how to feel. It's sort of awkward, but she's barely awake and she doesn't know what she's doing.

I take in y/n's scent. Vanilla, fresh grass, and mint. Wow, she smells nice. I ended up getting comfortable with her being so close to me, and fell asleep. Probably the best sleep I had in awhile.

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