Chapter 2: Cedric Diggory

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I wake up to Hermione throwing a pillow at my head. "Y/n, Ginny, wake up. Molly has made breakfast," she says, then walks out of the room. We both groan, and slowly get out of bed. We put on our muggle clothing, which consisted of jeans and a sweatshirt for me.

I grab my bag for today, since we are going to see the Quidditch World Cup. We both walk downstairs and find the twins, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley was already sitting at the table. "Good morning everyone," I say, while everyone said it back. I sat down in between George and Fred, and Mrs. Weasley gave me a plate of breakfast and I thank her.

"Excited for today, y/n?" Fred says, lightly elbowing my side.

"Who wouldn't be?" I say, then started to eat the delicious food in front of me.

"Very true. Too bad Lee couldn't come with us," George says with a mouthful of food. I roll my eyes at him playfully and agree.

"When do we leave?" I question.

"As soon as everyone is ready," Author says. We continued to eat breakfast, until Hermione, Harry and Ron came running down the stairs. "Alright let's go," Author says. I quickly shove the rest of the food down my throat, and say good-bye to Mrs. Wealsey.

I grab my bag that was next to my chair, and the twins and I follow Author out the burrow. We started to head towards the woods, where a portkey will take us to the Quidditch World Cup. "Who do you think is going to win?" I ask the twins, who were both at my side.

"Ireland," they say at the same time.

"If they don't win, I might have a fit," Fred says.

"Well, I got a surprise for you, before the game starts," I say.

"What is it?" George asks.

"Now, it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you," I say, throwing him a wink. He laughs, and we continue walking. George's sentence was cut short when I heard someone talking.

"Author, it took you long enough," the man says.

"Amos, some of us had a sleepy start," Author says, looking back at Ron who yawns. "This is Amos Diggory everyone. He works with me, at the Ministry." Diggory sounds familiar. Amos and Author shake hands when someone drops down next to them. A very attractive boy if I may add.

"This strapping young man must be Cedric," Author says, shaking his hand as well. Cedric is in the same year as the twins and I. He is a very polite nice guy, and he once helped me find my way to Potions in first year. I would say we are good acquaintances. I look back at Hermione and Ginny who giggled, and I rolled my eyes.

"It's nice to see you again Cedric," I say, as we walk deeping into the forest together.

"As it always is Y/n. Hey, Fred, George," he says, waving, but they kept walking, which made Cedric stop.

"Don't worry about them. They are still upset about losing to hufflepuff last year in Quidditch," I say, walking behind them two.

"Are not," they yell, not looking behind us.

"Are too!" I reply, making Cedric chuckle.

"I guess you're not mad then?" he says.

"Oh, no, I'm the most mad. I just don't show it. I use my anger during Quidditch, that's why I do so well, and mostly how I will beat your team this year," I say, making him smile.

"Well, may the best team win," he says.

"Don't worry we will," I say, making us both burst into laughter. I swore I heard Fred scoff at us, but I ignored it, thinking it was something George said. We continued walking for what felt like ages, until we got to a grassy hill and I saw the boot, also known as the portkey.

We all stand around the port key and I hear Harry say, "Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?"

Fred and George walk up next to him, explaining that it's a portkey, but I still don't think he gets it. I lay down next to Fred and Cedric, and everyone puts their hand on the boot except Harry. Amos starts to count down so I yell, "Hand Harry."

He rushes to put his hand on the boot, and then Amos finishes his countdown. We start moving in a fast circular motion, making me feel queasy. "Let go kids," Author says.

"What?" Hermione screams.

"Let go," he repeats. We all let go, and before I knew it, we hit the ground hard. I groaned moving, and I saw Author, Amos, and Cedric all landing perfectly on the ground. I roll my eyes, and Fred stands in front of me, lending me a hand.

"Is the ground comfortable for you, darling, or do you want to watch the game, Malfoy?" he questions with a smirk on his face.

"You'll be on the ground, eating dirt in practice this year when I knock you off your broom for your attitude," I sarcastically say.

"I'm so sorry, my dear captain," he says, while pulling me up off the ground.

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