Chapter 6: Back To Hogwarts

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The next week we spent getting our school supplies, drinking tea, and pranking the other Weasleys with the twins' new inventions. But now here we are, back at the train station at the pole in between 9 and 10.

I say goodbye to Molly and Author, thanking them for another holiday at their house. I stand next to the twins, with our carts. "Ready boys?" I say, like I do every year.

"Ready Malfoy," they say together.

"3, 2," I say, and go before I could finish. I hear them calling my name behind me, as I run through the wall, and end up at platform 9 ¾. I continue to walk, and I hear them running up besides me. "You guys need to stop falling for that," I say, laughing.

"Every year," they sigh together, making me laugh harder. We put all of our stuff away, and head in to find a compartment.

"I wonder who's going to win this year?" George says.

"It's going to be us, we can't let him win two years in a row," Fred says. Every year we challenge Lee Jordan, our other best friend to see who will get to our compartment first that we sit in every year.

We run to the compartment on the very end, and open the slide door, just to see him lounging on one of the cushions. "You guys really think I would let you win?" he says smirking.

"Lee!" I say in excitement. He gets up, and I embrace him into a long needed hug. "I missed you so much."

He lets go and says, "I wish I could say the same." I gasp, and slap him in the chest making him laugh. He hugs the other two and I sit down next to him, as George and Fred sit across from us. "I was so worried about you guys. I read what happened with the Quidditch World Cup," he says, changing the mood.

"Well, that Rita Skeeter exaggerates everything, but we're fine," I say.

"She's hating on Dad and Percy just because they help with the Ministry," George says.

"Yes, Percy isn't the most pleasant person I have ever met, but that doesn't mean he deserves blame," Fred says, and I nod.

"Well, did you hear what's going on during school this year?" Lee asks, and we all give him a questioning look. "Apparently something is being hosted here, something huge."

"Exciting," I say. "It better be good." We take the rest of the ride, talking about our summers, what this event could be, and the progress of Weasleys' Wizards Wheezes. Soon enough we arrived at Hogwarts. We were walking in when suddenly outside the corridor a carriage flown by winged horses was flying by.

We all look in amazement, and see Hagrid almost get crushed by them. Then in the lake a ship was sprung out from under the water, making everyone gasp. "Maybe they are part of the surprise event," I whisper to Lee, and he nods.

We finally get to the great hall, where we sit at the Gryffindor table, like every year. I looked at the Slytherin table, seeing Draco unharmed from the event that happened a week ago, and I was relieved. All the first years got sorted, and Dumbledore goes up to the podium.

"Now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event," he says.

"So instead of having the Quidditch Cup this year..." Dumbledore says, and I gasp, same with everyone else.

"That's not fair," I yelled, same with Fred and George yelling how it was cruel.

"Calm down students, something extremely exciting will happen instead," he says.

"The first year I'm Quidditch captain, and they take it away from me," I say to Lee and the twins in disgust.

"This year we will be participating in the Triwizard Tournament," Dumbledore says, and everyone starts to whisper in excitement. "No for those of you who do not know, the triwizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single contestant is selected to compete..."

"Wicked," Fred says, and I look at him like he's crazy.

"You know people have died in this tournament. That's why it was shut down for so long, the death toll was too high," I say to him, and he rolls his eyes.

"Come on, what's the fun without a little danger," he says.

"For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic and their headmistress Madam Maxime," Dumbledore says, and the doors open to reveal all of the students.

They danced, attracting all the guys attention, since most of them were Veelas. I look down at the table, seeing Ginny and Hermione who don't look impressed either. Once they were done there dance, all the boys applauded rapidly, where the girls were unimpressed, or more jealous.

I look to see George, Lee and Fred, all looking like in a day dream. I roll my eyes, and listen to Dumbledore again. "And now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrand and the high master Igor Karkaroff."

The doors flew open again, revealing some older boys, with bo staff. Whenever they were pounded into the ground, sparkles flew into the air. Why do both schools need to show off thinking they are the best at everything?

"Look, it's Viktor Krum!" Lee says, and I gasp, while the twins fangirl over him.

"I don't want to keep you all waiting, I know some of you had a fair trip to get here. So everyone go and settle into your dormitories, and we will continue this discussion at lunch," Dumbledore says, and everyone gets up to leave.

"I'll see you guys later," I say to the three, and they smile, heading up to their dorm rooms. I go up to mine, bring up my bags, to my dorm. Once I got there, I saw Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson, my teammates and my closest friends besides the twins and Lee.

We all squeal, embracing each other in a hug. "I can't believe they cancelled the Quidditch Cup this year. Not that I don't like Oliver, but I was really excited for you to be captain," Katie says, as we started to put our stuff away.

"Tell me about it," I say, making them chuckle. "How was everyone's summer?"

"Good, we went to Hawaii, in the muggle world. It was so cool. Did you know they have volcanoes?" she fangirls making me laugh.

"How was the World Cup, you know until people came in and ruined it?" Katie asks.

"It was good, Ireland won. I can't believe Krum is going to be here this year though," I say, in shock.

"I know right, and let me say he is good looking," Angelina says, and I laugh.

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