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I started heading to the lunch room and it looked nice outside. I saw Rachel and Emily already sitting outside eating their lunch. I got into the lunch line and I got a sandwich and an apple. I paid for my lunch and went outside to sit with Rachel and Emily. I sat down.

"Hi," I say to Emily and Rachel.

"So how was English," I asked Emily. 

"It went well today I passed my test over chapter 7." Emily said. 

"Good job" both me and Rachel said. 

"So do you guys have any after school power help today," I asked. 

"I have like an hour session with the gym teacher after school to learn a little more of self defense." Rachel said. 

"I don't have any," Emily said. 

"I don't have any either, I had like two last week, trying to get my wings working again after I hit that tree." I said. 

They both started laughing. I gave them both dirty looks, which made them laugh even harder. I smiled at them and laughed with them. 

"So you guys ready for prom," I asked them.

 "I can't wait, " Emily said. We all started talking about what type of prom dresses we were going to get when Damon walked up to our table and sat down. We all stopped talking and looked at him. He just smiled and said hi. I smiled at him. 

"So Damon what is your power?" Rachel asked.

 "My power has to do with fire and my favorite thing to do is fire breathing." Damon said.

 "So what are your guys powers, I already know what Roses is." Damon said. 

"My power is to change appearances, like changing into someone else." Rachel said. 

"Can you show me?" Damon asked. 

"Sure," Rachel said. Rachel turned herself into Damon and looked at him. Damon jumped a little bit trying to get used to the idea of looking at himself. Rachel switched back into herself and smiled back at him. 

"That was cool and a little creepy at the same time." Damon said and chuckled.

 "My power is that I can talk to animal and heal them." Emily said.

 "That's really cool."Damon said. "So do you guys have any siblings." Damon asked. 

"No, we are only children," I said. 

"Do you have any?" I asked him. "

Yes, I have one older brother, his name is David, he has the ability to become a super geek. Which means that he is really smart. He has a 5.5 GPA." Damon said. 

"Wow I wish he could finish school for me," I said.

 Damon just smiled and laughed at me. 

"So who did you inherit the powers from?" Damon asked. 

"I got my powers from my Mom," Rachel said, "My Dad has the power to fly."

 "I got my power from my Dad, he is a veterinary, My Mom has the super strength." Emily said. 

"I was adopted, my parents found me at their door step one night." I said with a sad smile. Damon gave me a little smile back. 

"I'm sorry." Damon said. 

"No, it's fine. I'm over it now." I said. All of a sudden the bell rang to release us from lunch. We all grabbed our stuff from the table and threw out trash away and went out separate ways. Damon stayed with me because we have the same class together next which was gym. I love gym class. We walked to gym class and I went to the locker room to change my clothes. I walked back out to the gym and that's when the fun started happening.

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