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Finally it is Prom weekend. Prom is on Saturday. I'm going on a date with Damon tonight. We came up with this idea because tomorrow it going to be packed full of people going to dinner tomorrow night. We thought of going to Red Robin's but we decided to go to the CheeseCake Factory instead. Damon was going to pick me up in a couple of hours. When I get home I put a load of laundry into the washer. I quickly clean room because the girls are coming over tomorrow to get ready with me and we can all go to prom together. 

I quickly take a shower and moose my hair when I finally got out to make my hair curly. I put on my makeup and changed into a white dress with a jean jacket to go over it. I put on my flower sandals. I walked downstairs and I found my Mom baking. Which is a real surprise, she never bakes.

 "Mom, why are you baking?" I ask her. 

"Because Me and your Father are going to a neighborhood party tonight. While you are going on your date with Damon tonight. Me and your Father won't get home until about 12 tonight," She said. 

"Ok, have fun," I tell my Mom and head back upstairs to grab my shoes.

 I walk down stairs and sat on the stairs to put my shoes on when I heard the someone knock on the door. I open the door to see Damon.

 "Hey, beautiful you ready to go," Damon asked. 

"Yep, just let me grab my purse," I say.

 I grab my purse and say a quick goodbye and headed out the door with Damon. Damon open the front passenger seat for me and helped me into his jeep. Then Damon got into the driver's seat and started pulling out of the drive to head to the restaurant. I held out my hand so Damon could put his head into mine.

 He grabbed my head and put in front of his mouth and kissed my hand. I looked over and smiled at him. He smiled back at me. When we got to the restaurant, he helped me out of the car and took my hand. We walked in and the waiter said there was a 15 minute wait. We both sat down and talked for little and then they called out Damon's last name and we went to our table. 

Damon pulled out my chair and after I sat he pushed me in. The waiter came and asked us what we wanted to drink and I asked for a lemonade and Damon asked for a Coke. We both picked up our menu's and started looking at our choses.

 "So what are you thinking about getting," I ask Damon.

 "I'm thinking about getting the bacon cheeseburger," Damon said. 

"That sounds good," I say.

 "What are you going to get," Damon asked me. 

"I think I'm going to get the potato soup, I heard it's really good here," I say.

 The waiter came back and took our order and we handed him our menu's. "So you excited for tomorrow night, Rose," Damon asked me. 

"Yes, I can't wait to see your reaction to my dress." I say and grin at him. 

"Well, you haven't seen me in a tux Rose and I think you won't disagree to me about how good I look in a tux, love." Damon said.

 I blushed a little when he said that. "The limo is going to pick us up around 7 tomorrow and my parents want a lot of pictures of both us together, if that is ok," I say.

 "Yeah, that's fine. My parents are on a business trip right now, they wanted pictures. Can your parent make a couple of copies for my parents please and thank you," Damon said. 

"Yeah that's fine," I said.

 Our waiter came out with our food and sat it in front of us. "The potato soup is a little hot, it's a fresh pot," The waiter said. 

"Thank you," I said to the waiter. 

We both dug into our meal's. Both finish our meal's and I was so full, but I wanted some of their famous cheesecake. 

"Do you want to split a piece of cheesecake," I ask Damon.

 "I was going to ask you the same thing," Damon said.

 "What type of cheesecake do you want to order," Damon asked me.

 "Why don't we get a strawberry cheesecake," I said.

 "That's my favorite," Damon said.

 The waiter came back over and asked us if we wanted anything for dessert and we said yes and that we were going to share some strawberry cheesecake together. While we were waiting for the cheesecake to come we talked a little about some homework our math teacher assigned us too. Our waiter came back and delivered our cake to use and we dug right in. I put my fork up to Damon's mouth and he took a bit and he did the same to me. 

We both laughed at each other. When we were done with dinner and dessert. We both walked out of the restaurant and was heading to his car. 

"I had a great night tonight," I said. 

"Yeah me too," Damon said. 

We both got into the car and Damon drove me home. When we got to my house, Damon helped me out of the car and pulled into a hug and he kissed me. I kissed him back. We kissed for a couple of minutes. We both finally pulled back and Damon walked me to my door. 

"Thanks, for dinner," I said to him. 

"Can't wait for tomorrow night," Damon said and kissed me goodnight and I went into the house.

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