Chapter One

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(Y/N) had had a very different summer from Harry. While he'd been half-starved and told to pretend he didn't exist, (Y/N) had been able to bring her broom home to show off to her family and practise her powers. Now though, nearer the end of the summer, (Y/N) was getting rather worried. She, Ron, Hermione and Shelena (who'd spent the summer at Hermione's) combined had written Harry about 60 letters, and he hadn't responded to a single one of them. (Y/N) had a bad feeling that the Muggles he lived with had done something bad to him or Hedwig. Maybe they'd locked them both up? Deciding to consult Ron and the twins, (Y/N) waited till late at night before creeping out of hers and Ron's shared room. "Fred! George! Wake up! It's important!" She hissed. "Wazzup? I'm having a dream about our joke shop!" Fred whined. "It's about Harry!" (Y/N) explained quietly. "Ugh! You woke us up to discuss your boyfriend? How many times have I told you, Fred and I give you our blessings!" George moaned as he flipped onto his stomach. "Oh for Merlin's sake!" (Y/N) grumbled, dragging her brothers out of bed and up to her shared room.When she arrived, she dropped the twins on the floor and shook Ron awake. Once that was done, she flicked on the lights and sat on her bed. "So, Harry hasn't responded to any of our letters," (Y/N) said. "And I want to see what's up with him." George nodded slowly. "I guess that's a good idea, sis. But,how do we do that? We can't Apparate,and our brooms can't possibly fly that far." (Y/N) smirked proudly. "Georgie, Georgie, Georgie. Did you forget who you're talking to?" "Actually,yeah, I did. Who are you? Ginny, or (Y/N)?" George replied sassily. (Y/N) slapped him on the back of his head. "Not the time for that. But, you forgot something; I take after Dad. He happened to show me a little secret about that Muggle car in the shed. He's not just dismantling it to see its parts and what it can do; he's enchanting it to fly! I'll bet we can make it to Surrey, where Harry lives, and back by daylight. What d'you guys say?" All three boys sat up straighter at once. "We say let's go now!" Fred and George said in unison. Ron nodded eagerly. "He's my best mate! Of course I'd go to save him from those blasted Muggles! Plus,I'd love to see a Muggle neighbourhood!" (Y/N) smiled. "Let's go then." •••••After planning their little escapade, Fred,  George, Ron and (Y/N) snuck out of the house and into the little adjoining shed where they kept their family car. It was a Ford Anglia; blue and white and perfect to save Harry in. "Along with five of us in the car, plus Harry's trunks and Hedwig's cage, I think it should be a perfect fit!" (Y/N) squealed happily as she hopped into the backseat with Ron. Soon, she'd see one of her best friends in the entire world! Ron too was jumping up and down in excitement and Fred had to turn around and scold him lightly. "For goodness' sake Ron! You're so heavy you'll tip the car over with all your bouncing!" The said boy rolled his eyes in annoyance but stopped all the same. When they were finally ready to go (which took a long time, mind you)it was already around 2 a.m. and (Y/N) was extremely worried. "If we don't hurry, mum'll notice that we're missing, and dad'll get into trouble." She warned her older brothers. Fred scoffed and chuckled lightly. "(N/N),(N/N),(N/N). Did you forget who you're talking to?" He mimicked. "We'll be back long before morning! Trust us, won't you?" Though she said yes, (Y/N) was still very uneasy about being caught by her mother. She loved the woman to bits, yes, but she'd already gotten into trouble for accidentally-on-purpose knocking Percy down with her new broom. She wasn't ready for another scolding so quickly, for her mother was a force to be reckoned with. Somewhere along the way, (Y/N) must've fallen asleep, because she had terrible nightmares of Percy snapping her broom in half and her mother chasing after her with her wand in hand, so angry she was ready to use the Cruciatus Curse on her own daughter. "Mum, no, mum! Somebody, anybody, help! Help!" She yelped. "(N/N), stop. It's alright," Ron was speaking to her! (Y/N), still dreaming, was ready to kiss her twin. "Ron! Thank Merlin! Please, help me!" She screamed. Ron muttered something that should not be repeated and pinched his sister on her thin arm. "Hush, you blithering idiot! I swear to Merlin if you wake any of those Muggles up..." That woke (Y/N) up alright. Not the threat, since she knew she was much more powerful than all her siblings combined, but the pinch Ron had given her. Her head snapped up from its place on Ron's shoulder and she growled at him in a annoyed fashion. "Could you not?! I'm not feeling very well." Yes, Ron could see that (Y/N) was not as healthy as she used to be. The strain of her powers were beginning to show, and she was struggling to control them as well. Her normally tanned skin was beginning to pale and her vibrant eyes were becoming duller with each passing day. The four Weasleys were now quickly approaching number four Privet drive, second floor, Harry's room. Much to their surprise, the windows were barred! (Y/N)'s temper surged. She'd always felt a sense of protectiveness over Harry, and couldn't believe that someone could be so cruel as to lock up a twelve-year-old boy! And the Boy Who Lived at that! She growled once again and was already leaning out of the car window to use her powers against the person behind the nearest window (Dudley). "Woah, woah, woah! Can we calm down for a second!" Ron said hastily, working with George to pull their little sister back in. "But they're practically abusing him! And locking him up!" She whined. That's when a raven-haired boy with bright emerald-green eyes stuck his head out the window. The attention of all four Weasleys were soon on Harry and they stared at each other in shock. "Hiya, Harry." Ron said casually. "Ron, (Y/N), Fred, George!" Harry's face broke into a wide grin. "What're you all doing here?" "Rescuing you,of course!" Ron announced, like it was completely normal to be sitting in a flying car to rescue someone on the complete other side of the country. "Oh, and our dear little sis was dying to save her dear wimpy little midget prince." Fred added. (Y/N) slapped him so hard, Harry was sure the echoing sound that followed would be enough to wake the whole neighbourhood. "Stop it, you two. Harry, go and get your trunk!" Ron said in a slightly hurried voice. Harry who had, like at the end of last year, left all his packing to the last minute,shoved all his belongings he'd need at Hogwarts into his trunk and dragged it all the way to the window as quietly as possible. "Do it Ron," (Y/N) said from her place in the car. "You'd better stand back," Ron warned as he pulled out a large hook from his side of the car. He hooked it onto the bars on Harry's window and Harry instinctively moved back; if the Weasley twins or (Y/N) Weasley was telling Ron what to do, it could never be safe. "Let's go," Ron said to Fred,who steered the car to the right and pulled off the bars on Harry's window completely. "Man, those Muggles hear nothing!" (Y/N) snorted when no window or porch lights flicked on. No Muggles heard it, except the Dursleys. "Potter!" Vernon yelled over the din of Harry piling his trunk into the trunk of the car and (Y/N) screeching at him to hurry. Harry was nearly done with his trunk when Vernon reached his door and began unlocking the many locks that he'd put on Harry's door to prevent him from leaving the room. Just the cage, just the cage! Harry thought As he handed Ron Hedwig's cage. But luck was not on their side that night,
for Vernon managed to unlock the final lock and burst into the room hollering:"He's escaping, Petunia, he's escaping!" Harry felt at a complete loss and began shouting at (Y/N). "Use your powers! Use them! It's not underage wizardry!" She shook her head and leaned out of the car to haul him in. "I can't! I'd end up killing you or something!" Yeah, a conversation while being chased by essentially a very overweight and angry hippo isn't the best idea, because Vernon managed to grab onto Harry's shoe and tried to pull him back in. All four Weasleys got involved in the human tug-of-war and (Y/N) tried out shooting a blast of water at Vernon. It worked, but she slumped into the car and out of sight as her brothers continued to haul Harry into the car. "I've got you Harry, I've got you!" Fred said as he secured his hands below Harry's armpits ,and pulled him further in. "Oh, you and that bloody pigeon aren't going anywhere!" Vernon snarled as he made a feeble attempt to pull Harry back in the window. Honestly, if Vernon was a skinnier man, the Weasleys would have won him a long time ago. "Get off!" Harry yelled, terrified. "Drive!" Ron screamed at Fred. "I'm driving, I'm driving!" But, despite the fact that he was holding onto a boy's shoe and the boy was in a moving car, Vernon did not let go. His grip on Harry only loosened when he fell out of Harry's second floor window and into the bushes below. Petunia and Dudley screamed shrilly and peered out the window as the car flew off. At first, Harry's face was full of worry—after all, this was still his uncle—but when he realised that Vernon was alright enough to yell after him, Harry laughed freely and shut the door with a slam. "By the way Harry, happy birthday." Ron said. For a few minutes all was silent in the Ford Anglia, until Harry caught sight of an exhausted (Y/N) in the corner of the car, seemingly asleep. "Is she alright?" Harry asked Ron uneasily. "I'm honestly not sure. She's been weakening all throughout the holidays and using her powers only makes her worse. Oh, and she's been having horrible nightmares. Wakes up in the middle of the night screaming about a bloody serpent." Ron explained as George leaned back and woke (Y/N) up gently. "What? What's happening? We gotta save Harry! Are we there yet?" She asked tiredly. Ron pat her shoulder reassuringly. "We've rescued Harry, (N/N). He's right next to me, see?" (Y/N) peered dazedly at Harry and smiled politely. "Hello, Harry. When did we save you?" "Uhh, just now actually. You used your powers on my uncle? You know, sprayed him with a blast of water, cold by the looks of it." The girl grinned apologetically. "Sorry. I've been so tired that I can't remember stuff just after I use my powers." "S'alright." Harry replied. They sat in some more silence until the sun began to rise and they were away from the city and nearing the countryside. "Where are we going?" Harry asked the Weasleys. "Our home, of course. It's not too far from here now; I'd say about 10 minutes." Fred said, fiddling with some of the buttons on the dashboard. They flew some more and, eventually, landed with a bump in front of a pigpen and sent terrified chickens into a scattered frenzy. Everyone got out of the Ford Anglia and walked toward what seemed to Harry to be the side-door of the house. The twins put their fingers to their lips and pushed open the door soundlessly. "Ok, come on. Shh, shh! Come on! Quit dawdling!" Fred commanded, shepherding the rest in. The four redheads took off their jumpers and the boys grabbed some croissant buns, munching down happily. Harry explored the small kitchen and looked around in awe at the self-washing pots and pans; the clock that told everyone's locations, the wooly pink jumper sewing itself on a small armchair in the corner of the living room. Harry's smile never faded as he walked around with his mouth hanging open. Ron noticed his expression and came over to him. "It's not much..." he started through a bite. "But it's home." (Y/N) finished while scrunching up her nose at her brother. "Geez, Ron, couldn't you finish eating before you start talking? It's shocking how little you've changed since last year." "I think it's brilliant." Harry announced softly, grinning at the tranquility of the house.
(A/N) Wow! Second year chapter one is out! Hope you enjoy it! Also Harry, that house ain't gonna be tranquil for much longer so you better enjoy it while you can.

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