Chapter Six

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After lunch, it was time for Professor Lockhart's first lesson. As students chatted idly, Lockhart emerged from his office above the DADA classroom. "Let me introduce you to your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher..." he said, smiling. "Me, Gilderoy Lockhart. Order of Merlin, Third Class. Honorary member of the Dark Force Defence league and five times winner... of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile award."

Even though she was sitting behind them, (Y/N) could tell that Hermione and her Hufflepuff friend Lisa Whitesmith were enjoying their front row view of their new professor. Lockhart smiled his famous smile. "But I don't talk about that," he said, referring to his award. "I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at him."

Lockhart gave one of his pretentious laughs. (Y/N) and Shelena mimicked it behind their hands, laughing at their own imitations. Contrary to Shelena and (Y/N), Lisa and Hermione were awestruck by Lockhart. They sighed and stared at him with adoration. "Now," Lockhart leaned forward, "be warned. It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizard kind."

He hit a cloth-covered cage with the tip of his wand, and the cage rattled, giving the illusion that it was filled with dangerous creatures. "You may find yourself facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall your whilst I am here. I must ask you not to scream."

Lockhart rattled all this too quickly for (Y/N) to really process it, but she wasn't planning on paying much attention anyway. "It might provoke them!" Lockhart said dramatically, pulling the cloth off of the cage. A bunch of tiny blue things jumped around the cage, banging against the walls and trying to escape.

There was a soft gasp from the class before everyone realised what they were. "Cornish pixies?" said Seamus, looking amused. "Freshly caught Cornish pixies," Lockhart said, trying to prove whatever point he had. Seamus laughed, causing Harry, Ron and Neville to laugh as well. Lockhart clearly didn't think this was a laughing matter. "Laugh if you will, Mr. Finnigan. Cornish pixies are devilishly tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them."

Lockhart opened the cage door and released the pixies, ducking behind the cage as he did so. All the students jumped up from their desks and screamed, running around madly as Lockhart yelled instructions at them. The pixies threw books off desks and (Y/N) watched in horror as Neville got dragged up by the ears and was hooked to the chandelier above him. Ron, who was behind his sister, yelled, "Use your powers, idiot, get him down from there!"

Neville must've assumed Ron was referring to magic, because he nodded earnestly too. "Please do, (Y/N), please get me down!" But there was nothing she could do; Dumbledore would resume training with her on the coming Saturday, and (Y/N) couldn't see anything that would help with getting Neville down. "Sorry, Neville! We'll get you down later!"

With that (Y/N) grabbed a book off the nearest table and smacked a nearby pixie, watching it fly backwards in satisfaction. However, (Y/N)'s pride didn't last long, because three pixies flew at her from behind and dragged her up, clearly thinking about putting her on the chandelier next to Neville. By this time, most of the students had left the classroom. Only Hermione, Harry, Ron and Lockhart remained inside. Lockhart yelled some weird sounding spell, which clearly didn't work, because some pixies managed to cut the metal chain holding up a dinosaur skeleton.

(Y/N) struggled desperately against the pixies, and luckily Hermione saw her in midair, quickly pulling hard on (Y/N)'s legs and freeing her from the pixies. As soon as he ensured that (Y/N) was safely back on the ground, Lockhart ran up the stairs to his study and wrestled a portrait of himself from two pixies. "I'll just ask you four to nip the rest of them back into their cage." He flashed them one last smile and then slammed his door shut.

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