Chapter Eleven

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Gryffindor had a match against Hufflepuff coming up, but (Y/N), who'd taken up the habit of writing to Tom in her (well, his) diary every day again, was missing several practices, which caused Oliver to be very stressed and annoyed. There was rarely a time he could get the whole team together for a decent practice without one of the three Weasley's pulling a prank, and now (Y/N) was straight-out missing them.

In truth, (Y/N) was experiencing more and more memory gaps. She almost never remembered things she did after 9 pm, which she now knew was Tom's prime time to try and attack more Muggle-borns and chickens. Once Tom called on a favour, (Y/N) would only be able to hear what was going on, and never see anything, since she was now too reluctant to do anything to potential friends. On the day of the Quidditch match against Hufflepuff, Tom asked another favour from (Y/N), which she tried to explain she couldn't do, since she had a match to attend, as well as Oliver's speech beforehand. But Tom proved he was a truly persuasive person, and (Y/N) found her vision blackening as it always did.

This time, Tom found it necessary to block out (Y/N)'s hearing as well, so she'd have to rely on other students' information to find out who she'd Petrified. By the time her sight and hearing were restored, (Y/N) was back in her dorm. She checked her clock and did a double-take; the match was starting in six minutes! Grabbing her Quidditch robes in hopes that she'd have some time to change before Madam Hooch blew the whistle, (Y/N) took off toward the pitch, knocking over Zoe Chang of Hufflepuff on her way. By the time (Y/N) skidded to a halt behind the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, panting and clutching her chest, she could clearly see McGonagall standing in front of Oliver.

"This match has been cancelled," the Professor said soothingly, knowing full well the reaction she might receive. "You can't cancel Quidditch," Oliver said matter-of-factly, ready to argue with his head of House until he got to play in the match he'd trained so hard for. "Silence, Wood. You and your teammates will go to Gryffindor Tower. Now." Grumbling to himself at McGonangall's firm tone, Oliver led the rest of the team away, and (Y/N) stumbled away with them, only for McGonagall to tell her to stay. "Weasley, you and I will find your brother. Potter, you come along. There's something the three of you need to see."

After they found Ron and Professor McGonagall refused to answer any of (Y/N) or Ron's questions, the redheads decided to remain silent as McGonagall led them up to the Hospital wing. "I must warn you, this might come as a wee bit of a shock," McGonagall said in a gentle voice, one (Y/N) had almost never heard. Madam Pomfrey was shaking her head sorrowfully, and (Y/N) dreaded what she might see.

And what she did see, was something she'd been dreading without even realising it.

Hermione and Shelena were lying on two beds that were side-by-side, each having an expression of shock and fear on their faces. It was clear to (Y/N) what she'd done; (Y/N) Weasley had Petrified Hermione and Shelena, not too long after Shelena had completely and wholly believed the fact that (Y/N) couldn't possibly be the attacker purging the school of Muggle-borns. "Hermione, Shelena..." Ron breathed, as Harry's hands gripped his Quidditch robes tightly. (Y/N) had her hand over her mouth as Ron held her shoulder to comfort her. "They were found near the library, along with this. Does it mean anything to any of you?"

McGonagall held up a small, rather plain mirror and showed it to the Gryffindors. They each denied knowing what importance the mirror held, since they genuinely had no idea. Harry reached out to touch Hermione's hand, which was half curled up, and it was clearly the hand that had been holding the mirror. (Y/N) went up to Shelena, and knelt by the bed, next to her ear. "Sorry, Shelly, I really didn't mean to... Merlin, I've been apologising to people much more lately. Probably my guilty conscience, huh? I'll get going now."

(Y/N) left the hospital wing with Harry and Ron, excusing herself the moment she entered the common room, and heading straight
for her dorm. There, (Y/N) sat on her bed and cried, unwilling to accept the fact she'd Petrified two of her best friends. She wanted to skip dinner and everything else, essentially, but Parvati came upstairs to tell (Y/N) that McGonagall was reading new rules that were to be imposed.

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