Chapter Four

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On September the first, the Weasleys and Harry went to Kings Cross Station in a hurry, hopping out of the Weasley family's battered old Ford Anglia and rushing into the station.

"10:58. Come on, come on." Mr Weasley said, hurrying his children along. "Train'll be leaving any minute!" said Mrs Weasley, breathlessly. "Fred, George, Percy, you first."

Fred, George and Percy took the barrier at a run, and disappeared through the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Mrs Weasley then sent a nervous Ginny through the barrier, and she and Mr Weasley went next. "After you, dear," Mr Weasley said, as Mrs Weasley cling to her handbag for dear life so that it wouldn't drop.

(Y/N), Harry and Ron were now left, and the three glanced at each other, (Y/N)'s face full of worry about what Hermione would say: she could picture her friend's stern face, and the lecture they would surely go with it. "Let's go," said Harry, and the three charged toward the barrier. When they did, however, they didn't get to platform nine and three-quarters, instead falling over and crashing into each other.

(Y/N) fell on top of Ron, and the siblings groaned in pain. Hedwig began squawking at the top of her lungs, (Y/N)'s pet rat, (R/N), began squeaking and shuffling in her pocket. Luckily though, he was fine. The twins and Harry stood up, groaning and massaging their bruised butts.

The stationmaster looked over, an annoyed expression crossing his face. "Oi! What do you three think you're doing?" he called. Harry glanced over at Ron and (Y/N) for help to answer the impatient man. "S-sorry. L-lost control of the trolley." said Harry, when he realised that neither one of his friends would be any help coming up with an excuse.

The stationmaster shook his head disapprovingly and turned back to assist other people, as (Y/N) grumbled after him, continuing to massage herself, as Harry and Ron exchanged worried glances. "What can't we get through?" asked Harry, as Ron shrugged. "Dunno," he said. "The gateway's sealed itself for some reason."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes in despair as she rammed her shoulder into the barrier, falling into Ron's arms when she failed to get through. "I don't believe it!" she cried. "Why does it always have to be us that runs into problems?" Just as she finished, a clock sounded throughout the station.

"The train leaves at exactly 11 o'clock, we've missed it!" said Harry, looking from the clock to Ron. "Harry..." said Ron in sudden realisation. "If we can't get through, maybe Mum and Dad can't get back!" Harry and (Y/N) glanced at each other trying to figure out a plan, but they came up with nothing. "Well, maybe we could use your broom, Harry? Do you think it'll hold three people?"

But the raven-haired boy shook his head. "Don't think so. Maybe we should just go wait by the car." Ron looked at Harry with an odd sort of expression. "The car!" said Ron, as though he'd forgotten all about it.

And that, my friends, is how Harry, Ron and (Y/N) found themselves seated in a flying car that was rising steadily into the air and flying in the direction that the Hogwarts Express was headed. Harry looked out the window of the front seat, and then caught sight of several Muggles below him. "Ron," he said to the redhead driving the car. "I should tell you: most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car!" (Y/N) peered out the window from the backseat, and swore she could see a pair of dark eyes staring back at her, but she decided that it was just her imagination.

"Uh... right," Ron muttered, pressing the silver button that was the invisibility booster. The car sped off into the distance, slowly becoming invisible as (Y/N) and Ron whooped in delight. "Now this is how you arrive in style!" (Y/N) called to Ron and Harry, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "Wait till Fred and George see us pull up in this!" Ron's face lit up at this, but the smile soon vanished when the car became visible again. He pressed the button frantically, before turning his eyes back on the road. "Oh, no. The invisibility booster must be faulty!" Harry thought about it for a moment. "Well, come on then, let's go lower." he said. "We need to find the train."

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