Chapter Two

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"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Molly screeched,so loudly that Harry was sure the birds outside had flew off in fear, while Fred,George and Ron yanked the bread out of their mouths and hid them behind their backs. "Oh,Harry. How wonderful to see you,dear." Molly held her hands out to him in a motherly fashion before turning her attention back to her children. "Beds empty,no note,car gone! You could have died,you could have been seen!" She shook her head of red hair and turned to Harry. "Of course, I don't blame you,Harry,dear. I'd expect it was (Y/N)," she glared at her daughter who,unlike her brothers,was the only one there that was shorter than her mother. Still,Harry had to give her kudos for being the only one that wasn't trembling,but instead was glaring defiantly at her mother. "Speaking about you," Molly spat in an uncharacteristic manner,giving her daughter a death glare. "You were probably the one that came up with all this! This is the second time you've been in trouble this holiday,young lady. You'd better watch I don't set you to de-gnoming the garden,(Y/N) (Y/M/N) Weasley,you hear me?!" (Y/N) nodded timidly and Harry couldn't help but laugh inwardly as he tuned out the sound of (Y/N) defending their cases,her brothers backing her up loudly. It was quite rare-and funny-to see the infamous (Y/N) Weasley;known for her confidence, bravery,cunningness, wits and love of shouting,paling and nearly on her knees begging for her mother to not punish her too badly. And to think she wasn't even this afraid of Quirell when he had Voldemort on the back of his head! Harry thought,making a mental note to tease (Y/N) about this later. "Well,you'd best hope I don't put bars on your windows,(Y/N) and Ronald Weasley!" Molly cried,clearly exasperated,though Ron and (Y/N) were sporting matching looks of terror. "Oh well,time for a spot of breakfast!" Molly said to Harry,mentally cursing and thinking of how to yell at her husband later,all the while busying herself with the job of serving five hungry children their breakfasts. Molly kept piling more and more bacon and sausages onto Harry's plate until Ginny came thundering down the stairs. "Mum, (N/N),have you seen my jumper?" She asked as she skipped the last two steps. "Yes dear,it was on the cat." Molly said absentmindedly,causing (Y/N) to look up from her plate in disbelief. "We have a cat?!" She whispered Ron. He shrugged dumbly. "I've never seen it near Scabbers,so I don't really care." He responded. That's when Ginny caught sight of Harry and stopped dead. "Hello!" He said happily,as Ginny's eyes widened in fear and she took several steps back before she turned and fled up to her room. Fred,George,Ron and (Y/N) all exchanged not-so-secret knowing looks and their faces formed evil grins while Harry looked at them cluelessly. "W-what did I do?" He pleaded (Y/N) to tell him. "Ginny," she replied. "She's been talking about you all summer-" "-like you didn't!" Fred snickered. "Shut up Gred! It's getting a bit annoying really." (Y/N) finished with an annoyed look in her brother's direction. "Morning Weasleys!" Another—you guessed it—redhead called from the door. "Morning dad!" "Morning Arthur!" Everyone called in almost perfect sync as the man who was apparently Arthur took a seat at the head of the table. "What a night! Nine raids, nine!" Arthur exclaimed to Molly as he left the table to get something. "Raids?" Harry asked Ron,who swallowed his mouthful of food and nodded to tell Harry he'd heard correctly. "Dad works in the Ministry of Magic,in the Misuse of Muggle artefacts department. Dad loves Muggles-as does (N/N)-they think Muggles are fascinating." Ron said, looking at his sister who sat on his other side. Just then,Arthur sat at the head of the table again and took a good look at Harry. He scanned the messy black hair, the emerald green orbs,the freckle-less face,and gave a small start of surprise. "And who are you?" Arthur looked at Harry,who looked up and seemed surprised that,for once,someone didn't know who he was at first glance. "Oh, sorry sir. I'm Harry,sir,Harry Potter." "Good lord! Are you really?" Arthur said with a curious and excited look on his face. "Dad,please don't...Harry's going to tease us no end if you ask him!" (Y/N) said from further down the table. "Nonsense (Y/N),Harry will appreciate questions about something other than his scar,won't you boy? Well,Harry,Ron and (Y/N)'ve told us all about you. When did he get here?" Said Arthur,cutting up his sausages and taking a large bite, directing the past of his sentence to Molly,who turned from the stove and glared daggers into the back of her husband's head. "This morning," she said steely,placing her hands on her hips and giving her sons and daughter a pointed look. "Your sons and daughter drove that enchanted car of yours all the way to Surrey and back last night." "Did you really? How'd it go?" Arthur asked excitedly,completely forgetting that Molly was standing right behind him. The twins spoke up happily and proudly,but Molly slapped Arthur on his arm. "Right,that was very wrong indeed boys-and (Y/N)-very wrong indeed." Arthur said hastily. He'd nearly forgotten about (Y/N);partly because of the fact that she hid her involvement in pranks so well,and partly because he favoured her and the fact that she loved Muggles so much. "Arthur! Just because (Y/N) loves your beloved Muggles so much does not give you any right to exclude her from punishments!" Molly screeched,much to Fred and George's glee,for it meant they could yell loudly at their father while Ron and Harry shared a grin. "You must know all about Muggles," said Arthur to Harry, causing (Y/N) to slump onto the table in utter embarrassment. "Tell me,what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?" Harry felt Arthur must've surely been joking,but his face was completely serious and he stared at the younger boy,awaiting his answer. "Uhh-" Harry was about to reply,but (Y/N) beat him to it. "Dad! How many times have I told you?! The function of a rubber duck is to play with it in a bathtub!" "Yeah,I guess," Harry muttered,nodding at Arthur,who sighed at his daughter. "Don't be silly,(Y/N). Though you are incredibly intelligent, I'd prefer to hear about Muggle facts from Muggles themselves or those raised by Muggles,thank you very much." "Oh,um-" Harry would've gladly told Arthur as many Muggle facts as he would've liked to hear,but he was once again interrupted by a loud screech. An owl's screech. "Oh,that'll be Errol with the post," Molly said,looking up from her cooking and at the window urgently. A large,brownish owl came swooping toward their window,but missed the opened side by mere inches and crashed into the other side of the window,which was closed. The children rolled their eyes,but Molly and Arthur exchanged looks of worry. "Ooh,fetch him,would you,Percy,please?" Asked Molly,and the oldest Weasley child who was at the table nodded and got up. "Errol;he's always doing that!" Ron lamented to Harry,while Percy picked up the letters and went through them quickly. "Oh,it's our Hogwarts letters," Percy commented, and Molly let out a hum in acknowledgement. "And they've sent us Harry's as well," Percy continued, stopping at the ravenette's letter. "Dumbledore must've known you're here,Harry. Never misses a trick,that man." Arthur laughed,as Molly passed the letters around and hummed again. The children read their letters in silence for a few moments until Fred,who'd finished reading his letter first,spoke up. "This lot won't come cheap mum;the spell books alone are very expensive." He said,his usually grinning face surprisingly serious. "We'll manage," Molly insisted,looking at Harry's letter, since he was the nearest to her. "Well, there's only one place we're going to get all of this:Diagon Alley." After every child had finished breakfast—and Ginny had reluctantly agreed to come downstairs—Molly led everyone to the fireplace,where she picked up a small flowerpot. "Here we are Harry. How about you go first?" Molly suggested,proffering the pot in front of Harry. The boy had no time to ask what exactly he was doing first because Ron pointed out something his mother hadn't thought of:"But Harry's never travelled by Floo powder before, mum." "Yeah,he won't know how to do it! He's not exactly very smart!" (Y/N) nodded,earning a glare from her mother and Harry. Molly thought about it before nodding,just as Harry tried to ask what Floo powder was. "All right,well,you go first Ron,so that Harry can see how it's done. Then (Y/N) can go with him after so that he doesn't get lost." "What?!" (Y/N) shrieked. "But mum! You know how I hate travelling by Floo! I always have to hold onto to you or Dad!" She pouted,trying to somehow silently plead with her mum. "Oh,quit fussing dear. You can go with Harry and hold onto him if you're that desperate. You'll be fine with that, right Harry dear?" Molly said. Both looked at each other,then at Molly,utterly appalled. "But I-" "-enough! Ron,go on then." Ron walked up to his mother and grabbed a handful of the powder and walked to the fireplace. "In you go then," Molly ushered,giving her son a light push to get him fully into the fireplace. Ron shouted "Diagon Alley!" loudly and emerald green flames engulfed him while (Y/N) hid her face in her father's cloak, squealing slightly. "Why couldn't we just take the Knight Bus? Or Muggle buses?" She asked her mother. Arthur perked up at the mention of Muggle transport,but Molly shut down the idea at once. "See?! It's incredibly easy. Besides,Floo Powder is quick and efficient! There's nothing to be scared of,(Y/N)! Now in you go,both of you!" She shoved the two in,proffering the flowerpot to Harry and chivvying them along. "Now take the Floo powder—that's it,very good—now don't forget to speak very,very clearly!" Molly warned, holding up a warning finger to him,and glaring at (Y/N),as if to say 'you've caused enough trouble,so be good for once'. The girl nodded wanly and tightened her grip on Harry's arm, clinging to it like she'd never let go. "Diagonally!" Said Harry loudly,but it was half muffled by (Y/N)'s squeals as the green flames engulfed them like it had to Ron moments ago. "What did he say,dear?" Molly asked Arthur apprehensively, looking toward the sooty fireplace with her arm still in front of Ginny protectively. "Diagonally," Arthur repeated Harry's words,seeming more nervous than his kids had ever seen him. "Oh dear," Molly muttered. "Maybe sending (Y/N) with him wasn't such a good idea;her squeals weren't exactly helping the matter," Molly groaned lightly as she peered into the fireplace. "Well,I certainly hope it did the trick,or that at least they ended up somewhere near Diagon Alley."

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