Chapter Three

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When Harry and (Y/N) landed at a fire grate,it definitely wasn't the grate in the Leaky Cauldron,which was where they were supposed to end up. Instead, they'd ended up in a old and seemingly half-abandoned shop, and the impact of their fall had broken Harry's glasses. "Sorry,Harry,but I don't know the spell Hermione used to fix your glasses. You'll have to wait till we get back to Mum. She'll help you then." (Y/N) said apologetically.

Harry nodded as the two examined the shop,brushing the dirt and dust off of their cloaks. "This must be Knockturn Alley!" (Y/N) exclaimed in a whisper. "Oooh,mum and dad have never let us in here before! Fred and George and dear old Ronnie are going to be so jealous!" But Harry wasn't listening. Instead,he was walking toward a gnarled hand that was on display.

Harry reached out to touch it gently,but it grabbed him tightly,much to his and (Y/N)'s surprise. Harry wriggled his hand around helplessly,trying to wrench it free of the obviously cursed artefact,(Y/N) pulling on his arm in an attempt to help. Neither knew very many spells and couldn't use magic outside of school anyway,so it wasn't much help. Eventually though,Harry's hand was freed,and the two stared up at the hand in fear.

Deciding not to spend anymore time in the shop,which (Y/N) soon found out was Borgin and Burke's,she and Harry walked out hurriedly,making their way to the slightly crowded street. Both heaved a sigh of relief when they stepped out of the shop as out onto the crowded street,but it was short-lived because a warty witch took ahold of their shoulders from behind and smiled a toothless smile at them.

"Not lost,are you,my dears?" She cooed. "I-we're fine,thank you." Harry stammered looking over his shoulder and hoping someone would help him and (Y/N).

Yeah,help probably wasn't coming soon.

"I was just going to-" but Harry didn't have an excuse,so he and (Y/N) just wrenched their shoulders out of the lady's grasp and walked off. The witch, however,wasn't going to give up that easily. "Come with us," she began while several wizards circled around the second-years. "We'll help you find your way back."

"No,please." Harry said, looking to (Y/N) for support. "Y-yeah. We're fine,like he said. We were just heading t-to Diagon All-" "'Arry? (Y/N)?" A loud,booming voice roared over the crowd. Every head turned to gawk at the man,for he towered over all the witches and wizards by at least a head and a half,causing some to shake with fear at his terrifying demeanour.


Harry and (Y/N) smiled up at the half-giant;Hagrid wasn't as intimidating as he seemed,for he was a kind and gentle man,and was a great friend of theirs. "What do yer think yer doin' down here?" Hagrid boomed, looking furious that the two were here. And with good reason, (Y/N) thought bitterly,still wriggling under the witch's firm hold on her upper arm. "Come on," Hagrid finally said,causing Harry and (Y/N) to dash toward him when the witch reluctantly let them go out of fear,(Y/N) silently thanking Merlin for their lucky break. "Yer a mess,yeh two."

Hagrid muttered disdainfully,brushing the remaining dust and dirt off of their travelling cloaks. "Skulkin' round Knockturn Alley? Dodgy place," Hagrid shook his shaggy head,nodding toward the mouldy walls and shattered windows to prove his point. "Don' want no one ter see yer there," Hagrid continued. "People will think yer two are up to know good!" "We were lost! I—hang on," Harry tried to reason,but suddenly realising something.

"What were you doing there then?" "Do you really want the entire Wizarding world to see you as a bad person?" (Y/N) gasped dramatically, shaking her head at Hagrid. "None o' yer cheek,Weasley. I was — um — I was looking fer Flesh-eatin' slug repellent. They're ruinin' all the school cabbages." Hagrid explained vaguely. By this time,they had reached the start of Knockturn Alley and were now seeing the friendly shops that lined Diagon Alley instead. Harry hardly had time to absorb everything,because a very, very bushy head of hair came running toward them, a much tidier head of hair following behind. "Harry! (N/N)! Hagrid!" Hermione cried,looking thrilled, as Shelena Thompson came into view behind her. "Oh,hello,'Ermione, Shelena!" Hagrid greeted, smiling warmly at the girls.

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