Chapter Ten

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After talking to Tom for a little while more, he asked (Y/N) for another favour, which she happily agreed to. Everything went black very fast this time, and Tom said they didn't have much time, since they were operating in broad daylight.

The hisses in (Y/N)'s ears were louder than other times. The memories of past occurrences flashed through her mind, but then she forgot them. There was a loud yell of terror all of a sudden, and (Y/N) sat up straighter on the creature's back. Another scream echoed a mere second later, and then Tom hissed in her ear. "Nice work, (Y/N), you've done me proud. You can go now."

(Y/N) hopped off the serpent and felt as though she was being rid of useless memories. When she could think straight again, (Y/N) did not know why she was standing outside Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. A loud sound of someone running caught (Y/N)'s attention, and  she turned just in time to see Hagrid. He slowed to a halt when he saw the young Weasley. "(Y/N)! Did you hear, someone's been Petrified again! They think Harry's done it, an' I'm gonna go see Dumbledore abou' it."

She stared blankly at the half giant. "They think what?" She finally gasped. "I'll go with you to see Professor Dumbledore, let's go!" Together the two ran off toward the large gargoyle statue outside Dumbledore's office, and Hagrid burst in, leaving (Y/N) outside. She could hear him protesting that Harry hadn't done anything, until he muttered something in a low tone and shuffled out. "Dumbledore don' believe Harry's done it. Good man, Dumbledore..." Hagrid said slowly.

It took a few moments, but Harry came out of the office soon enough. He told (Y/N) and Hagrid about what happened, and recounted what Dumbledore had asked him. "That's funny, Dumbledore asked me something like that a few weeks ago." (Y/N) said, deep in thought. She and Harry were talking about the Petrifications and weird voices in his head. (Y/N) considered telling Harry about her talking diary, but she knew he would think she was crazy. The diary made her feel so special, yet so uncomfortable. It was as though there were an angel and devil in her brain, each telling her different things, and (Y/N) didn't know how much more of the internal debate she could take.

• • • • • • •

By the time Christmas rolled around, the Polyjuice Potion was just about finished. Hermione made everyone confirm who they were turning into; Harry into Goyle, Ron into Crabbe, Hermione into Millicent Bulstrode, and (Y/N) into Pansy. Millicent and Pansy had gone home for the holidays, but it wouldn't be too hard to convince Malfoy that they'd come back to school.

"We'll have exactly one hour before we change back into ourselves." Hermione said, scooping out the last of the disgusting-looking potion and handing it to everyone. (Y/N) sniffed it in disgust as she twirled Pansy's strands of hair in between her fingers. "Add the hairs," Hermione said, scrunching her nose in disgust. (Y/N) added Pansy's short, black hairs into the potion, watching it change colour. "Eww. Essence of Crabbe," Ron looked like he was about to gag, so he turned away from the foul potion. "Cheers," Hermione said simply, raising her glass to her friends.

The glasses clinked after a moment, and everyone put the glass to their lips, downing the potion quickly. Everyone looked more disgusted than (Y/N) had ever seen them. She and Ron dropped their glasses at the same time, (Y/N) hugging her stomach and Ron running to a stall, saying he was going to be sick. "Me too," Hermione said suddenly, running to her own stall and retching. (Y/N) pat Harry's shoulder weakly, then ran off too. She watched as her skin bubbled, then changed completely. Her hair shortened; she felt herself shrinking about an inch; her hair was now jet black and barely ticked the bottom of her ears.

(Y/N) unlocked the stall door and saw Harry and Ron staring at each other, looking horrified. They were trying to imitate Crabbe and Goyle's voices. (Y/N) heard Pansy complaining on a daily basis during lessons with Slytherins, so with her hands on her hips she sneered at Harry and Ron, "Blimey, you filthy pieces of scum look absolutely awful! This is why I like Draco, not you." Ron burst into peals of laughter, and Harry smirked. "Excellent. Now, where's Hermione?" "I-I don't think I'm going!" Hermione said from her stall, her voice high and shrill. "You go on without me."

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