Chapter Twelve

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(Y/N) awoke with a start, not knowing where she was. Her breathing was uneven and she found it incredibly hard to sit up. When she did, she found that her hair was covered in something sticky, and her robes were completely sodden. "(Y/N)..." someone said from behind. The redhead spun around quickly, scared it was Riddle again. But she thanked her lucky stars when she saw it was Harry. "Harry... it was me," the look in Harry's eyes showed that he knew she was talking about the Petrifications.

"But I swear, I didn't mean to, and Riddle made-" But Harry cut her off with a hug, wincing as he went. (Y/N) pulled away immediately, looking down at his arm. "You're hurt, Harry!" she said urgently, cursing herself for not having her wand, though it wouldn't have done much since she didn't know any healing spells. "I'll be fine, just follow the chamber and you'll find Ron-" Harry didn't finish, for the cry of a bird echoed through the chamber. A phoenix that (Y/N) recognised as Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes, soared down toward them. "You were brilliant, Fawkes, I just wasn't quick enough."

Fawkes laid his head down near Harry's wound, and dripped some tears onto it. To (Y/N)'s amazement, the wound stitched itself up almost immediately. "Of course! Phoenix tears have healing powers!" Harry recalled, thanking Fawkes. "Do they really? I love magical creatures, but Mum doesn't keep too many books about them in the house, in case I get any ideas."

Harry laughed lightly, and even Fawkes seemed to smile a little. But when Harry looked closer, he could tell that (Y/N) was trying to hide her tears. "By the way, (Y/N), just know that everything's fine now, it's over. It's just a memory, and you can cry if you need to."

(Y/N) appreciated Harry's words, she really did, she just found crying in front of others really uncomfortable. Ron, Ginny and her parents were just about the only exceptions, since she was close to them, but Harry was a completely different story. Getting up, she walked out of the chamber quickly and wiped away the few tears that had managed to escape. (Y/N) followed the chamber with Harry and Fawkes behind her, and they soon reunited with Ron and Lockhart. (Y/N) looked highly offended, but was too tired at the moment to say so. Oh, they'll hear from me later, no doubt about that. (Y/N) thought grimly as she clung to Ron's ankle and Fawkes carried all four of them out of the Chamber of Secrets.

"AMAZING! This is just like magic!" Lockhart yelled, seeming highly excited. Ron explained that a memory charm of his backfired, and (Y/N) couldn't wait to hear the full story.

The minute Harry and Ron brought (Y/N) the Dumbledore's office, he sent an owl to Mr and Mrs Weasley, asking them to come to Hogwarts, and then (Y/N) was sent to the Hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey had seen the girl enough times to know that (Y/N) was not one to simply down her medicine as told, so Pomfrey disguised it in some pumpkin juice, which satisfied (Y/N). Her parents came within the hour, asking her dozens of questions and making (Y/N) slowly relive the whole ordeal. When they heard what happened, Mr Weasley gave a exclamation of exasperation. "How many times have I told you — never trust something if you can't see where it keeps its brain!"

"Sorry Dad, Mum, you can go now, honestly, I'll be fine." (Y/N) said. "Oh, we'll stay to make sure you're alright, dear! And we've got to talk to Ginny too, see where she got that wretched diary from. See you later, (Y/N)." Mrs Weasley said, kissing her daughter's forehead while Mr Weasley pat her shoulder.

After her parents left, (Y/N)'s brothers arrived, all worried sick. Fred and George attacked their sister with hugs and sweets, and Percy gave (Y/N) a kiss on the cheek, which she vowed to wash off later. Ron came last, having just arrived from the Owlery. "Can you believe it? Me! An award for Special Services! Er, right- how are you feeling, sis?"

• • • • • • •

Once Madam Pomfrey had given (Y/N) the all-clear, the young Gryffindor went into the Great Hall for the end-of-year Feast, along with Ron and Harry. They'd been having a fun time when Neville suddenly gasped. "Harry, (Y/N), it's Hermione and Shelena!" Hermione ran straight to Harry, giving him the tightest hug she'd ever given him, and Shelena hugged both Ron and (Y/N), kissing their foreheads playfully. "Guess I was wrong when I said you couldn't hurt a fly, huh?" Shelena whispered once Ron and Hermione were shaking hands awkwardly, and Harry was watching them in amusement.

"Right? Merlin, I feel so bad.." (Y/N) sighed, brushing hair off of her forehead. Shelena turned her face so that they were facing each other. "I'm sure it wasn't your fault, (Y/N), but whoever made you act like such a psychopath will pay!" (Y/N) laughed a little at that, grateful that she had Shelena as a friend. "Congratulations on solving it, by the way, I can't believe you solved it!" Hermione said suddenly, causing (Y/N) and Shelena to turn and face her.

Harry shrugged modestly. "Well, we had loads of help from you." He said. "We couldn't have done it without you." "Thanks." Hermione said gratefully. "So, basically you guys had help from a girl in a com-" Shelena muttered, only stopping when she heard McGonagall hitting a glass with her fork. "Could I have your attention, please?" At that, the five Gryffindors sat down, not wanting a scolding on the last day of term.

Dumbledore stood up and began addressing the school: "Before we begin the Feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout, Madam Pomfrey, whose Mandrake Juice has been successfully been given to all who had been Petrified." There was a loud round of applause as everyone nudged those who'd just been given the juice, glad to have their friends back. "Also, in light of recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been cancelled!"

This time, the cheers were even louder, but Hermione mouthed 'oh, no!' sadly, while Shelena thanked goodness. Everyone else was still cheering and many were grateful, since no one had studied much due to fear of being Petrified. After Dumbledore sat back down, the double doors leading to the Great Hall swung open, and a certain Hogwarts gamekeeper came in, stopping at the entrance awkwardly. "Sorry I'm late," he said, as many students gasped. "The owl tha' delivered my release papers got all lost an' confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol."

When Hagrid mentioned that, Ron and (Y/N) flushed bright red, and Shelena openly laughed at their misfortune. Hagrid came to a stop behind (Y/N) and her friends, so they all looked up and listened to what he had to say. "An' I'd jus' like ter say tha' if it hadn't been fer yeh, Harry... and Ron... and (Y/N)... and Hermione, o' course... I'd still be you-know-where, so I'd jus' like ter say thanks."

No one had the heart to tell Hagrid about (Y/N)'s involvement with the Chamber of Secrets, so Harry simply stood on the long bench they were sitting on so that he could look Hagrid in the eye. "There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid." He said, getting off the chair and hugging Hagrid tightly. (Y/N) did so too, silently apologising for causing him to be sent to Azkaban. Ron, Hermione and Shelena joined the hug too, so that they were now group-hugging in the middle of the Great Hall.

Dumbledore slowly stood up again and clapped for Hagrid, leading McGonagall, Harry, (Y/N), Ron, Hermione and Shelena to do the same. Soon, most of the Hall excluding some Slytherins were on their feet clapping happily. (Y/N) caught sight of Malfoy pulling Crabbe down by his robes and preventing him from clapping too. Seamus wolf-whistled loudly, and Lee cheered, leading many Gryffindors to do the same. Hundreds of students crowded forward to hug Hagrid as well, and Colin's camera flashed somewhere amidst the crowds.

And for once, no one made an effort to stop him, as they were all secretly glad that he was capturing the moment.

Until next time!

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