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A few days on this island and I was honestly falling in love with this place. It was beautiful. The ocean, the jungle, all of it. It was so beautiful. Hunter hardly spoke to me but he made sure to stay closer now that Artemis was being friendly with me. Artemis was a great listener too. Whenever I had a problem I would vent to him. As if no one were there. He didn't talk back because some things I had to figure out myself. But he did listen.

"Phoenix, this academy of yours, are there other hybrids like you," he asked. I shook my head.

"Not like me no, the only hybrid that is forbidden is Sarah, she is part angel and part witch," I said. He nodded.

"I think I understand now, but seeing as though I am only god of the moon, I can only write prophecies of the moon, the child born to them, the ones that are drawn to it, vampires and Wolves, I can feel them, and some angels, not many," he spoke. He was gentle but he knew what he meant. He wasn't the god of knowledge.

Lucy had said Hunter was not always settled and I shouldn't have to wait around for him, but I had a connection with Hunter. At least I did in wolf form. He and I shared so much time together. I hated to give that away. But he wanted to know himself better. To feel the way he had never felt before. To eat and drink of things he didn't before. To swim the ocean and hike the jungle. I understood. But Artemis made me realize. My life shouldn't revolve around him. He needs room to grow. He needs space to figure out what he wanted to do in life. He needed to see if I had any part of his life.

Moments passed, hours went by, and a day turned into two. But we had all been caught up doing our own things on this island. It was taking us all in different directions. Almost making us forget about each other. Lucy and I hardly spoken in days, Hunter was out on adventures. The rest of the group, stayed in the jungle, hunting, and practicing, while Artemis and I stayed close to the shacks and talked. We knew each other better. He knew my favorite color, and my favorite season. I knew his favorite Cousin, Athena, and his purpose. But he didn't have much of one bow. The moon had been changing so long, it was almost gone.

Words didn't compare to the friend I had in Artemis. He always lent me a hand whenever I was down, or talked to me when I was feeling lost. This island seemed like it made people loose their way more than help them. Maybe this island meant more than just "being lost ." Maybe it "made you lost."

Hunter was always by my side. They called him "My bodyguard" or "guard dog" and it was true. When he was stuck in wolf form, he was my guard. Always. And now he was confused. He wasn't himself. Or he wasn't the Hunter I knew. And I missed that Hunter. I wanted that Hunter back.

"You know, when things around you seem different, one thing remains the same," Ashton said sitting beside me on the rock I had made my home.

"There's a constant to all of this?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Phoenix, I can't explain it to you, but I can give you advice, we are our own worst enemies, but when things change, we remain the same, most of the time we are just looking for excuses to blame others, but we know the truth because we are the only ones who can think for ourselves," he said. I understood it, but at the same time I didn't.

"Ashton, does people seem, different to you," I asked him. He shrugged.

"We are all different. None of us are as normal as we want to be, but who is, we now have a god in our midsts, we have one badass wolf who is a man again, and a girl who is written on just about every moon prophecy there is, is anything ever normal," he asked. He's right.

"This is all my fault," I said putting my head down. He lifted my chin. He squinted his eyes.

"How, how is any of this your fault," he asked.

"I was born."

"Phoenix, that wasn't your fault, your parents knew the choices they made had consequences, but you are a miracle. The power you hold should have destroyed your mother and yet it didn't and here you are," he said. I grinned with tears in my eyes.

"You are everything and more, many wish to be you, and yet you stay true to who you are, and your heart is as big as any human or mere mortal, you are always so strong. And you don't realize how much we all adore you, you are the only person I've met besides Lucy, who I'd give my life for, because you mean so much to me and to all of us," he said. I cried and sniffled.

"Then why doesn't Hunter want to be with me, I have feelings for him and he brushes them off, and now I have a god who Lucy thinks likes me, and I'm confused Ashton. With Hunter it was like I was safe and always close to someone. And with Artemis I can be free to do whatever without that safe body guard attention, and I like that too, but I'm so confused," I said. He grinned and and stood up. He held his hand out to me.

"Come with me," he said.

I hesitated for a moment, and then I gave him my hand and followed close behind him. He led me down to a near by spring. Down toward the end of the rocks. It was beautiful. It shined and the way the water ran off the rocks, it glistened. The trees surrounding it were still and green. It seemed like a perfect place for solitude. I hadn't seen it before. I loved this space.

"It's beautiful." I said. He let go of my hand.

"As a vampire we feel things, certain emotions, as a witch you feel them as a human would, but this is where you will learn to balance them," he said. I was confused.

"I am going to teach you to release the emotions you've bottled, while accepting the ones you didn't know you had."

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