Chapter Thirteen: Surprise

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Song(s) that inspired this chapter:
I Knew You When by Marianas Trench

Rachel's P.O.V.

As we left the apartment building my hands were balled into fists tightly at my sides, and I could feel them trembling in anger. I didn't realize how pissed I was at Nathan until I had faced him. That bastard was living a new life of luxury in that apartment, carefree of worries while we were stuck in this shitty mess, all because of him and fucking Jefferson.

Chloe seemed pleased, especially since she enjoys conflict so much. She was cheering for me and had a big goofy grin plastered on her face. Even through all the anger, I managed a small smile, because having Chloe was the best thing I'd ever have. God, I love her so much.

"Where did choke on a dick come from?" Chloe asked while laughing hysterically; she seemed to really enjoy that moment.

"He had a huge crush on Jefferson, I'm sure he'll find someone else to latch on with his daddy issues." I replied as I slid into the middle seat, in between Chloe and Max in Chloe's truck.

"I just really hope he doesn't hurt anyone else." Max said worriedly, her brow furrowed in concern.

"He won't, because if he does I'll kill him." Chloe said matter-of-factly and began to pull out of the parking lot.

"Chloe, don't say stuff like that. Killing someone is not something you want to do." Max lectured her.

I couldn't help but chuckle. Max was the responsible one, like the mom of the group. It was sweet to see how much she cared.

"It's obviously not something I'll enjoy, but if I have to, I will." She responded. "I doubt I'll have to anyway, not with you here Mad Max!"

We all laughed and my anger slowly faded. The rest of the ride home was just us listening to music and singing along. It felt like old times, plus Max, but that was even better; she was a great friend.

"You sure you don't want to come over for a bit Max?" Chloe asked as we pulled in front of Blackwell.

"I wish I could, but Evan and I are partners for a project and we have a photo shoot in twenty minutes." Max sighed and hoisted her bag on her shoulder.

"Fucking hell!" I exclaimed as I noticed a very nosy Victoria Chase walking over, staring at me curiously.

I quickly grabbed my sunglasses from the dashboard and put them on, grabbed Chloe's hat right off her head and put it on mine, and turned my face away.

"Oh shit, we gotta go." Chloe mumbled as she put the truck in drive.

"It's too late." I hissed as Victoria reached the truck.

"Hello Max. Carrie." She smiled a sickly sweet grin and crossed her arms.

"It's Chloe. You know that." Chloe grumbled.

"Oops, sorry."

"Hey Victoria, Chloe and Ra-, Raquel are in a hurry so I think we should go." Max gently tried to grab her elbow and lead her away.

"Raquel? Nice to meet you." Victoria extended her hand.

I locked eyes with Chloe in a panic. Then, I had an idea. I raised my hands and pretended to say something in sign language. Chloe didn't get it at first, but Max did.

"Raquel is Chloe's cousin, she's visiting. She can't hear you, she's deaf." Max locked eyes with Chloe to get her to play along.

"Mhm, and we have a doctors appointment to get to, so goodbye." Chloe waved and began to drive away. I could see Max stifling a laugh in the rear view mirror as she dodged all of Victoria's questions.

"Now give me my hat." Chloe laughed and plucked it off my head, rearranging it on hers.

"It looks better on you." I admitted with a chuckle, and took off the sunglasses.

"That's not true; everything looks better on you Rach." Chloe smiled sweetly.

Even though it had been a few days, it still felt surreal. I was here, with Chloe. I had finally gotten to meet Max, Jefferson was in jail and I was happy. I hadn't been able to say that for a long time.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked.

"Well, let's go home and relax a bit, then we can look for some P.I.'s." She replied as she turned a corner.

"Sounds good to me. If only Veronica Mars was a real person." I laughed and looked at Chloe who smiled at me in response.

A few minutes later we were back at Chloe's house, and we ran up to her room while no one was home.

I collapsed on her bed, and stared at the ceiling, and for once, my head was empty. I wasn't worrying about anything; I was living in the moment, and it was great.

Chloe took her jacket off and dropped it on the ground next to her door.

"Come lay with me." I patted the space next to me. She came and laid beside me.

"That was a nice cover up back there, with the sign language." Chloe turned her head to face me.

"Thank you. Good job playing along." I replied, playing with a strand of her hair in my hand. "I can't believe she didn't recognize me, we've worked so many times together."

"She's just a self-centered bitch, don't take it to heart. It's a good thing she didn't recognize you though." Said Chloe.


We sat quietly for a moment, like a few days ago.

"Hey, Chloe?"

"Yes Rach?"

"I love you. Thank you for being so amazing." I hugged her tightly and buried my face in her shoulder.

"I love you too." She mumbled into my hair and ran her hand up and down my back comfortingly. Chloe's phone began to vibrate loudly. I waited for her to answer it but she didn't.

"Aren't you going to get that?" I asked her, pulling back a bit so I could see her face.

"No, it's probably just Max. I'll get it in a few minutes." She replied and and hugged me tighter.

                  *         *         *

We must have fallen asleep because we both woke up to a scream from the doorway that jolted us awake.

"What the hell is going on here? Rachel Amber?" Joyce gasped in shock and covered her mouth, standing the the doorframe of Chloe's bedroom. Chloe and I looked at each other, scared and worried. This was very unexpected.

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