Chapter One: Lying

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Song(s) that inspired this chapter: My Immortal by Evanescence

Max's P.O.V

I awoke with a jolt, almost waking up the slightly snoring Chloe beside me.

What the fuck was that? That wasn't a dream, it was more like a vision. I thought to myself anxiously.

I had a vision, too vivid and realistic to have been a dream. I hadn't had visions since the day I discovered my time powers in Mr. Jefferson's class, and this vision couldn't be possible. So why did it occur?

The vision was of an all too familiar girl, pale with long blonde hair, and a fierce attitude. Rachel Amber. She wore her hair tied back, and dark sun glasses rested on the bridge of her nose that covered her hazel coloured eyes. She wore a plain grey tee, and black ripped jeans, with a plaid blue button up shirt tied around her waist. She had beat up old black converse on, like my favourite pair of shoes.

Rachel moved gracefully and swiftly, in the trees surrounding American Rust. She looked drained, and nervous. In her hands was a scroll of paper, with neat handwriting scrawled on it in blue ink. She looked around the junk yard before dashing over to where Chloe's shed was, and she disappeared inside. I tried to call out, "Rachel!" But no sound would come out of my mouth.

After that, I had snapped awake. That vision meant Rachel was alive; it could very well have been an all too real dream.

Chloe and I had dug up her corpse, and we saw her body in that garbage bag, thrown there like she was fucking trash. Rachel Amber could not have been alive, it wasn't possible. So why couldn't I shake the uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach?

I can't tell Chloe, and give her false hope. That'd be cruel, and it would break her. I decided to keep this vision from Chloe, to protect her from the pain. She's had enough bad shit happen to her already, and I don't want to add to that, and bring up old, painful memories.

I haven't used my powers since I almost died playing around in different timelines to save Arcadia Bay and Chloe. It took a really long time, and I almost thought it wasn't possible. The storm did come, but it wasn't nearly as destructive as it should've been, and there were only minor injuries, no deaths. I'm really glad it all turned out okay.

"You look like shit Max." Chloe's voice startled me. My eyes widened and I turned to face Chloe, who was laying on her side, propping her head up on her hand.

"You scared me!" I scolded Chloe.

Chloe put her hands up in defence. "Sorry."

"I just... didn't have a good sleep; that's why I look like shit." I lied to Chloe, hoping she wouldn't catch on.

"I only kicked you twice Max!" Chloe laughed and sat up.

"It wasn't you, although that didn't help." I replied, chuckling.

"It's my bed, I'll kick you all I fucking want." Chloe rolled her eyes, then began to laugh.

"Whatever." I grinned and shook the unsettling vision out of my head. "What's our plan for today?"

"Well, we gotta stop at Frank's, he's holding some pot for me. We can go to the diner for breakfast, and chill at the lighthouse?" Chloe replied, as she changed and pulled on her black boots.

"Sounds good. Except for the weed part." I frowned, in a motherly fashion.

"A girls gotta have her vitamins Mad Max." She shrugged.

"Whatever. I'm going to get dressed." I said and reached into my bag to pull out clothes.

Chloe plopped in her desk chair and lit a cigarette, staring out of her window. She blew out puffs of smoke, and watched their patterns as they swirled in the air.

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