Chapter Fifteen: She's Dead

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Song(s) that inspired this chapter: Alive Again by Marianas Trench

Max's P.O.V.

"Raquel? That sounds like a French name." Said Victoria as she followed close behind me. Nosy as ever, after Rachel and Chloe left she was bombarding me with questions.

"Yeah well she comes from a French family." I replied, sighing as I did. I kept answering her questions with great annoyance all the way to my dorm.

"You know, she looks pretty familiar. Don't you think so?" Victoria asked, crossing her arms and cocking her head at me. I turned away from my door to face her. I knew it was a stupid idea to bring Rachel near Blackwell, and now I might have fucking blown it.

"Familiar? I don't think so. I've only met her once, today." I tried to keep a strong face, not let my wavering fear show as I faced Victoria. She was staring me dead in the eyes, as if she was trying to break me.

"Really? She kinda reminds me of Rachel. You know, Amber? I think it's the hair. She kinda dressed similar too."

"Well, I couldn't say. I've never met Rachel, plus she's dead." I said quickly and harshly. Victoria's mouth opened in surprise and she raised her eyebrows. "I'm sorry Victoria, but I have some work to catch up on." And with that I shut my dorm room door and left Victoria standing in the hall, jaw practically resting on the ground.

It was harsh of me to bring up her 'death', especially since Victoria didn't know she was really alive, but I had to do something to throw her off. She obviously had some suspicions, and I wasn't about to let Bitchtoria spoil it all. Yes, I'm back to calling her Bitchtoria.

I sat with my back pressed against the door for a moment, listening to see if she was still there. After a few seconds I could hear her shoes clicking against the floor and walking away. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Is she gone?" A familiar, gruff voice asked. Stepping out from in front of my closet was Frank Bowers, drug dealer of Chloe, former lover of Rachel and the man I almost shot.

"What the fuck?" I whisper yelled, quickly straightening up and dropping my bag to the floor beside me.

Frank stood in the middle of my room, a few feet away from me. He wore a ratty black tee and baggy jeans being held up by a ragged leather belt. He had an open zip up hoodie over top of it and a faded blue baseball cap sat atop his head, covering most of his messy dark blond hair. Brown running shoes (that used to be white) were planted on my floor, and they weren't going anywhere. His eyes were bloodshot and had heavy bags underneath them, giving the appearance that he hadn't slept for days, and that was probably the case.

"Oh cut the shit." He replied, his face masked with anger and annoyance. "You know why I'm here."

Holy fucking shit. He knows about Rachel. How? I need to lie.

"Is it about Chloe owing you money? I keep telling her to pay you back but she never-" I sputtered out nervously but he cut me off.

"Max." He drew out my name, long and slowly. It sent shivers down my spine. Something told me this wasn't a friendly visit. "Don't lie to me. Where is she?"

"Chloe? I don't know where she went, maybe she went to the diner to see Joyce or-"

"Max! Stop lying to me. I don't want to hurt you. Where is Rachel?" He shouted angrily, his face stony and serious.

"Rachel is dead." I said in a hushed whisper, motioning my head towards the door. People could be listening, especially with him yelling. He understood and nodded.

"Call her. Now." He said through gritted teeth.

"I don't have her number." I replied, holding my phone out to him to show my contacts.

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