Chapter Two: Destruction

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Song(s) that inspired this chapter: Ghost Of You by 5 Seconds of Summer

Chloe's P.O.V

"Argh!" I yelled as I swung the old metal baseball bat at the ancient TV. The screen satisfactorily shattered into little bits and shards of glass that gathered in a small scattered pile around the frame. "That's for the fucker that killed my dad;" I shouted.

Destruction seemed to follow me wherever I went. I always destroyed the good things I had in life, and replaced them with anger. When I was angry, I'd destroy things. It was a never ending cycle.

The day I skipped school with Rachel, the day after we first met at the Firewalk concert, we got in an argument. I was frustrated, feeling like I ruined something new and beautiful, and so I took this same bat, and smashed everything in sight. It was a routine, a familiar place. And I was back, but this time it wasn't about Rachel, it was about Max.

Who the fuck did she think she is, yelling at me like that? Something was bothering her, I could tell. She's always been a terrible liar. But it pissed me right off when she said "it's not my business". She's my best friend, and she has an incredible power, a gift, and we've navigated through it together, been there for each other through everything, and we've been through a fucking lot, yet she pushes me away when I try to help, but if the situation were flipped, she'd be making it a huge fucking deal. I need to cool off, and this is exactly how.

I swung the bat with all of my might and whacked an old sedans bumper, causing half of it to hang and rest on the ground, and the other half to stay loose on the car.

"That's for Max!" I kicked the loose bumper.

"This is for Nathan Prescott and Jefferson, for killing the best person in my life!" I swung the bat down one final time into the windshield of an old speedboat.
"Fuck!" I threw the bat and it bumped off of a tree before clattering to the ground.

I slumped down against an old washer and broke down. I cried into my hands, tears streaming down my face. When I pulled my hands away they were wet.

"Everything good in my life gets ruined, demolished, taken away. My dad died, Max left, Rachel got murdered, then Max and I got in a huge fight. Fuck everyone and every goddamn thing." I sputtered out through choked sobs. I stood up and walked over to the concrete shed where Rachel and I had spent countless days hanging out together.

The shed hadn't been cleaned since Rachel was last in it. I'm not a cleanly person, I thrive in messy areas, hence the junkyard being my favourite place to hang out. Soda and beer cans were littered around, and Rachel's magazines and eyeshadow palette remained untouched on the small table. The elephant tapestry was dusty and stained, and random clutter was strewn all over.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I wish you'd clean it Rach." I chuckled sadly as I looked around.

On the wall, three names were written. Mine in all messy capitals, Max's, and most importantly, Rachel's. I walked over to it and traced my finger over the neat, familiar writing of Rachel.

"Why the fuck did you have to go to that Vortex club party? I told you not to..." my voice trailed off as my eyes welled up with tears. "Now you're dead. If only I could find that fucker Nathan."

Nathan Prescott had skipped town the night Rachel's body was found. No one had heard from him since, but if I could only get my hands on him.... let's just say he wouldn't be 'pretty boy' anymore.

I sat on the ground for a while, and regained my emotional strength, then drove back home in silence.


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