Chapter Eight: Home Shit Home

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Song(s) that inspired this chapter: Wildfire by Marianas Trench

Chloe's P.O.V

I kept stealing glances at Rachel, who was watching out of the truck's window, taking in the scenic view. It was weird to see her again, after not seeing her for a year and thinking she was dead for a few months. It was a good kind of weird, a nostalgic, happy kind of weird.

Rachel had not changed very much at all, her hair was still blonde and long and straight, and brushed back behind her ears. Her hazel eyes still sparkled with creativity and curiosity, and although she had lost her memory for a while, she certainly did not lose her love for flannel.

"So, this is weird." Rachel said, with a small chuckle.

"It is. But it's a good weird." I replied, sending her a small smile.

"I agree." She agreed, trying to wear a happy expression, but I could see her eyes were clouded with worry and doubt.

"Stop worrying," I said, flashing her a reassuring smile. "Everything is going to be fine. We're together again. You're back home." I reached out for her hand, and grabbed it in mine.

Usually Rachel was the one who said or did sappy, touchy-feely shit, but Rachel needs me right now, this is scary and weird for both of us. I'm just so fucking glad that we're together again. I thought I'd never see her smile, or hear her laugh again.

"You're right." She sighed. "I just worry that Damon is going to find out and hurt you or your family." I squeezed her hand tighter in mine.

"Rachel, don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. Mom has David, and well...David is David." I shrugged a little and chuckled.

"Talk about stuff to distract me." Rachel replied, shaking her head slightly.

"Uhhh....I still have some of your clothes and shit at my house, so you can have some of your old stuff." I struggled to think of something to say at first, but luckily, something came to me first.

"Ah good. I was starting to miss my old wardrobe." Rachel giggled. I watched her with a caring smile. Everything was so surreal and perfect right in that moment. Rachel was home. Here, in this shit hole of a town with me.

"Do I have something on my face? Or is it just my natural beauty?" Rachel teased, and caused me to snap back to reality.

I could feel the redness creeping up my face and onto my cheeks. "Your beauty, of course." I chuckled and pulled into my driveway. Thankfully, Dictator David and mom were out at the grocery store, so sneaking Rachel in the house would be easy.

Rachel slipped her sunglasses on her face, and snatched my beanie from off of my head.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, and tried to pry it from her slender fingers. She yanked it away and put it on her head.

"Nope! Are you the one that's supposed to be dead?" Rachel pushed her glasses down the bridge of her nose so I could see her eyes, which were filled with amusement and sarcasm.

"No, but I am the one who paid for the fucking beanie." I rolled my eyes and grabbed her backpack from the floor of the truck.

"Poor Chloe has separation anxiety when her hat is removed from her head. How do you shower? Or sleep?" Rachel laughed once again, and grabbed her other bag.

"With my beanie on. Duh." I silently laughed and climbed out of my truck.

"I'm surprised this thing is still running." Rachel stated as she slammed the loose door.

I pretended to be hurt. "Not only are you insulting my skills as a mechanic, but you're also insulting my baby!" I placed a protective hand on its hood.

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