Chapter Five: Road Trip

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Song(s) that inspired this chapter: Your Ghost by Marianas Trench, and the end of the chapter made me think of Flaws by Daughter

Chloe's P.O.V

We were leaving for Portland in one day, and I had been impatient the entire week. Max insisted that she come along, and I had to wait for her school week to finish.

I just want to find Rachel, and Nathan will lead us right to her, whether he likes it or not. I'm not going to put up with his shit, I'm there to get info on Rachel, and maybe fuck him up a little, that is if I can keep Max away from him for a bit.

I sat up on my bed with a sigh, and looked around my room. It was messy, as always.

Clothes were strewn around the floor, pop cans were resting on random surfaces, boxes of CD's and pictures piled up in the corner of my room. My walls were covered with posters, and anything that was bare had my graffiti on it. I like my room. The filth doesn't bother me. It's quite comforting, actually.

My skateboard was on the top shelf of my desk. I raised an eyebrow as I looked at its chipping paint and cracked surface. It was old, but still usable. I stood up and walked over to it.

"I have to pass the time somehow. I guess boarding could be fun." I muttered aloud to myself, and grabbed the old battered board from off of my shelf. I looked down at my faux black leather boots then at the board again. This footwear ain't gonna work.

I strolled over to my closet and rifled through my shoe bin, looking for my Vans. I passed through my Converse that were tattered and dirty, Rachel's Converse that barely had a blemish, and tons of other old pairs. I eventually found them at the bottom of the bin and pulled them on. They fit snugly, it had been around two years since I'd worn them.

I was seventeen the last time I wore them, and I tried teaching Rachel how to skate after she had found a board in the junkyard. She didn't pick it up as easily as I thought she would though, so it was something I held over her head and teased her about for a long time.

"No, Rachel, push off with your foot!" I laughed and caught her before she toppled on the ground.

"This is too fucking hard!" Rachel groaned and got up from out of my arms.

"Watch me do it again." I stood on the skateboard, and pushed off with one foot, making me sail down the street. The blonde girl watched in annoyance, although she had a slight grin on her face.

"You're supposed to be good at everything," I teased her as I handed her the board.

"Says who?" She raised her eyebrows in amusement.

"Everyone!" I raised my arms in the air and spun in a circle. "Everyone's like 'all hail Rachel Amber, the goddess who can do fucking everything perfectly!'"

Rachel bent over in laughter and punched me in the arm. "You're such a shit-head."

"And you're shit at boarding." I replied with a smile, happy to see my best friend laugh.

No one was home, so I helped myself to one of David's beers from the fridge. It opened with a satisfying fizz, and I raised it to my lips.

I texted Steph on my phone as I drank, it'd been a while since we last talked. I finished my beer, then, I had an idea.

Maybe Rachel still had her phone, maybe she had gotten it back now that she was back in Arcadia Bay. It'd be a slim chance, but it couldn't hurt to try.

I dialed her phone number from memory, and held it to my ear. It rang, and for a second, I thought she answered, but it was just her voicemail.

"Hey, it's Rachel Amber. I'm probably busy right now, or ignoring you. Leave a message." I smiled at the sound of her voice. It had been a while since I heard it, and it felt good, and normal. With a sigh, I hung up, and walked outside with my skateboard.

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