Chapter Seventeen: Fading

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Song(s) that inspired this chapter: Only Love Can Hurt Like This by Paloma Faith

Chloe's P.O.V

Even though his back was turned to me and I couldn't see his face, I was still glowering at Frank. My arm was placed protectively around Rachel's waist, holding her close to me and my face was hardened in a glare. Max came over and stood by my side and I put my other arm around her, pulling the both of them into a hug. We were silent until Max mumbled "Fuck Frank." We all burst into laughter.

"Already have, and might I say-not worth your time." Rachel laughed, and I shoved her jokingly.

"Thanks Max, you handled him well. I'm glad you're alright." Rachel pulled Max into a separate hug and I grinned.

The two most important people in my life were becoming friends. I remember when I was with Rachel I'd mention how I missed Max, and how I'd miss Rachel when I was with Max. Now we were all together, and everything was good. Well, aside from fucking Damon Merrick. We still had to find a way to deal with that dick.

"Well, I think it's safe to say that Frank isn't going to do anything about Damon." Max sighed, her shoulders sagging.

"We still have our P.I. plan." Rachel shrugged while examining her black polished nails, chipped slightly at the fingertips.

"I don't think it's fair to drag someone else into this, it's gotten too messy." Max sighed, adjusting the loose sleeve on her hoodie. She looked at me first, then Rachel. "If Damon found out he'd hurt the investigator. Or worse."

"Max is right." Rachel leaned against the side of an old junker car and looked at Max and I intently. "Damon is a piece of shit who doesn't care who he hurts as long as he gets what he wants."

I groaned loudly and kicked a small stone with my boot, watching it fly into the air and ricochet off of an old, dirty bucket. Everything we planned had gotten fucked and we were back to square one. This hella sucked. "Does anyone have any ideas then? We've gotta do something, we can't just sit around."

"Actually...I might." Max's eyebrows furrowed as she was deep in thought. Rachel and I looked at her expectantly. "We have the money right? We bribe him to leave and threaten him with the police."

"He's not going to take the bribe Max." Rachel sighed. She looked drained and I couldn't blame her. Her life had been so fucked over the past year or so, separated from everyone she loved and dealing with this shit.

"Look, if he doesn't take the bribe we can stall him and call the cops. Rachel you can run so they don't see you while Chloe and I keep him occupied. Nobody is going to believe him and your dad won't show mercy on him." Max explained.

Rachel's face fell at the mention of her dad. He was still the DA and even though they didn't have the best relationship, she still loved him. I walked over to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulders, holding her tightly to comfort her.

"It's the best plan we've got, and we might as well get it over with as soon as fucking possible." I locked eyes with Max and nodded.

"I guess we're doing it then. But no guns Chloe!" Max nodded back at me and shared a worried glance at Rachel but she had seemed to perk up a little. I rolled my eyes to show my annoyance, but I nodded my head and sighed. No guns.

"He doesn't know how much money we have...." She said, a sly smile forming at the corner of her lips. I grinned, realizing what she was suggesting.

"And?" Max looked confused.

"Why don't we take some, go have fun?" Rachel suggested, raising her eyebrows playfully.

"I'm scared of your idea of fun." Max chuckled and Rachel and I joined in. "Unfortunately I have some homework tonight and I can't. Rain check?"

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