Act Around Her

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Naruto's POV

I peer around the corner, watching the front entrance to Konoha. There goes Sakura! Finally. I've been waiting for this day forever.

Sakura was leaving with Shizune to get stuff for Granny Tsunade. I had been waiting for her to leave, so I could start my secret mission.

I ducked back around the corner, making hand signs. I do the last one, using my chakra. A loud poof sound happens, followed by some white smoke.

I look down and around. I did it! I'm Sakura! Now I just have to act like her.

No, I'm not Sakura because I want to do 'naughty' stuff. I have lately been... thinking more about my feelings, and I don't like Sakura in that way.

Don't get me wrong, Sakura's pretty! But I like-like someone else. You'll find out soon.

I attempt to walk like a girl, with my hands behind my back. It's way harder than I thought. I try to stay out of sight, until I get to the river.

I'll just wait here for Sasuke. I had been tailing Sakura lately, preparing for this day. Every three days, Sakura and Sasuke would meet up here at sunset. Today, just happened to be the day.

Hopefully Sakura hadn't told Sasuke she was leaving. I tried to be around them enough that she wouldn't get the chance to say anything, since these meetings were secret.

Also, I think Sakura went out without much notice, since Granny Tsunade needed things suddenly.

I sat waiting until sunset. You know, Sakura's body is so... light. I mean, it's so easy to move in. Although, these clothes are super skimpy. How is she not cold?

"Hey Sakura." Sasuke appears at the river.

"Oh hey Sasuke!" I tried to sound fan-girly.

"Why are you acting like that?" Sasuke sits down next to me, giving me a disapproving look.

"I- I don't know." Maybe Sakura isn't girly when it's just the two of them...

"So... I didn't do what you suggested." Sasuke says blushing a little.

I don't know what that was! "Well, why not?" Maybe I can get him to tell me without telling me.

"Because I lost the nerve when I looked at him." Sasuke says. Sasuke being too nervous to do something? And who's this 'him'?

"Practice on me then." I suggest.

"I mean, I would, but you're not him. It won't account for anything." He says, a bit sad.

"It can't be that hard. It's just him." I reason.

"But I... I love Naruto. That's what makes it hard." He blushes and stares out over the river.

"O-Oh. Maybe it does make it hard." I try to keep my voice even. Me!? ME!? Sasuke loves me!? Why though? And what has Sakura been suggesting he do?

"Looking into his eyes, watching him smile, seeing him train..." He lists.

"Okay, lets not list things about m- Naruto." I almost said 'me'.

Sasuke reddens even further. "O-Oh yeah."

"Tell me what you've tried specifically." I cross my arms, trying to sound Sakura-y.

"Well, I've tried to hold his hand on missions," I redden, remembering the time our fingers brushed, but only for a second.

"I tried to leave a note telling him to meet me somewhere, and I tried to give him a flower. All the times I've almost done something, I chicken out at the last second."

A flower?? A note? Why doesn't he just tell me straight out?

"W-Well, I think you think about it too much. You should just go for it!" I say, smiling.

"Just go for it, huh? Okay." Sasuke scoots closer.

"W-What are you doing?" I lean back, blushing.

Sasuke just moves closer, holding my shoulder, restricting my movement. I gulp loudly.

"S-Stop it..." What in the world could he be thinking?

"Just sit still." Sasuke pulls me in the rest of the way, bringing his face within 3 inches of mine.

He kisses me, locking our lips together. He presses his fingers into my shoulder, holding me still.

I poof back to Naruto. S-Sasuke... Mmhn~ Apparently all the emotions were too much for my chakra to handle. Oh well. At least I get to kiss Sasuke.

He breaks away. "I knew it was you from the beginning Naruto." He says, reddening as he looks into my eyes.

"H-How?" I redden even more.

"I knew Sakura was leaving. At our last meeting she told me." He slides his hand down to mine.

"Oh. Well, I like you too! You didn't have to be nervous to tell me!" I laugh off the nerves.

"Dobe. I already knew that." He seems embarrassed.

"Why didn't you just tell me then?" I taunt.

"Just because." He looks away, into the setting sun.

A minute passes of us just looking out over the river. "I felt your hand brush mine on our last mission." I say.

"You did!?" Sasuke looks a bit embarrassed.

"Yeah. You should've just finished grabbing it." I reply.

"Whatever." He frowns.

"Also, how did you get Sakura to talk about these things with you? Doesn't she like you?"

"She somehow found out that I liked you, and stopped liking me."

Good for me. "So she gives you relationship advice every three days at sunset?"

He looks surprised for a second. "Have you heard all of our meetings?"

"Nah, I just recently found out about them when I was tailing her."

"Oh. That's good."

"Come here." I lean in again, kissing him on the cheek. He turns his head towards mine, kissing my lips softly. I sink into it, our hands still together.

I break away, panting a little bit, since it had been quite a while. I smile at him, turning back to the sun.

I lean against his shoulder, pressing the left side of my body against his. I hear his breath catch, but he holds my hand tighter.

"I love you Sasuke."

"I love you too, Naruto."

A/N: Thanks for reading! I was nervous to post this because I have never posted SNS on here before, so yeah haha. 

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