Naruto's True Emotions

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Naruto's POV

All of the Rookie Nine were hanging out on an off day. It was warm, but not having missions or senseis to train with made everyone bored.

"Ugh... I hate off days sometimes." Ino said.

"I know right? Like, what are we supposed to do?" Sakura added.

Everyone complains so much. "We're supposed to just enjoy our time not having to do anything." I said.

"Not having to do anything. Yeah right." Shikamaru rolled his eyes, leaning against a tree.

"What do you mean?" It sounded like there were things he had to do... I can't think of anything.

Sakura collapsed onto the grass. "Our parents always have chores and stuff."

I tried to act neutral, but my stomach flipped and my jaw tightened. Right. 'And stuff'. Saying it like I wouldn't understand. And would I?

"Always dishes, laundry..." Kiba said.

"W-well if you just do them, then you have time to train later!" I said, awkward at first, but I tried to sound more upbeat at the end. To me, it really sounded like a one-sided conversation, with everyone but me on the other side.

"And then we'll come home to having to help with dinner." Choji said, opening some chips.

It would be a dream to get to help with dinner, instead of making it by myself.

"I- I like helping." Hinata said, quietly and nervously.

"Well I don't. It's always so crowded in the kitchen." Kiba sighed, petting Akamaru.

It's empty in my kitchen. Always.

Shikamaru folded his arms behind his head. "What a drag to have parents."

I bit my lip to stop myself from trembling. I bent my head down, and shifted my feet. To have parents...

"Hey, Naruto. You live alone right?" Choji asked me.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I do!" I snapped my head up, and forced a smile, like I always do.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Sasuke was looking away from the group, but differently than he usually does. Sasuke lives alone too...

I secretly hoped that they would take back all of their comments about living with people being terrible, but of course they didn't. My living alone just fueled it.

"No one to wake you up early unnecessarily."


"Nobody forcing you to do chores."


"No one making you help clean up after dinner."


"You don't have to help with a family business that you don't even like."


My breathing became shallow, and I clenched my fists so tight that I thought my palms might start bleeding. One more comment... If there's one more...

"And a silent and empty home when you come home, instead of a loud and crowded one."


"You know, it must be nice to have people to share food with. To help you with chores. Not always having to make or buy dinner all by yourself." I said, a dangerous whisper.

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