We're... Together

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Naruto's POV

"Hey Sasuke?" I asked, nervously looking up at my boyfriend.

"What?" Sasuke said.

"I want to tell our friends about us. As soon as possible. I-I mean, we've been together for two months... and I feel bad knowing that they don't know." I said quickly. Also I hate how Sakura looks at you.

"Okay. You were the one who wanted to keep it a secret in the first place." Sasuke shrugs and stands up. "Let's tell them now."

"O-Okay." Oh no. This could be bad.

"Dobe. Don't be nervous. I'll be there too." He said, giving me a playful shove.

"I know..." I do know. But... I don't want to be on Sakura or Ino's bad side forever.

Sasuke smirks, and goes to the door.


"Now we're all here. What did you want to say?" Shikamaru asks. This was one of our few free days, so we practically had to wake him up.

"Uhm... well..." I started, my heart rate quickening. Can't go back now. All 10 of them are here. Sakura, Shikamaru, Ino, Kiba... and so on.

I felt Sasuke take and hold my hand, very obviously. Sakura's eyes widened slowly. "What's that for?"

"We're... together." I said, staring Sakura right in the eyes. Then blush covered my face and I leaned into Sasuke a bit.

"Finally. Can I go back to sleep now?" Shikamaru asks. Everyone except Neji turned to stare at him. "What? He said.

"You mean you knew?" Kiba said. Of course Shikamaru would be the one to know.

"Yeah, I did. They were super obvious." He rolls his eyes, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Faces change, some thinking about when we might have been obvious. I mean, sometimes we did hold hands in public. We couldn't help it, okay?

"For how long have you been together?" Kiba questions. Sakura and Ino were whispering in the back of the group, while Hinata looked sad. Wonder what that's about.

"Two months!" I say, smiling after no one seems to object strongly. Neji must've known too. He hasn't said anything, but seems relaxed about it.

"That's a while. Congrats, I guess." Kiba shrugs.

"Thanks!!" I exclaim. This is going better than I thought. But, Sasuke hasn't said anything yet.

After a minute, Shikamaru sighs. "Well, was that everything? Cause if yes, I'm going back inside."

"Yeah, that was it." I laugh, relieved.

"Bye then!" Kiba said. I wave as most people leave, going back home. *Sigh*. That's over. Now, me and Sasuke can show it more!

Oh wait, Sakura and Ino are still here.

"What do you want, Sakura?" Sasuke asks, finally talking. He pulls me closer. Jeez. Forceful much?

"Are you guys really together? Like, dating?" She asks skeptically. Ino nods in agreement, and raises her eyebrow questioningly.

"Do you want proof?" Sasuke said. What is he going to do if they say yes?

"Yes." Ino says. They look at each other and laugh, as if they don't think we'll do anything.

Sasuke turns me towards him, and gives me a long, hard kiss on the mouth. I try to act like I knew that was coming. Sasuke, couldn't you have done something less... I don't know, much?

He steps back, and Sakura gasps. "So you really..." She starts. Sasuke pulls me backwards.

"Um, yeah, we are. See you." I wave, following my boyfriend. Hopefully Sakura isn't too mad that we kept it a secret for so long.

We walk a little ways, holding hands. "Sasuke, why didn't you say anything until the end?"

"Dobe, it seemed like you wanted to tell them. I would've said something." He bumps my shoulder.

"Teme! I was so nervous! You should've helped me!" I protest, frowning.

"Why were you nervous?" Sasuke scoffs. Don't be mean!

"Hey! I didn't know if everyone would... approve of us, okay! And I didn't know if Sakura was going to protest, or hate me or something!"

Sasuke gives one of his rare smiles as we keep walking to my apartment. He practically lives there, the amount of times he stays over. I love your smiles, Sasuke.

"We're here!" I say, relaxing and opening the door. He pulls me inside, shutting the door fast.

"Hey-" I was going to ask Sasuke what he was doing, but he kissed me, cutting off my words.

"Thanks." He said, after breaking away. You could've asked?

I rolled my eyes, but smiled. "You're welcome."

Sasuke, you're a lot, you know that?

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