Storms Scare You

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Sasuke's POV

A crack of thunder jolted me from my reading. Lightning flashes through the apartment window, disrupting the pale indoor lighting.

I check my watch, seeing the time 10:56 PM. I should go to bed. It's not very late, but Naruto's probably going to be worried if I stay up too much longer.

More thunder sounded, and I closed my book and stood. I'm not afraid of storms, but I won't be able to focus now that the storm's closer. And I guess I'm tired.

I turn off the lights, and walk across our small apartment to the bedroom. Me and Naruto live together now, so we share a bed. Sluggishly I brush my teeth, change, and walk towards the bed.

I stop, a couple feet from the bed when I hear whimpers. Small ones, but loud enough. The apartment rattles as a fresh gust blows against the roof. Lightning splits the sky, and it lights up the room enough for me to see Naruto.

Naruto...? I see his outline shortly before it's dark again. Tears reflect from his shattered looking face, glinting harshly.

More whimpers fill the room as I contemplate my options. I'll comfort him. Yeah. But why would he be so afraid? He's Naruto...

I lay down slowly behind him, not wanting to startle him. "Naruto..." I whisper calmly.

He shuts his eyes tightly, curling up farther. I wrap my arms around his back, pulling him closer.

"D-Don't-... *sniff* look a-at m-me... *snif-*" Naruto whimpers, wiping his face aggressively.

"Look at me." I flip him over, so he's facing me. He looks away, fresh tears misting his ocean eyes. I stare right into them.

"W- *thunder**whimper* What, S-Sasuke?" Naruto asks, voice very quiet.

"Do storms scare you?" I ask, brushing a thumb lightly over his cheek.

He swallows, glancing at the rain whipping at the window. "W-What does it- *sniff* matter t-to you?" Naruto attempts to shrug off the question, but he sniffs halfway through, making it lose its effect.

Why didn't you come get me earlier, dobe? I could've been with you for the past three hours!?

"I'm your boyfriend, Naruto. Of course these things matter to me. But how come you didn't come to tell me earlier?" I ask, wanting to know if he thought I would be mean about it.

"I-I didn't wan-'t to get you because... well I t-thought you'd think it was s-stupid, Sasuke." He looks down, gaze looking over my shoulders which are over his upper-arms.

"Dobe. Naruto, I would never laugh at something you're scared of." Just as I feared.

"Except that one time you called me a scaredy-cat because you had to save me from those thieves."

I frowned, and pulled him close, tight into a hug. I was silent, and rain, thunder, and wind continued their cycle, making the roof shake and the windows rattle. Naruto tries to suppress small cries, and he clings on to my shirt, sprinkling it with tears.

"It's okay Naruto. You can cry. I'm not going to judge you." I close my eyes, and cover us with the covers.

"Hmph." Naruto manages to squeak out.

"But tell me. Why are you afraid of storms?" I... I don't know, but I have to know.

He's silent for a moment.

"It just seems that rain is beautiful and all, but it can be so destructive. A lot of bad things have happened on days that it rained. On days that bad things happen, the world just seems to know, and it rains."

Naruto pauses, so I wrap my arms around him tighter.

"The thu-under, the lightn-ning, it's so violent, and... somehow, the loud, uncontrollable, violent-ness of it reminds me... it reminds me of myself. It reminds me of the Demon Fox Spirit, and how little control I have. And how many people I've hurt or... or... killed even."

Naruto presses his face into my shoulder, and I hear him sob lightly.

Minutes pass, and I continue to hug him tight, just being there for emotional support. I don't need to say anything, he knows I care for him from just me being here.

Outside starts to get louder somehow, and Naruto begins shaking.

I'm trying to stay cool. I have to stay strong on the outside for Naruto. But I don't want to be cold! I have to do something...

I move my hands up and down his back, pressing in my fingertips. He relaxes a bit, so I continue giving him a small massage.

I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I start to hum, softly at first, but getting increasingly louder.

I hum a small melody I came up with on the spot, kinda a sad one. Naruto looks up at me, and I open my eyes since I feel him shift.

"Are you... Are you singing Sasuke?" He asks, face really close to mine.

"Dobe. Maybe." I redden.

He reaches his neck forward, and kisses me on the lips quickly. "Thanks, Sasuke." He closes his eyes once more.

"Yeah, any day Naruto. You just have to ask." I kiss him on the head, closing my eyes too.

"Goodnight, Sasuke." Naruto says.

"Goodnight, Naruto." I start humming once more, thinking about how it calmed him.

Eventually, after many rounds of the sad song I had made up, we fall asleep, still holding onto each other. The storm even calms too, and Naruto's whiskered cheeks dry.

Naruto. I'm so sorry that you think I feel so coldly of you. We only just moved in together, but we've known each other for way longer than that. I didn't know, however, that storms made you think of violence, and I wish I could've been there on all those other days that it stormed.

I love you Naruto. I wish to be there for all the coming storms, real or emotional ones. 

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