I'll Let You Borrow This

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Naruto's POV

I stretch and sit up. I'm in Sasuke's room, sleeping on the floor. Yesterday, I slept over at his house because I was too tired to go home, and I convinced him to let me stay.

Where is he? He's not in his bed. I still feel like I could've fit in there with him. But no, he made me sleep on the floor.

I leave his room, and find him in the kitchen. I had picked up my jacket from the floor on the way here, but didn't put it on yet. Last night it had rained, which made all my clothes soaked, and gave another reason why I stayed here.

"Hey Sasuke." I say, yawning.

"Oh, you're awake. Time to leave then." Sasuke says, looking up from the table.

"Wha- Time to go? I just got here!" I protest.

"Well, it's only like a 20 minute walk to your house. So go." He says, standing.

"But I can't." I argue.

"Hm? Why not." He crosses his arms.

"B-Because. My jacket is still too wet to wear. I'll have to wait for it to dry."

"No you don't. Just put it on."

"You feel it!" I hand it to him. He doesn't take it, instead walking to the door.

"No. Leave."

"Sasuke~ Come on. Just let me stay till it dries? It's still raining a little bit. You don't want me to catch a cold, Do you?" Sasuke, don't be mean. Please?

"I-... Fine." Sasuke pulls a different jacket off a hanger in a coat closet by the door.

"Hn? What do you want me to do with that?"

"I'll let you borrow this for the walk home. But you have to give it back!"

"Oh thanks! Wait, does it have the Uchiha crest on the back?" I ask, taking the jacket and turning it over.

"Well yeah, those are the only clothes I have." He says, blushing slightly. ?? Blush?

"Okay." I slip it over my t-shirt. It smells like... cologne and blackberries? Interesting.

"Bye. Make sure to bring it back." He says, opening the door. I will! But first...

I pull Sasuke forward by his shoulder, and lean in. I give him a little peck on the cheek, and then push his shoulder back. I turn and run out the door, smiling and waving over my shoulder, old jacket in hand. (No, he didn't leave it there.)

"Thanks for letting me stay over!" I see him over my shoulder, through the rain. He looks flustered, standing there blushing with his hand in the air.

Hehehe. Just the reaction I hoped for!

Okay! Time to go home. Boo. Everything's so damp. That's rare for the Leaf Village.

"Hey! Naruto!" Shikamaru says, appearing through the mist.

"Oh! Yeah, what?" I say, stopping in front of him. I just want to go home!!

"Well, I see you finally said something to him." He smirks.

"Shh! Don't say that too loudly! And what do you mean?" I say, looking around for someone that might have heard his comment. Nobody's around.

"No one's even here. And I mean, you're wearing his jacket, I can tell by the crest. So... you must've done something to earn his clothes." He points to the back.

"Y-Yeah. Not really. He just let me stay over last night because it was raining, and we were closer to his house after training." I explain, blushing a bit.

"Okay. Though, he probably just wanted to get you out of the house."

"Maybe... Although..."

I contemplate whether I should tell Shikamaru about the cheek-kiss.

"Hm? What?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

Before I can answer, someone runs up to me from behind. They grab my right shoulder, and spin me towards them. It's Sasuke.

"S-Sasuke?" I ask, blushing. I hear Shikamaru 'tch' behind me.

He leans close to my ear, whispering, probably so Shikamaru won't hear. "I like you back." Sasuke says, his breath tickling my ear. I redden. Wha-

Then, he leans back, so he's in front of me. He pulls me forward, and closes his eyes tightly. He kisses me forcefully, locking our lips, in the romantic rain.

My eyes stay shocked open, my back tense, hands clenched. Then, Sasuke steps away, winks, and walks off. I turn slowly back to Shikamaru. What- What was that!?

"Pfft- Hahaha! That was so funny!" He wipes an invisible tear from his face.

"H-Hey! It wasn't that funny!" I pout, still in shock.

"What did he say to you anyway?" He asks, stopping laughing.

"He said 'I like you back'." I heat, thinking about his breath.

His eyes widened sarcastically. "Wow, never woulda guessed."

"Why are you so sarcastic!"

"I don't know. I am a little surprised though. He was pretty smooth with it."

"Yeah. More than I could be."

"Also, what were you thinking about before he showed up?"

"Hm? Oh, well, I kissed him on the cheek right when I left his house."

"The cheek? Chicken."

"Meanie. Anyway, I'm going back to Sasuke." I say, turning away.

"Why?" He asks, confused.

"Because. I-... I liked kissing him." I flush, starting to walk.

"Heh. Be safe." I whip my head at him, blushing immensely.

"Sh-Shikamaru! We won't be doing anything like that!" Shikamaru means... that. You know.

"Ookay. Bye, Naruto." He walks the other way.

"Hmpf." I can't believe he would suggest something like that! Oh well, at least I get to see Sasuke again.

Ugh! He makes my heart skip. Ouch.

I catch up to Sasuke, who's standing by his door. He seems like he knew I would be back.

"Hey Sasuke!" I stand in front of him, underneath the overhang.

"Oh hey." He says flatly.

"Did you... did you mean what you said?" I ask, hoping he did.

"Yeah. Why else would I say it?" He pecks me on the lips quickly, before dragging me inside.

"He- Hey where are you taking me?" I start after him, quickening my step because of his hold.

"Inside. You don't want to get cold, do you?"

"No." He lets go, instead wrapping his arms around my waist. I put my arms up in front of me, hands brushing his shoulders.

"W-Whats happening?" We both blush, getting really close.

He doesn't say anything, instead kissing me once again. I sink into him, getting closer.

Maybe I'll have to take up Shikamaru's advice.

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