Karaoke Night

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Naruto's POV

"Come on Shikamaru! We're going to be late!" I say, looking at Shikamaru over my shoulder.

Tonight all of us friends were going to karaoke together. Me and Shikamaru were probably the last ones to arrive, since I practically had to drag Shikamaru here.

"Ugh. Did I have to come?" He says, slouching over but walking a bit faster.

"Yes! How am I supposed to sing a love song to... him without you there to cheer me on?"

He rolls his eyes. "You're lovesick for that emo ninja."

"Hey! At least I have the energy to put something into it, unlike you!" I blush.

"I do put energy into things!" He walks faster to stand next to me.

"Only shogi." I push open the door to Ino's house. I don't bother knocking since I can already hear people inside.

Taking off my shoes, I survey the room. Choji is at the snack table. Kiba's talking to a bored looking Shino, and Hinata and Tenten are nearby. Ino and Sai are watching as Sakura tries and fails to hold Sasuke's arm. He keeps taking it away.

Lee and Neji are setting up a microphone and a screen on a cleared away spot in the corner of the room.

"Shikamaru!" I say normally, but nobody really hears me except for him because they all have their own conversations.

"What?" Shikamaru asks, frowning as he looks at everyone having fun.

"Who do you think's going to go first?" I ask.

"I don't know, or care." He sighs.

I elbow him. "Aw, come on." I look up as Lee does a test on the microphone.

"Okay! Now that everyone's finally here, we can start!" Ino says, giving Shikamaru a pointed look for being late.

I really hope I don't get drawn to go first. I mean, I already have my song picked out, but still. Not if I'm going to be singing about... Sasuke.

Ino reaches her hand in a basket, and pulls out a name. "Its... me!?"

Sigh. Good, not me. I wonder what Ino's going to pick.

Ino picks a song on her phone, and hits play. She stands in front of the microphone, and clears her throat. She starts.

"Of course it's some sappy song to Sai." Shikamaru whispers and crosses his arms.

Ino had picked some love song to sing to Sai. It was a good song, but Sai wouldn't understand it at all.

"You're such a downer, Shikamaru!" I whisper-laugh.

"Hmph." He says.

We watch as Ino finishes the song, and everyone claps. Ino bows, and puts the microphone back. She kisses Sai, and reaches for another paper.

"Get a room. Gosh." Shikamaru rolls his eyes.

I really hope it isn't me. I don't want to sing in front of everyone!! Not yet, anyway.

"It's... Sasuke!" Ino says, and I sigh in relief.

Wait... Sasuke singing? I can't really picture that... Hm.

"Come on Sasuke!" Sakura's voice breaks me from my thoughts.

Sakura is forcing Sasuke next to the microphone. He grumbles, but picks up his phone to pick a song. "Whatever. Singing isn't really my thing." He says quietly.

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