Chapter Three

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↑↑that's Jimin's outfit at the party↑↑

Note: there is a smut scene. But that would be a flashback. I'm bad at explaining so yeah.


So comfortable I thought to myself as I pull the duvet closer. I snuggled to the source of warmth I'm feeling and found myself smiling. I have never slept this comfortable before. Without opening my eyes, I tug the blanket to cover my chest and sigh in content.

I frowned when I felt something heavy below my abdomen. I groggily opened my eyes and the morning light hit my eyes making me close it once more. I blinked a few times and realized I wasn't in my Room. "Where?" I cut myself off when I felt something move beside me. Wait. Something?

I looked at the heavy thing resting on my waist and almost yell when I saw a veiny arm. It has Tattoos and few scars. Where am I?! "Oh God" I whispered to myself and felt a hot breath hit my hair. I looked to my right side, only to see a toned chest moving softly up and down. I let my eyes travel from chest to neck and saw Tattoos. I cried internally as I recognize the Tattoos.  I look up more and see thin lips, tall nose, sharp jawline, a faint scar on his cheek, and eyes closed. Come to think of it, he looks a little innocent when sleeping. Wait! That's not what's Important here!! Where am I and Why am I here?!! How did I end up here?!!

"Jeon Jungkook" I whispered and panicked. I was sleeping beside him! Naked! We're both naked!

"Shut it. I'm trying to sleep here" he groaned making my body stiff. Once I felt him relax I tried to wiggle out of his embrace. "Ah!?" I quickly covered my mouth. W-why does my whole body hurt? It felt like I was hit by a truck, though I was never been hit by one before— f*ck why am I talking nonsense?!

I tried to stand up even though my whole body freaking hurts. My legs was all jelly but oh well, I need to get out of here. "Ngh!" W-what the? I felt a slick on my butt... Something's coming out!! I looked around the Room and spotted my clothes one by one.  I took my pants and undergarment and quickly put it in, ignoring the sticky thing coming out of my ass. My shirt was hanging on the door knob and I also wore it. My shoe was on the bed and the other across the Room. Where's my jacket? Oh nevermind! I quickly opened the door and without hesitation I ran out.

I almost got lost. Thankfully, There was no one there. The house was obviously a Mansion. Just as big as ours. Though the designs were different. Once I was out of the gate I sigh in relief. My phone was still on my pocket. Good. I contacted my driver and told him to pick me up since I don't want to let Dad know where I am.

"F*ck." I curse when I felt my body aching again. I feel so Sticky. I don't even remember anything that happened. Where's Taehyung for goodness sake! I'm gonna kill him for leaving me alone!

A familiar car stopped in front of me and I quickly got in, "Thanks" I said and sigh. I feel so tired and my body is aching like hell. Good thing it's Saturday. Did I got drunk last night? I really can't remember anything. So annoying. I don't know if I should still go to school on Monday.



"W-Where's Dad?" I asked one of our maids. Well, we only have 3 maids here since there's only me and Dad who lives here in this Mansion. The Maids go home after 5 in the afternoon.

"Still sleeping" she answered and I thank her before going upstairs to my Room. I quickly Strip and went to shower.

I should never let myself get involved with that guy. I should just pretend that nothing happened. I will ignore him. I hate him.

After showering, I looked at myself in the mirror. Damn. My body is covered with hickeys. I Never, ever imagined myself to do this kind of thing. Now I have to wear a turtleneck.


I know. This chapter is kinda short. Just 700+ words. I'm sorry. I feel like I'm having Writer's block. Even though I don't really consider myself as a Writer. I'm just so-so.

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