Chapter Four

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"How was the Party?" Dad asked, typing something on his Laptop. I gulped and focused my eyes on the TV

"Just so-so. I didn't enjoy much. Parties aren't my thing" I answered, sipping my juice. I glanced at Dad who was busy with his laptop and relaxed myself. I shouldn't be obvious that something happened. "You're not going to work Dad?" I asked and he looked at me

"I am working" he pointed at his laptop which I rolled my eyes at

"I mean, you're not going to your company?"

"I don't have any meetings today so, No" Dad answered with a shrug "could you pass me my juice" Dad pointed at his glass of juice which I gave to him

"Спасибо" he said Thank you and smiled before drinking it. "Который час?" He asked and I frown. Was he asking about the time?

"11:23" I answered

"Понятно.(I see.) Let's go eat then" he said, standing up and making his way to the dining Room. I followed suit. The Food was ready. There were allot of dishes and it all looked tasty.

"Dad I'm going to Tae's house later" I informed him and he nods

"Okay. But make sure to be home before 3 PM. Call your driver to pick you up, I have to leave later this afternoon" he said and I mumbled 'okay' and started eating "by the way, your Aunt will come for a visit with your cousin. I don't know when but soon. And, I have a business trip next week so be careful here and don't get into trouble. If you did, Every Person who's involve is going to Jail. Except you of course. Take care of yourself and don't skip meals" Is Dad serious about the jail thing? How can he say all those words with a straight face?

"Okay" I simply answered and he hummed in response "can I drive a car then?" I asked, hopeful. He cocked an eyebrow to me "baby, you have a driver for a reason. Plus, you don't have a license so No. You might get yourself into an accident, Мне это не нравится (I don't like that)." I only nod and pouted.

"When will you return?" I ask and he took a moment to remember

"Maybe after a week, or less. Don't worry, I'll call" he assured and smiled at me which I returned

The days eventually passed and I hang out with Tae. I told him that I couldn't remember anything that happened but he told me that he didn't leave me alone. I actually bid goodbye to him that night and informed him that I was going home. Still, I couldn't remember anything.

The only thing that I remember was I did drink. I got drunk. And that's pretty much it. I can't believe I ended up in Jeon Jungkook's bed. I slept beside him. And what's annoying is It was really comfortable. I hated the thought of it. I didn't want to get involved in his sex life. This is ridiculous. I couldn't even tell Tae that THAT happened. And I would never.

Today is Monday and I just finished bathing, brushing my teeth, and Changing. I head to the dining room where I found Dad making himself a coffee, "Доброе утро(Good morning)" he greeted and smiled at me

"Good morning to you too Dad" I said and got on my tip toes to kiss his cheek. Glad that he leaned down so I could reach him. Dad is pretty tall y'know "are you giving me a ride to school today?" I asked and he said 'sure'. I sat down on one of the stools and started eating.

"Bye Dad" I bid good bye and got off the Car

"Увидимся позже(see you later)" I didn't understand that but I just smiled and waved my hand as he left. I walked in the University and Tae was instantly beside me

"Hey Chim, Good morning" I greeted him back at that and looked around. Trying to avoid the guy who had Tattoos. "Are you looking for someone?" Taehyung asked that made me gulp

"Yeah. I wanted to See Jin Hyung to greet him" I lied.

"I think his class is starting now so you can say hi later" he said and we both made our way to the 2nd floor, to our lockers. I quickly opened mine and took the things I'll be needing before That guy gets here.

I doubled check and turned to Tae who just opened his locker. I closed mine and went to his side. Later, We both got startled by a loud squeal. This is not Good. I peeked at the hallways only to see the guy I'm supposed to avoid. Why does it matter anyway? I sigh and looked at him again. Only to notice he was looking at me and was heading at my direction. F*ck. Just kill me already.

Please don't look at me

No. Turn away

Don't come near, please.

I bit my lower lip when he stopped in front of me. Smell of Familiar Cigarette invaded my nose. I looked up to him and froze. He's scary.

"You." He started and I gulped once more "see you at class" he said lowly and left. Wait. What? He didn't hit me or anything? I'm alive? I'm still alive Oh my God!

"Okay, what just happened?" I heard Tae ask beside me. I turned to look at him and shrug "did that Jeon Jungkook just talk to you? Is there something that I don't know about?"

"I don't know either" I murmured and Tae sigh

"You better be not lying. And, Don't get involved with him Chim, okay? He's not someone you should hang around with. He's troublesome and unruly. He's no good" Taehyung lectured as we walk through the Hallway. Right, I should listen to him. That Guy is no good. "Why am I even saying this? I mean, you're probably aware of those things" I stayed silent as he rant about people who're like Jeon Jungkook. And I stayed silent.


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