Chapter sixteen

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You can't just stay away from me.

... That line keeps repeating in my head for no reason. Is it actually possible that words can hunt you? This is stupid.

“Where do you wanna go first?” Tae asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I glanced up to him before shrugging

“Don't know. How bout you? Where do you wanna go?” I asked Tae back to which he shrugged at too. “Can we not go anywhere today?” I asked, a bit hesitant. I really wanted to be alone today. Just plop in my bed and sleep

Taehyung looked at me with raised eyebrows, “just watch movie in my place then?”

“No. I meant, I don't wanna hang out—” I instantly cut myself off when Taehyung frowned “I mean, I just wanna be alone. Just for today. Please?”

“Jimin, if you don't wanna hang out with me anymore, just say it.” I was about to respond to Taehyung's word but didn't get a chance to because he quickly got into his car and drove away.

... What? Did he just...

Argh!! I really don't wanna deal with stuffs like this today. My head hurts already. Gosh, Kim Taehyung, you didn't even give me a chance to explain.


“Thank you” I told my driver, almost sounding so tired. I called him since Tae didn't gave me a ride. He's the one who usually gives me a ride home. Today was exhausting.

“How's your day?” Sasha asked me as soon as I got in

“Fine” I simply answered, not bothering to look at anyone nor anything. I just went upstairs, all the way to my room. I let my body plop into the soft mattress of my bed and release a long sigh.

I feel empty. I hate this feeling.

I was about to close my eyes when a knock interrupted it. “Jimin? It's Sasha” I heard from the other side, along with the door knob clicking “you already had lunch?” she asked, voice concerned.

“yeah. Thanks for asking though”

“Alright. Someone looked for you earlier, I told him that you were at school. I think he'll be back later”


“Ah, I can't remember his name but I remember that face. You two used to be playmates when you were younger”

“playmate?... I don't remember having a playmate”

“Oh you know, that kid who used to sneak in here so you two could play” she says, “Anyway, I'll be going now. Call me if you need anything”

The memories of my childhood are faint. All I can remember is that, I did meet a kid who used to live in the neighboring mansion. Although, they moved to Another country. Since then, I never saw that kid before.

“Dad will be back tomorrow...” I mumbled to myself as I took out my phone and Dad did call me many times. I should call him. He's probably worried.

....“hey Dad”

“Ah Jimin! You finally called.”

“Sorry, I couldn't answer your calls earlier. I had to do some stuffs. Are you busy?”

“I'm not. Just doing some paper works. And even if I am, I'll still make time for you. How's your day going?”

I smiled upon hearing Dad's response. He was always like this. Sounding as if he misses me every second. “Taehyung and I kinda...argued?”

“Really? That's so unusual. What happened?”

“It's nothing serious though. He just thought that I didn't want to hang out with him anymore. I was too tired to go after him”

“I see. Don't worry, you both know your mistakes. I'm sure you can fix that issue yourself. Or perhaps you need Daddy's help?”

“No!! Dad, stop treating me like a baby. A-Anyway, please don't over work yourself”

“Well what can I do? I'm a workaholic guy”

“Whatever. Have a safe trip tomorrow. And tell Aunt that I miss her”

“How about me? Didn't you miss me?”

“I do Dad. It's just embarrassing to say”

“... I still remember when you were younger, you'd call and giggle at the phone saying how much you miss me. Why are you embarrassed now?”

“I'm a grown up now”

“Whatever you say. Anyway, I'll hang up now. I still have a meeting to attend to. Text me if you need anything”

“Okay. Bye dad”


I sighed as the call ended. Dad is such a workaholic, I'm glad that he's successful though.

... It's lonely here...

I want a pet too... Speaking of pet, I kinda miss Mike Mike and Douglas. I wonder if I can Meet them again without seeing that bastard...

Sighing for the who knows how many times, I stood up and stripped my clothes off. Maybe a bath can make my boredom go away. This place is so silent and I'm quite happy with that. I wasn't the type of person who's fond of noise. But a little music won't hurt. So taking my phone and turning on the speaker, I played a song that had already been familiar with me.

Wild by Troye Sivan.

One of the Artist that I like. I like his voice and style.

Stretching my body, I made my way to the bathroom and prepared the tub. I didn't close the bathroom door since no one's going in.

Jungkook... He's been in my mind 24/7. It's quite annoying me now. No matter how much I try to understand his words, I still couldn't. I even got to the point where I conclude that he probably likes me. But that was seemingly impossible. Jungkook was a hunk guy. Of all the girls around him, it couldn't be me.

I should be glad. But why do I feel a stinging pain in my chest?

This whole thing is ridiculous. I shouldn't have made myself close to him. Been trying my best to avoid the possibility that maybe we can be friends. Because since day one, people around me had said to not get myself involve with a guy like him. But there was something about Jungkook that makes me curious. I don't even know what that is.

When I was young, even until now, I was determined that I'll never like someone or even marry someone. I always thought of it as a burden. Liking someone... It's truly scary. It makes you change the plans you had for the future.


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