Chapter Nineteen

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I guess I really have a bad memory for not remembering his face. Though, I did remember having a playmate. We used to ran around the whole mansion(which was tiring), then Sasha will scold us for returning so dirty. He used to be smaller than me tho. I was a little taller back then.

“Hey, you're dazing off again.” I snapped out of my thoughts when Taehyung called, stopping the car. “What is it this time?” he asks, buckling off his seatbelt, “We're here.”

“It's nothing. I just met an old friend today. I don't remember him much but he used to be my playmate back then.” I explained, taking off my seatbelt too.

“What?! You had other playmates besides me, and I didn't even know about them?” He exclaimed, playfully making a face of betrayal.

“Like what I said, I couldn't even remember him that much. Don't worry, you'll meet him tomorrow. He's one of the students from Shinu University”

“Oh. Okay, what did he look like?”

“Tall and Handsome” I said, shrugging while getting off the car with Tae

“You sound like it's not a big deal at all.”

“...I mean, I've been surrounded by handsome men since then, so I'm used to having a handsome man beside me. David is handsome. You're handsome. Jin hyung, Joonie, and Hobi hyung are handsome too. As well as Jungk—” I cut myself off. What the... “So..yeah”

“I see. Anyway, let's go in.” Taehyung says, grabbing my hand as we go in

I looked around and frown, “Wow. This place is a lot more comfy than I thought.” I say. The interiors are quite cute.

“told you so.” We both chuckle, and headed towards the bartender. So I guess, we can have our own private conversations here... “I also invited the rest” Taehyung informed.

“That's great. I kinda miss them. They've been busier lately.” I say, looking around more only to spot Hobi hyung entering. I smiled and waved at him whom immediately saw me too

“Jiminie!!” He called, running towards me to hug. I hugged him back and we both laugh for some reason. “Where's Joon? Jin hyung?” he asked, breaking off the hug

“they'll be here soon.” Taehyung answered, still talking to the bartender.


“So you two plan to live together?” I asked, taking another sip of wine. Dunno what wine it is but it's yummy

“Yeah. We're actually looking for a place now” Jin hyung answered. Well, they're both gonna graduate soon anyway and they've been in a relationship for years. Good for them, I guess?

“Jiminie, that's not yours! This is a strong wine” Taehyung said, taking the glass from my hands

“Aww. It's yummy~”

“See you're already drunk.”

“I'm not” I retorted, feeling dizziness. Ah, everything's becoming blurry. Tae's right. I'm probably getting drunk.

“Your father's gonna scold us. You said you won't get drunk and yet, here you are” Taehyung says, “Should we go home?”

“Noo!! You should enjoy your time. I...I'll go home alone. I'm gonna go get a cab” I said, standing up. A little dizzy but I managed not to fall

“Let's go together” Tae insisted, also standing up

“I said no Tae!” I scolded letting him sit again. “I'm not drunk. Okay?”

“Ugh, why are you so stubborn?”

“Whatever. Who said that I was going home right away? I was just gonna go pee”

“I'll go with you then” Hobi hyung said, standing up

“Why? You're gonna pee too?”

“Well, No. But you need assistance—”

“Oh please. I'm a grown adult so let me be” I said, turning my back and headed for the exit. I just lied to them since I want them to enjoy their time. I gotta go home now since I have classes tomorrow.

Ah, Seriously. My head's a mess. “ackk!!—” I stumbled backwards as I bumped into someone “I'm Really sorry” I said, bowing immediately.

“It's fine.” He said so I looked up. “You should be more careful.”

“...Yes. I'm really sorry” I apologized again to the guy. He's not that tall, almost the same height as me but he radiates a cold aura. “I'll be going now. Please have a good time” I said, bowing again and walking away. This time, looking at my way


“hm?” I looked for the one who called and saw a figure walking nearer. Who?? “Do I know you?” I said, blinking and narrowing my eyes to make the blurriness away. Why do people's eyesight go blurry when they're drunk anyway?

“What are you doing here alone? You're drunk” he said, holding my arms to Support my wobbly body. I think I recognize this voice.


“Yeah?” oh, it is him!

Wait. Why did I feel excited?...“What Happened?” he asked again

“I'm here with my friends. We went drinking. I got drunk so I'm going home now while I'm still a little conscious” I explained, my feet getting more jelly. I would've probably stumbled around if Jungkook isn't holding me

“I don't think you can drive though?”

“I'm gonna go get a cab” I answered

“...I'll drive you home.”

.... It'll be fine, I guess? “Okay!” I said, wrapping my arms around his neck, and getting on my tippy toes. “But you have to carry me” I said, and he did carry me.

“I thought you hated me” he mumbled. I frowned and nuzzled on to his neck

“You're nice to me. Why would I hate you?” I mumbled too, kissing the tattoos on his neck.

“Don't do that. You're gonna get into trouble if you do”

“Do what? I'm against violence” I said. I hear him chuckle as he put me down on a familiar sit. Probably his car. “Can I stay at your house instead? I promised my dad that I won't get drunk. He'll get mad”

“Are you sure?” he hesitantly asked, buckling my seatbelt.


“... don't go around blaming me tomorrow then.” He said, getting on the drive seat

“Why would I blame you? I don't usually blame anyone for anything. I usually blame myself instead, specially when I realize my wrong doings.”


“Your phone buzzed” I informed when I heard it. Jungkook buckled his seat belt before taking it.

“Forgot about Yoongi hyung” He mumbled, chuckling at himself as he replied.

“Who's Yoongi hyung?” I asked, frowning at him

“My friend.”

“You have a friend?” I asked as he put down the phone

“Of course. He's a wise guy. He's only a friend, don't worry.” Jungkook assured, leaning near my face and kissing my forehead...

Wait... Assured? “I-I wasn't jealous!!”

“But you were pouting. It's cute.”

“Gahh! Whatever” I said averting my eyes somewhere else.


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