7. Mutual friends

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I stayed at Jules' for the day, not daring to venture into town lest I accidentally stumble across Kane again and send myself into another spiral. It had been years since the subject bothered me— or at least, I thought it had been— but here I was with a churning stomach, staring at the ceiling while the TV played something for background. He looked good, he looked...happy. His eyes weren't empty and emotionless like they had been years ago but it almost hurt more to know he got to return to a normal life, one I'd never had after the fact. Away from me and the familiars and the war that broke out after he disappeared.

"You've got to stop doing this to yourself," I muttered, tearing my fingers away from my lips when I realized I'd been anxiously gnawing at the skin.

It was close to six when Jules finally walked in with a pizza box in her hands and kicked her heels off at the door, dropping down to sit beside me on the couch and dig in excitedly. The last time I had proper Terran pizza was probably over a year ago and I was more than happy to stuff my face while I had the chance. Thanks Kane.

"What time do we have to be at the club?" I asked, leaning back and sinking into the leather.

"I think doors are at nine so we should probably leave here around eight-thirty," she hummed, "two hours to get ready, I think that's more than enough time."

"I don't know, you do like to admire yourself in the mirror."

She cursed me out and I laughed hard enough to chase that sinking feeling away before I got up to follow her back to the bedroom. Jules insisted on doing my hair and I begrudgingly agreed, watching as she made 'Sailor Moon buns' out of my locks— whatever the hell that is. It did look cute in the end so I wasn't complaining, getting up to let her use her vanity and finding my bag in the spare room before I dumped it out on the bed. We'd gone to events like these before, my stolen I.D. was still valid and I whipped it up to compare in the mirror just to be sure I still looked like 'Astrid Moore'. Her hair was blonde but my unnatural hair color was easily explained away with dye as an excuse every time.

There was a range of items to pick from in here but I ended up with a glittering golden dress, the fringe just long enough to cover the majority of my skin before I tugged a black bolero over my head with a turtleneck. The hem hid my merkaba beneath the elastic and I broke out my new shoes, lacing the strap around the fishnet before I stood again. The final touch was a pair of refraction goggles I'd plucked off a boy that wouldn't quit hitting on me ages ago and I liked to think I looked pretty damn good. The sparkles and glitter would keep their eyes away from the scars, or at least I hoped.

"I wish you'd let me do your makeup," Jules pouted as I joined her in the living room, the red bodysuit she was wearing revealing her whole stomach and just a touch of the underside of her breasts, definitely flirty if she was looking to woo a boy tonight.

"I'm wearing goggles dear, you wouldn't be able to see it anyway," I laughed and before we could make it to the door she whipped her phone out, pulling me into her side while I rolled my eyes before caving and lifting the goggles to let her take a picture. I could never smile like a normal person though, I made an ugly face and winked as I stuck my tongue out while she grinned.

"Why can't I ever get you to look like you're not sucking on a lemon," she jabbed me in the side teasingly as I cackled.

"I'm sorry, being mercilessly hunted leaves a bitter taste in my mouth!"

She cackled and grabbed a coat before we trotted down the walkway to her car, blasting the heat and the music while I settled in for the ride. Jules was a lot better driver than I was, if she let me behind the wheel I'd drift the bitch around every corner I saw but she didn't have the same crappy Camaro she did in college so I wasn't going to wreck her new one. Downtown Seattle was a lot different than north Seattle where I typically wandered but we passed right by the venue before we parked, my eyes glued to the door as I dropped my goggles down and scampered across the street while she held my hand. Two quick flashes of our I.D.'s and a little more inquisitive glance toward mine they finally waved us inside while the place boomed with heavy bass. The anxiety from earlier slipped away as we dove into the crowd, enjoying ourselves for just a few moments before she began to look for her new boy toy.

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