25. Good tidings we bring

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After putting on my best Seattleite, Terran accent I walked up behind the man and summoned a crystal beneath my foot to make it skid, my sneaker squeaking on the tile before I bumped right into him and apologized profusely for the spill. With a quick flick of my fingers the wallet was stashed in the pocket of my coat and he was in good spirits about it, making a joke about putting a wet floor sign out before I walked back to Asher and Jules. His eyebrows arched in surprise and she offered a pretty smug half-smile as she crossed her arms.

"Perfect, jaw's a little slimmer but everything else is alright." I clicked my tongue triumphantly as I held the plastic up to compare. "To whom it may concern, typically bartenders and cashiers, you're over twenty-one and can legally consume Terran spirits and tobacco. Congratulations."

"We just legalized pot last year too," Jules snickered, "how much cash?"

"Enough to get him some decent clothing," I snorted and pulled it out before putting the wallet back in my pocket, "let's scram before he gets suspicious."

She turned and led the way, charming her way through just about every interaction she had with the store workers while we hunted through our options. Most of the employees were women and I watched as they went out of their way to approach him, being as kind and helpful as possible while they batted their eyelashes at a brick wall. He couldn't tell if he was being flirted with to save his life and I laughed to myself as they began to hunt down some options. I chose to peruse the racks myself, having already turned the wallet in to the help desk and sighing as I plucked through all the options. Too expensive, the only thing I could justify spending a decent amount of money on was shoes and that was for comfort's sake. I have shoplifted on occasion but it was a holiday, I'd spare them the hassle.

"I like the yellow one," Scylla whispered, glancing to my side to find a tiny face on a tentacle as she looked around.

"You like yellow anything dear," I chuckled, "I don't wear it much, though once summer does come around here I might. It's cuter on crop tops than sweaters."

She giggled in my ear, "I like your new clothes. Could've fooled me for a Terran any day."

"Blending in has never been my strong suit, I'm not sure how," my ears burned as I laughed.

"How old are you now?"

"Twenty-two. I know, I'm old, it's been a very long time."

"You're telling me, you've got boobs," she giggled and my face only burned hotter. "I can't believe it's been almost ten years. Felt like a lifetime."

"How much do you know about what happened?"

"I know mummy and dad are gone. Ravyn's gone completely batshit, we saw that coming a mile away. Frey's become even more of a spoiled cunt."

"That she has."

"Everything's gone to hell, essentially, that I know." She paused and let out a softer gurgle. "You look so pretty with all those shinies, you remind me of a Danrisian, and Asher— he's so tall! I'm sure I could see out to the Coral Sea if I sat on his shoulders."

"Here it would be the Pacific Ocean," I loosed a warmer laugh, "I'm so happy to have you back, my animus."

"I'm very happy to be back, with my natales no less."

Warmth washed through me while I perused and listened to her chatter, finally spotting Jules and Asher bobbing around through the racks while I rounded a corner. When I approached he'd had a few choice items and there was something silvery in Jules' hands that she looked excited about.

"There you are! Even with those shoes these racks are taller than you," she teased, "what do you think of this dress? I saw it and thought you'd love it."

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