23. The Cornu Ruby

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Asher and I continued to sit and talk in the corner, my eyes finally adjusting to the darkness and revealing that I'd hit the leg of a cot, the cell furnished only with that and a bucket that I didn't even want to describe the smell of. Even for a dungeon this place was oddly quiet and I eventually grew tired of the strain, pulling a scrap of paper from one of the inner pockets of my coat before setting it on fire.


"Since when did you learn magic?" He scoffed at me and I cracked a smug grin.

"Since Nova figured out I've got a natural aptitude for fire," I chuckled, watching the scrap burn and feeling grateful for even the smallest hint of light, "where's Fen being kept?"

There was silence for a moment before he spoke, "Kris killed him."

"Was that the first time?"

"Luckily," he said flatly, "felt like my whole body was being ripped apart but the pain's faded. I was always careful in combat, made sure he wore his armor."

"Good," I sighed, "I'm sorry man. Nova told me the specifics when I brought up familiars."

"It's a lot bigger responsibility now than it used to be that's for damn sure."

We paused when a figure approached the bars of the cell and while I couldn't see past their armor I knew for sure it wasn't Nova, they were much too tall. They were definitely female though and she spoke with an Alchemian accent as she slid a tray of food through the slot.

"Eat up boys, it's your final meal. Be grateful this will be over soon."

"Tally?" Asher piped up but she didn't respond as she walked away, leaving me to reach over and investigate.

"She a friend?" I asked, finding stale bread and slop but as I picked the bread up to huck it I felt a weight to it that shouldn't have been there, "what—?"

"Oh you bloody genius of a girl." He snatched it immediately, tearing it open and revealing that it had been cut into to deposit my stolen items. Asher handed over my phone and merkaba but the knife was gone for good. He wrapped a woven leather cord around his wrist with a charm braided into it and when I looked closer I saw what looked to be a canine's tooth.

"Someone with a Terran accent asked me for the pin to my phone," I started, opening the screen and swearing when I saw the damage but it still half worked, just enough to see that my notes app was open. "Hold on, there's a plan here. 'Sorry for the hit, tell Ash to head south when Nova gets here and go to the old shoe shop, I have two florehorns waiting. P.S., congrats on giving us the best show we've seen in years'."

"Talayeh was Terran but she got stuck here when the ban happened. Traveler like you and Nova, very good friend of mine, a hoot to drink with. She's the one I usually bribe to get out the gates and go check on—"

Something akin to the sound of an explosion went off above us and we were on our feet instantly, stumbling to the bars and peering as far as we could down the hall to watch guards begin to panic. They hadn't been expecting her so soon. Within moments the terrified shouts of Cornu Ruby began and I raised an eyebrow to Asher.

"Ruby Horn," he made a twisty motion off the side of his head and I let out an ahh.

"She's really caused a lot of trouble, hasn't she?"

"That's why I love her," he laughed, "little sister, are you done making a mess yet?!"

"If you'd give me five seconds I will be!"

Her voice echoed loud and clear down the hall and I watched one of the men fall to reveal full armor, two red horns now adorning her head instead of one and I couldn't help but crack a grin. Nova marched straight to our cell and spoke, twisting her hand like there was a key in it before pulling the door open and letting me greet her by sweeping her off her feet for just a few moments. She held me just as tight and when I set her down she placed a sword in Asher's hand, the same one I'd gotten from the Nox.

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