Chapter 5

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E's P.O.V
Everyone left and began to walk whilst me and reece got our shoes on,we didn't say anything to each other , once we were ready I went and walked with James and he walked with tom and Barclay. I didn't really know what to say to him because I was so confused over what had just happened.

Reece P.O.V
E's being a bit strange with me since I tried to kiss her,it's only been like 10 minutes but we were in the house alone for like 5 and she didn't say a thing to me and I was ready before her so I waited out side as the others had began to walk but when she came out she just went straight to James. I've only known her a day and our relationship All ready confuses me! i had been excited for this walk coz i thought it would be cute ,like on a late night walk with her but now I'm here I'm just in a bad mood and E isn't even speaking to me.

i didn't know where we were going but i don't think any of did to be fair we were just out because we all needed air. After a while we decided to walk round this lake that we ended up at, James and E started talking to talk to Barclay but after a while James and Barcs sort of drifted away from her. The path began to get a bit thinner meaning we had to sort of walk in twos leaving me and her together at the back which i was sort of happy about but i wasn't really sure how to act. We had literally been walking together for 30 seconds whens she tripped over and root ,which i guess she didn't see because it was dark . As she fell my reaction was to instantly catch her , i mean we were at the back so no-one else noticed and if hadn't caught her she would have probably face planted and it would not have ended well. Once she was back up on her feet she looked at me for a few moments and then we just burst out laughing ,i loved it and i felt like we were back to the way we were earlier.

"hurry up lovebirds"Casey shouted as they had all carried on walking on not noticing what was going on behind them.

"where coming so shut it"i shouted back to him still slightly laughing.

the rest of the walk me and E stayed at the back just talking about things in general and joking about. Once we were home we all decided we would bring the mattresses down and just make a mattress floor for everyone to sleep on ,this worked so well and it was awesome. E's house was pretty big (don't know why coz her mum doesn't seem to work but that's none of my business) so it meant there were a few spare rooms all with double matreses and plus her room and her mums room it meant that there were plenty mattresses to cover the floor.

everybody jumped on a space and we ended up in a sort of line but at multiple angles and half of us were lying one way and the other half the other way but in the end it ended up being going , Barclay ,Tom,Casey,Jake,James ,Chris ,Laura,Charlie, E and me. Most of us were tired now ,i mean it was like 2am so we all led talking quietly except for Jake and Case the're never quite. After a while E sort of fell asleep,she curled up to me with her face hidden in my chest and i just lay there next to her ,happy with how this day ended and excited for to see what happens tomorrow.

"look at the cuties"charlie said getting every ones attention and pointing at me and her

"aww there like a full on couple"Chris said

"ssshh shes asleep"i replied getting slightly annoyed because they were loud and they were going to wake her ,and James and tom who were also asleep all ready

"oohh guess hes a protective boyfriend" Casey said to Chris and they both burst out laughing.

Okay so I did really bad at uploading this week and it was just because I was busy doing things-I'm not blaming it on school coz I think that's stupid ,there's 24 hrs in the day and you only spend like 6 of them at school so that's not much of an excuse.

So yeah ill try and do better at uploading and btw thanks everyone for 100+ reads x

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